Why Do I Keep Relapsing To Porn When Stressed? (Consider This) nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction

 The free guide I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Wondering why it's so hard to stay strong on your no porn journey?

And why you keep relapsing back to porn as soon as you're stressed?

Well if so, today's...

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NoFap - How To Know You're in A Flatline (The Porn Flatline) nofap flatline nofap relapse porn flatline quitting porn

So you decided to quit porn, huh?

And no your libido is gone?

You've heard about the No-porn / NoFap flaltline, but now you have a few questions...

Like, how to know you're in a flatline?

What does the NoFap flatline feel like?

Well, let's...

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How To Not Binge After A Porn Relapse (Breaking A Long Streak) nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction

The system I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Are you trying to quit porn?

Have you noticed how easy it is to start bingeing after you relapse?

Or how hard it it to not go into full binge mode after you've relapsed on your...

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NoFap: is Edging a Relapse When Quitting Porn? (How Bad is it) dopamine desensitization nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction

The Dopamine quiz I mention in the end of the video can be found right here!

Are you trying to quit using porn?

And now you are wondering whether edging counts as a relapse or not?

So, what's the deal here?

Is edging a relapse on NoFap?


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What To Do After A Porn Addiction Relapse (The Day After) nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction

Are you trying to quit using porn?

As in, you know, tying to overcome your porn addiction?

And now you're wondering, what should I do after a porn relapse?

Well, let's take a look...

What To Do After A Porn Addiction Relapse

Scandinavian Bob...

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NoFap - How To Deal With Triggering Images (Solution Here) nofap nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse quitting porn

Wondering how to deal with triggering images while on NoFap?

Do you find that triggering pictures often make you relaps on your NoFap journey?

Well, fear not, because this is precisely what we are going to talk about today.

Let's jump in...


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NoFap Energy (Unbelievable Energy Increase) no pmo nofap benefits nofap relapse

Are you curious about the NoFap energy?

Or more accurately the NoFap energy increase you can start experiencing when embarking on a journey.

Well if so, stay with me here because today I'm talking about how your natural urges are related...

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Am I Back To Zero if I Relapse To Porn on NoFap / Retention? nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse quitting porn

So you just relapsed, huh?

And now you're searching the web for questions like...

  • NoFap relapse  am I back to zero?
  • How much does one relapse on NoFap put you back?
  • Am I back to zero if I relapse to porn?

Well, let's jump in and take a...

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What's The Worst Kind Of Porn Relapse? (Long, Short, Ignorant Etc.) nofap relapse pmo addiction pmo reboot porn relapse quitting porn

Wondering what kind of porn relapse is the worst?

Well, take a look at today's video as it might perhaps change you an "aha-moment".

Here we go...

What's The Worst Kind Of Porn Relapse?

There is one super important thing we need to talk about...

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Should You Punish Yourself When Relapsing? (Porn Addiction / NoFap) nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering if you should punish yourself when relapsing on your NoFap journey?

Or if you should punish yourself if you happen to relapse when you're trying to quit porn?

Well, this is what I'm talking about in today's video, so stay with me to the...

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Quitting Porn & Dopamine Cravings (Staying Stuck in Relapses) dopamine nofap nofap relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Trying to quit watching porn?

And now you're curious about dopamine cravings when quitting porn?

Perhaps you're stuck in a nasty porn relapse cycle and you are wondering how to tweak your mindset to get out of it. 

Well, let's take a look......

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Relapsing After 90 Days Of NoFap / Quitting Porn (What Happens Then?) no pmo nofap nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post

Wondering what happens if you relapse after 90 days of NoFap?

How bad is it if you relapse after having gone 90 days without porn?

What happens if...

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Porn addiction Reboot - Slip or Relapse (Handle it The Correct Way) nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

A slip is not that bad when you're rebooting. 

It is what happens after the slip that dictates your future success. 

Let's take a close look what I mean by that...

Porn addiction Reboot - Slip or Relapse

We often get the impression that...

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Having The Right Mindset When Wanting To Quit Using Porn no pmo nofap nofap relapse pmo addiction pmo reboot porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the article...

Having the right mindset when getting off porn is super important.

Today we are going to take a look at how you must change the way you view...

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How To Stop Relapsing To Porn When Having Urges (Consider This) nofap relapse pmo reboot porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering how to stop relapsing top porn when you're having urges?

Well, let me ask you a question...

Do you have a plan?

And more importantly, are you practicing your plan?

Check this out...

How To Stop Relapsing To Porn When Having Urges

If you...

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3 Signs: Why You Are Failing NoFap (Without Even Knowing it) no pmo nofap nofap relapse

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the video further down in the article

Wondering why you fail at NoFap?

Or how to not fail at NoFap?

Well, you could start by reading this post because it is about hidden mistakes you make,...

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NoFap - Is Peeking A Relapse? (If You Have A Porn Addiction vs Not) nofap nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction

Wondering if peeking on NoFap is a relapse?

What about if you have a porn addiction, is peeking a relapse then?

Let's take a closer look.

Here we go...

NoFap - Is Peeking A Relapse? (If You Have A Porn Addiction vs Not)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!...

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NoFap / Not Watching Porn - When You Can't Even Go One Week nofap nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the text.

Are you trying to quit porn, but you can't even go one week without relapsing?

Are you having problems reaching 7 days on NoFap.

You're really...

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NoFap - Are Wet Dreams Relapse? Will They Slow Down My PMO Recovery? nofap nofap relapse pied recovery pmo addiction

Are you wondering if wet dreams are considered a relapse on NoFap?

Or are you wondering if wet dreams hold you back, or slow down your PMO reboot?

What about PIED recovery, are wet dreams going to interfear with that?

Well, let's take a closer...

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NoFap - When To Reset (When Should You Reset?) nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse quitting porn

Have you been doing some things you kind of regret?

And now you're wondering, when should I reset on NoFap?

So, what's the answer to this. When should you reset if your doing a pmo reboot? Or when should you reset on NoFap in general.

Well, let's...

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NoFap / Porn Binge Relapse After Long Streak (It's Pretty Bad) nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

So you have just experienced a NoFap / porn binge relapse after a long streak?

And now you're wondering a bit about what that means for you?

Well, let's talk about it.

Make sure to stay with me to the end here...

NoFap / Porn Binge Relapse After...

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Disappointment is A Big Trigger For Relapsing Back To Porn (Not Good) nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse quitting porn

Are you currently doing a pmo reboot?

But you keep relapsing back to porn?

In today's video post we are going to talk about how emotional triggers can be really tough to handle when you are doing a porn reboot.

Disappointment, for example, is...

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How Bad is A Relapse When You're on NoFap Or Trying To Quit Porn? no pmo nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you wondering just exactly how bad it is to relapse when you're doing NoFap or trying to quit porn?

If relapsing back to porn is really bad if it happen, say once or twice a month?

Just exactly how bad is relapsing on NoFap?

Well, this is...

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NoFap - Should I Reset? (This is When You Reset On NoFap) nofap relapse porn relapse

Are you wondering when to reset on NoFap?

Did you just do something that you're not entirely sure if it counts as a relapse or not?

And now you are wondering, should I reset or not?

Well, if so, you are in the right place, because today we are...

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