3 Signs: Why You Are Failing NoFap (Without Even Knowing it)

no pmo nofap nofap relapse

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the video further down in the article

Wondering why you fail at NoFap?

Or how to not fail at NoFap?

Well, you could start by reading this post because it is about hidden mistakes you make, that will automatically make you fail NoFap.

Let's begin...

Why You Are Failing NoFap 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

This channel is about discovering interesting biohacks and smart self improvement tricks in order to build a stronger self.

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#1 You are now relapsing more often than you did a year ago...

Yes, this one is kind of obvious, but I still see many people become blind to it. So that’s why  we need to talk about it. 

Listen, I have often said that when you want to take stock of how your NoFap journey is going, you shouldn’t compare week to week, because that’s such a short time frame. If you have been relapsing a bit more than you would like to lately, you need to zoom out and look at the big picture.

Recognize progress...

Let’s say for example that you kept relapsing every 8’th day on average last year. But this year your average streak has been 16 days. Well, then that’s progress. 

It may not be as good of a progress as you would like, but it’s still progress.

However, if you on the other hand now keep relapsing once or twice a week. Then, yeah I’m sorry to say you’re failing because, well you’re going in the wrong direction. 

Now, If you notice this, then don’t freak out about it. What you need to do instead is to consider getting some help or changing the way you approach your reboot so you can get back on track and start building up those longer streaks again.

#2 You are only living for NoFap

Yes, this is the other end of the spectrum. There are also guys out there who have become completely seduced by the NoFap benefits. So much so that the only self improvement thing they care about is not touching their dick. 

Listen, you are unemployed, with no friends and no social life, and you had to move back home and live in your mothers basement because you can’t keep a job, can’t afford an apartment, can’t afford to eat, then it doesn’t matter if you’re at day 500 of NoFap or not, because your whole life is going in the wrong direction here. 

Is your life improving or not?

Now, this is not as common as the first point, but it does happen. And you need to be aware of the fact that if NoFap is the only thing you care about, you too could end up in this very trap.

Imagine getting to the end of your life, being completely broke, having no family and no friends, having an alcohol addiction, spreading negativity around you because you're bitter and resentful.

Do you really think anyone cares if you then go, "Haha, I made it through my whole life without busting even once."

If you were to do it like that, then again, you have failed your NoFap journey because one more time; you should never have NoFap as you only focus in life.

NoFap is to be used in tandem with other self improvement stuff.

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#3 Addiction transfer.

If you started to be able to go longer and longer streaks without using adult sites and you are about to overcome your addiction, then that’s great.

However, I have sometimes seen guys doing this while they instead started drinking more, smoking more and started becoming addicted to other destructive things instead. 

If you are doing this, then again, I’m sorry to say, you are failing NoFap. Because remember, NoFap should be used as one of the pillars in  your self improvement journey.

And if you then go ahead and start collecting other destructive habits, then you’ve literally fallen off the self improvement journey.

Alright, so if you think you belong to the group of guys who are now relapsing more often than what they did a year ago, or 6 months ago, then you can check the links under the video for...

Or then take a look at this video right here ==>  where I share what steps you must take if you are one struggling to go even one week clean.

Just take a look right now, and see what you need to do.

-Scandinavian Bob

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