Why Do I Still Watch Porn Even Though I No Longer Like it? (Answer)

porn relapse porn-addiction

Why do I keep watching porn even though I now longer really like it?

The dopamine fasting course I talk about in the end of the video can be found right here.

Well this is a question I get somewhat often so today I thought we would talk about that for a while.

Because the truth is that many people keep doing this  even though they feel that they no longer like it. Which at first can seem kind of odd, I mean one would think that if you no longer really like something you would just stop doing it, right?

So what’s going on here?

It's because of addiction related brain changes

Well, if you know about the 4 addiction related brain changes then you would know what’s happening here. And by the way, I can like to a two part video series at the end of this video because having a good understanding about these brian changes will definitely help your rebooting. 

But what’s going on here is actually indicative of an addiction, because you were right in your assumption that normally if you stop liking something you would just stop doing it. 

But what’s happening here can be explained if the zoom in at two of the brain changes that take place in a porn addiction.

Sensitization and desensitization...

Sensitization and desensitization.

Now, most of my followers already know what desensitization is. That basically means a numb pleasure response. In other words, you become numb to life's pleasures, well actually you become numb to almost everything. 

So with repeated use you become more and more desensitized, so you desensitization goes up like this. 

And with repeated time your sensitization can also start going up, and  sensitization is not the same thing, because what sensitization really is is kind of a super memory of pleasure. 

Your brain has created a super memory of pleasure...

Your brain makes you remember whatever you are addicted to better and you basically become more reactive to or more sensitive to triggers and cues. 

So what really happens here is that you develop an imbalance between liking and wanting. 

Your wanting goes up, even though you actually feel less enjoyment when acting out.

And as I said in the beginning, this is a sign of addiction. In fact it is often a sign that addiction may have progressed pretty far because in the beginning of the addiction process you most of the time still like your drug of choice pretty much, but here, you no longer really like it, but  just keep doing it anyway.

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Why do I keep watching porn even though I no longer enjoy it
Conclusion and final words

That answers your question right there, to sum it up; in addiction your wanting goes up while your liking, with time, actually goes down.

But the good news is that the sensitized pathways do get a bit weaker, but more importantly they can fall asleep, so to speak.

So, it’s not like you are forever doomed to be ridden with super strong cravings for the rest of your life and, if you stay away from your drug of choice then the desensitization can fully reverse.

In fact, that’s the main thing you should be doing even though you can probably speed things up by doing things like physical exercise, eating healthy and dopamine fasting, of which by the way, if you haven’t received an email about that then I’ happy to announce that my dopamine fasting online course is finally ready.

I’ll put a link to it in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading,

Scandinavian Bob

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