Why Do I Keep Relapsing Back To Porn? (Take A Look At This)

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering why you keep relapsing back to porn?

Well, if so, you need to watch the video above. 

You can reach out to me and find the booking calendar on my coaching page right here.

Have you ever promised yourself that this is it, this was my last relapse, only to fail again a few days later?

And then ask yourself, "What happened? How is this even possible? How can I break my own promises like that?"

And so, that deep feeling of guilt and being disappointed in yourself sets in. 

The reason for why you keep relapsing back to porn...

Well, you’re not alone and this is actually not your fault.

You see, by watching porn for so many years it is like you have created a relapsing software in your brain that activates by certain triggers in your life.

And when this happens YOU are leaving the driving seat and a relapsing autopilot takes over. And this happens again and again and again, keeping you stuck in the porn addiction cycle.

My name is Scandinavian Bob...

Hi, I’m Scandinavian Bob and through  a 1 on 1 coaching session I help men finally break the addiction cycle with my 4 step porn crushing system.

Maybe you are familiar with my YouTube channel Project Stronger Self (old name, my new name is now Dopamine Focused Warriors) and perhaps you have seen some of my videos where I often talk about porn addiction.

I was addicted to porn myself...

It’s a subject that is near and dear to my heart because, in August next year I have been a part of the porn addiction community for 10 years (at the time of make the video).

The first years as a porn addict myself, desperately trying to get out of it and then after reading everything I could get my hands on in order to be able to help myself, finally succeeding, and now the last couple of years as someone who helps others succeed as well.

I'm passionate about helping guys figure out why they keep relapsing to porn, and how to deal with it...

I’m passionate about helping guys overcome their porn addiction because I know how bad it feels to be stuck in the porn addiction relapse cycle. 

That feeling of deep shame and regret you have after a relapse, being so disappointed with yourself that you can hardly look at yourself in the mirror.

After repeatedly breaking your own promises you stop trusting yourself...

And when you promise yourself to quit, but then you keep breaking your promises over and over again, and so you finally stop trusting yourself and you start thinking...

..."Man, I have let myself down so many times now that my own words no longer really mean anything."

Porn addiction is progressive and gets worse over time...

And what’s even nastier is that, well most of us know that for example alcohol addiction is progressive, meaning it gets worse over time.

And after almost 10 years in the porn rebooting community I have seen how porn addiction for many guys also tends to get worse. Until their so desensitized by all the porn, that they escalate into watching all kinds of weird things in order to try to get the same dopamine amount.

You get so desensitized that you can no longer enjoy anything in life...

But in the end, even that stops delivering, because the reward system is so numb.

And let me tell you; this is a bad place to be in, because when you’re that desensitized to stimuli it becomes very hard feeling any kind of joy or excitement from everyday normal life.

And this is something I experienced first hand in the midst of my own addiction

Not to mention the low energy and lack of drive that follows along with desensitization. 

It took me years to figure out why I kept relapsing back to porn and how to break the cycle...

It took me years of trial and error to finally stop relapsing back to porn, but I’m so glad I did, because I went from being a depressed anxious man, with sluggish erections, almost no motivation and drive, hating my life, but having no energy to do anything about it, to now having abundant amounts of energy, more ideas than I know what to do with, feeling happy healthy and strong in every way.

The solution to stop relapsing back to porn is this...

 And this is all because I figured out how to break the addiction cycle and finally managed to leave porn behind for good.

And this is what my 4 step porn crushing system can do for you too.

It will make you stop relapsing so you can get rid of that heavy guilt and pain and so that you too can get a better life.

When it comes to relapsing back to porn, I have seen it all and tried it all...

You see, after being almost 10 years in the rebooting community, I started to see patterns that 99.5% of men do wrong when they're trying to quit.

My 4 step porn crushing system helps break those patterns.

And during the 1-on-1 coaching with me, I will tailor this system exactly to you and your circumstances.

And this is not something you can get from your ordinary local therapist, because after having been involved in the porn addiction community for almost a decade now, I have really seen all the pitfalls one can fall into specifically when it comes to quitting porn.

Golden rules for overcoming porn addiction...

In addition to this we are going to go through some golden rules, again that I tailor to your unique situation, and these rules will help cement the porn crushing steps even harder - so you can stop relapsing back to porn, and finally leave your porn addiction behind for good.

The coaching requires no technical skills at all...

The coaching session happens via Zoom, and if you aren’t familiar with zoom, don’t worry,  it’s really easy to use,

You don’t need to be technical at all.

After scheduling a session, you will be getting an email with a link to the meeting, and then at the time of your meeting, when you click on that link it will take you straight to the meeting.

And you can decide if you want to use your camera or not.

I will be using mine, but if you are feeling a bit shy  you don’t even have to show your face if you don't want to.

You deserve to have a good life...

Listen, you deserve to live a good life.

Don’t make the same mistake as I did. Trying to figure it out all on my own, as I literally wasted 7 years of my life doing so.

If I would have known from the start that it would take me that long I would have been seeking help as soon as possible.

So, take a look at my coaching page right here, and schedule a one on one call with me and I’ll be happy to tailor and share this system with you.

Because the 4 step porn crushing system is guaranteed to give you some new insights. 

Just pick a date and a time from the calendar below, and I’ll be happy to help you out. I’m looking forward to talking to you.

-Scandinavian Bob

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