NoFap Energy (Unbelievable Energy Increase)

no pmo nofap benefits nofap relapse

Are you curious about the NoFap energy?

Or more accurately the NoFap energy increase you can start experiencing when embarking on a journey.

Well if so, stay with me here because today I'm talking about how your natural urges are related to that NoFap energy.

The NoFap Energy...

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

When most guys get urges on their NoFap journey they go, “Oh no. This is so bad”

Or “Oh, no here are the urges again I don’t want to relapse” 

Or “Oh no I have urges today again, I’m so freaking addicted”

And I often get questions in the comment section something along the lines of, “How long until the urges go away?”

Here’s the deal guys…

Biological urges are not bad...

In fact, almost no small things in life are either good or bad, but it’s the meaning you put on them that determines how you feel.

So don’t put a stupid meaning on the urges. 

Urges are a part of the human experience, that’s just how it is, and here’s what you can do instead; instead of thinking that “oh no this is so bad”, try to feel how the urge feels in your body.

When you do that you notice that it’s nothing more than energy. 

Would you want to have a life without energy? 

The NoFap urges are like having a car with a "turbo button"...

Of course not. when you’re having urges, it’s like having a car where you can push a button and you temporarily get more horsepower out of it for hour or two.  

Now how cool wouldn’t that be?

Well, congratulations, that’s what the NoFap urges can do for you as well. 

Embrace your urges! 

Embrace your urges...

They are energy. They are the very thing that gives you the most power. 

So, instead of feeling sorry for yourself put the urges to good use. Let them drive you forward in helping you achieve your goals.

Let them fuel your workouts...

Go for a run, go to the gym, let them fuel your workouts. 

This is why I keep going on and on about how important it is for you to have goals and things to do besides doing NoFap as well, because the truth is, you’re always going to have urges.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks or less by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Channel the energy into working on your goals...

And you bloody well need to learn how to channel that ENERGY into different activities if you want to take advantage of the NoFap powers to the highest possible extent.

And Lastly, just to avoid any confusion here, this video was about the natural urges that is your real libido that every healthy man gets and NOT about dopamine addiction cravings.

Know the difference between natural urges and addiction cravings...

Because there is a difference. 

Ok, guys, so a short one today, but I know many of you needed to hear this so I wanted to share it with you and if you want to get rid of those dopamine addiction cravings, then you need to look at post right here => A Good online course for quitting porn

Because over there I talk about something that has the potential to do just that.

This is Scandinavia Bob signing out for today. Keep going and stay strong.

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