5 Benefits Of Giving Up Porn / NoFap (These Are Actually Real)

no pmo nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn

Is NoFap legit? 

So why should I stop watching porn?

Why should I do NoFap?

Is NoFap really worth it?

What are the benefits of giving up porn?

Have you asked yourself any of those questions? Well if so, you've find the right article because today we are going to take a close look at 5 real benefits of quitting porn and doing NoFap.

5 actual benefits of doing NoFap...

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

So, why should you start NoFap, what’s the point? Well today we are going to take a look at 5 pretty damn good reasons why you should do NoFap and quit watching porn.

Now, let me just say, there are a lot more reasons than this, but these are the big ones and some of them are pretty shocking to say the least, so you might want to stay with me to the end here. 

Reason #1 To avoid getting erectile dysfunction...

That’s a pretty damn good reason right? 

If you didn't know this then it’s about time you’ll find out. Yes, fapping to online porn can actually make it difficult for you to get it up with a real life partner.

Difficult or have weak boners OR it can  even become impossible with total ED. This is called porn induced erectile dysfunction (PIED),  and today so many guys are having issues with this. 

Is porn induced ED a real thing?

Yes, it most certainly is. And I should know, because I suffered from it.

Now, I’m not going to go into all the science behind it, because that would make this video too long, but let me just quickly say that it happens  because of physical changes inside your brain. 

When you are fapping to (porn) your dopamine levels are so high that you are overriding your natural satiation mechanism, and this causes desensitization, basically a numb pleasure center.

High dopamine in combination with fapping to porn is rewiring your sexual responses to pixels on a screen...

And the high levels of dopamine are also rewiring your brain to become aroused by pixels on a screen instead of real life people. 

This is because dopamine is really the motivation and LEARNING chemical - and when it is high, it teaches your brain where the reward is.

Is NoFap legit? Yes, because with porn you are training for the wrong "sport"...

Fapping to porn is basically like training for the wrong sport. 

This PIED did not happen before we had high speed internet, because the old fashioned adult magazines or VHS tapes were nowhere near as stimulating as today’s tube sites - where you can keep clicking from video to video every 20 seconds. 

Now if you already are having problems with weak boners I’ll leave a link under this video to a blog post I wrote with 12 helpful tips you can try to get your boners up and running again...so to speak, but don’t go there just yet because there are more reasons why you should start NoFap here.

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Blog post: Weak erections during flatline

Reson # 2 To Reduced social anxiety...

Thousands and thousands of guys, from all over the world, are reporting how their social anxiety got a lot better after starting NoFap.

For some guys  even to the point of disappearing altogether. 

I recently made a video / blog post where I explain the science behind why this happens, and I can link to that one in the end, but here’s a quote from just one guy's experience with this...

“I’m on day 54 on nofap today and for the last two weeks I have noticed how my social anxiety has become less intense day by day and The last couple of days it has been non-existent for the first time in several years. My confidence is sky high and I have more energy than I know what to do with. I will never EVER go back to my old life”  -Guy #1-

And here too I have made a full blog post where I share the science behind why this happens so if you want to take a deeper dive into the subject. Check the links under the video. 

Reason # 3 More attraction to real life people...

 NoFap and woman attraction. Is there such a thing?

Answer: yes!

When you stop fapping to porn your reward system in the brain will start healing from all the years of abuse. 

This means that it will become more sensitive to more normal, vanilla, stuff again.

That’s right, you will no longer need some super hardcore weird online stuff to get the juices flowing. In fact, this is one of the biggest reasons why most guys start rebooting, and it is working for them...

...so NoFap is definitely legit!

 Real life girls start looking way more attractive after quitting porn...

100 of thousands of guys are reporting how they now find real life women so much more attractive, after giving up porn.

Even just a smile from a normal looking girl can be enough to give them butterflies in the stomach.

Isn't that a beautiful thing? Just like nature meant it to be :)

This is the way we are supposed to work, by the way. We are supposed to get turned on by real life people and not by pixels on a screen. 

Reason #4 Increased confidence...

You want another reason for starting NoFap?

How about this; increased...confidence!?!

Yes, this is also a very common benefit guys are reporting. There might be several reasons behind why this happens, but one of them is for sure because the brain dopamine system starts functioning much better after we quit fapping to online adult entertainment. 

Related post: Does NoFap really increase confidence?

Increased confidence is one of the most common benefits of NoFap / quitting porn...

The increased confidence is one of the most common benefits guys are reporting so if you decide to give nofap a try, chances are you too will experience this one. 

Here’s a quote from a guy who gave up porn... 

“I’m on day 45 of NoFap and my confidence is through the rough. It feels like a superpower honestly. I can talk to any girl I want without being nervous at all. It’s like I suddenly couldn’t care less what people think of me, and I used to be a pretty anxious person. I have to say, I did not expect this at all” -Guy #2-

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

Reason number #5 More interest from women...

Why should I stop fapping to porn?

Well, how about, NoFap attraction, again!?!

This one is a bit mysterious, I’ll give you that, but so many guys have noticed this phenomenon. It sounds strange, but for many guys who go on a NoFap journey, this really starts to happen. 

In fact it is so common that guys on forums refer to this phenomenon as “NoFap women attraction”. 

Again it sounds weird, but I can attest to there's something to it. And as a middle aged man, who has both of his feet firmly planet on the ground, I wouldn't not bullshit you here!

NoFap attraction is a bit mysterious...

No one can really explain what's going on here, although I have a few theories myself, which I share on my website and if you're interested in my personal view on this..

...I can leave a link to that NoFap attraction blog post right here.

But here’s a quote from one guy talking about this...

“How the hell  can women suddenly give me this much attention? I started NoFap about two months ago and I have NEVER EVER had girls  look at me like this before. It’s like I’m walking with some kind of force around me that women pick up on.” -Guy #3-

Don't have to take my word for it...

Now, I’m not saying you have to believe it, I’m just reporting what thousands of guys are experiencing, and again, I do try to explain it in the blog post, NoFap attraction, so if you're interested in discovering what mysterious things could be going on, check go ahead and check it out.

Ok so, the benefits of quitting porn and doing NoFap that we just talked about are of course experienced differently for everyone, but for some guys they can actually be so strong that some like to refer to them as “superpowers”.

NoFap and the so-called "super powers"...

Now, unfortunately not every guy will experience these so-called superpowers, and if you belong in that group, you might want to check out another blog post I wrote a couple of days ago called...

...“How to get the nofap superpowers”, as I’m sure you might discover some interesting tips there as that post is about how you can trigger and kickstart the superpowers. 

A lot of links today, but that's just how it goes, sometimes :)

Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, consider subscribing for more helpful videos and as always...

...I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself, and remember, as Winston Churchill used to say,  -If you’re going through hell, keep going-

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