The BEST Benefit Of Quitting Porn And Doing NoFap (Seriously)

nofap benefits quitting porn

NoFap benefits!

There are a lot of them and in today’s video I’m going to talk about perhaps the best one of them all.

Now this will go deeper than what you first think so stay with me until the end of the video you’ll see what I mean.

NoFap gives you more life...

...and I mean this in several different ways. 

NoFap and quitting porn gives you more "life"...

First, did you know that a lot of guys find that they need less sleep while doing NoFap?

Yes, this is something I have noticed myself as well.

Before I started rebooting a few years ago, I needed about 8 and a half hours of sleep - and even then I had to drag my ass out of the bed.

Well, today I only need about 6 to 6:30 hours of sleep, so I sleep two hours less and yet I still feel well rested and much more energetic. 

 Addiction related brain changes from porn...

Now, I personally believe the reason for this is the addiction related brain changes that many of us develop if we use online adult entertainment.

These are the 4 most common ones...

  • Desensitization
  • Sensitization
  • Hypofrontality 
  • An overactive stress response

Well, if you look at the last one right there, an overactive stress response, then it's not far-fetched at all to assume that the hyperactive stress center causes a poor sleep quality…

...and once we heal our brains and we get past the withdrawals and the horrible flatline, the stress response will calm down.

And as a result, we will get a deeper sleep. 

I tested my heart rate variability during my NoFap / porn reboot...

In fact, as I use technology to measure the activity in my nervous system (HRV) this is something I personally can confirm that happens. 

Whenever I got about two months into my streak I always started sleeping better and nowadays, when it’s about 18 months since my last relapse, my sleep quality is so good that I only need about 6:30 hours of it. 

Now here comes the real interesting part...

If you need 2 hours less sleep per night, you get 2 hours more life, obviously, but it does not end here. 

Let’s say you spend 7 hours a week watching online porn. And that’s not even that much for an addicted person, there are many guys who spend A LOT more than that, but let’s say you spend 7 hours a week. 

That’s one hour a day.

Ok, so in this case, if you are doing NoFap you will also stop wasting one hour of your life every single day. 

Wasting 1095 hours a year...

Now if you add that with the 2 hours less sleep you suddenly have 3 more hours of life every single day.

That is 1095 hours in one single year...

...which is equal to 45 whole day!

 What if you don't quit? After 10 years it will look like this...

Now, what if you don’t do anything about your addiction and you keep busting your beloved nuts in front of the laptop for the coming 10 years?

10 years goes by quickly, trust me on that.

Well, now you have wasted 450 days of your life...

More than a whole year completely wasted!!!

Oh man...If you think it's worth it, well, go right ahead, to each their own, but personally I won’t waste another minute squeezing all my “man juice” into some toilet paper in front of my laptop.

 I have had enough of that!

450 days, that’s a LOT of time you could save by doing NoFap

Ok and so now some of you may be trying to be clever by saying…

“Ok, sure it’s a lot of time, but time is not everything”

And perhaps you quote Abraham Lincoln with the words:

…”it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years ”

That's a good point. Those are good words, and I 100% agree…

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But you will feel more pleasure out of everyday small activities...

When you overcome your addiction, your dopamine receptors in the reward center of your brain will grow denser, which means that you will no longer feel so numb.

You will become more sensitive to dopamine, meaning you will feel more effect of small dopamine raising activities like for example…

  • Listening to music
  • Socializing
  • Working on your online business
  • Eating food 
  • Etc etc.

Yes indeed, by getting more dopamine receptors you become more sensitive to life itself… essence...

You will get more life in your years!

Wow, did you hear that?

You get more life in your years AND you also get more time itself. 

A double win!

I don’t know about you, but to me this is one of the absolute best benefits of NoFap. 

Time and life is the most valuable thing we have. 

It’s much better than money for example,  because if you lose all your money you can always make more of it…

… but you can NEVER get back lost time!

That’s gone - and we do not get a whole lot of it.


… “Time is free, but yet it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. So spend it wisely because once you’ve lost it you can never get it back”

Alright, I hope you found the video informative, and if I ever helped you in some way and you feel that you’d like to help me by giving a little something in return, you can always buy me a cup of coffee.

It’s a one time fee and a 100% secure donation system - so if you’d like to support my work you can find a link right here and if you choose to buy me a cup of coffee, thank you so much  :) 

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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