NoFap Long Streak Benefits (You Must Honor ALL Of Your Streaks)

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Scandinavian Bob here hi.

This video is going to be a pretty short one, but if you're doing NoFap it’s still an important one so if you are that kind of person who has a short attention span, really try your best to focus for the whole video now because that will help you train your brain as well.

Let me start by asking, are you counting days?

If you are not then that’s ok. In fact for many people it is more beneficial to not keep track. In fact, I have talked about exactly that in another video and I can link to that video at the end of this one.

And on the other hand, if you are counting days then that’s also totally ok as long as you remember to honor your streaks, and that, my friends, is the theme of today’s video... should always honor your streaks?

And so what do I mean by honor your streaks? 

I often see guys relapsing and then they feel all devastated because they have to reset the counter.

If you are using the counter to keep track of how many days it was since your last relapse, then yeah, you need to reset it because, well, why even play the counting game if your not counting?

I mean, that kind of defeats the purpose, right? 

However, and here comes the important part...

...just because you reset the counter it does not mean that you should forget about your old streaks.

Collect your streaks and put them in your mental "backpack"...

And just because you reset your counter it does not mean that the brain benefits, or shall we say the brain healing, is back to zero.

No, you should honor your previous streaks and not only thatt, you should collect them and take them with you in your NoFaP backpack as you keep walking your NofFap journey.

Let’s say these are your track records…

You had a streak of 11 days and then your relapses.

Then you tried again and this time you only managed to go 7 days before relapsing…

...but then your next streak went 21 days and you relapsed…

Well, don’t forget about those streaks.

Be proud of your NoFap streaks...

Instead of beating yourself up because you relapsed, be proud of your streaks. 

You know, most men who are not doing NoFap are watching online porn several times a week.

So take a look at your streaks again, even if they are pretty short, you did much better than the average man who doesn't believe in NoFap.

This is what I mean by “Honor your streaks”.

Here’s EXACTLY what to do in two steps.

STEP #1: Do this after every relapse...

After every relapse, when a streak ends, you should sit down for at least 15 minutes, with a pen and paper and write down all the steps that led you to your relapse that day.

You know, did you have urges early in the morning and did you then notice how your thoughts more and more started to play with the idea of watching adult entertainment?

Write it down!

Also write down what trigger you ran into.

Did you do a good job of surfing the urges, like I talked about in my previous video?

Write it all down.

Please, Do NOT neglect this. It is absolutely crucial to do this in order for you to be able to start doing streaks. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

STEP #2: Put your streak in your NoFap backpack...

Be proud about your clean days, and collect your streak by mentally picturing yourself putting it in your NoFap backpack.

You know, that mental backpack you are carrying on your back as you trudge forward on your rocky NoFap road.

Collect all of your previous streaks in that backpack! 

Also think about what benefits you experienced during the  NoFap streak. And put those in your backpack as well, as mental "proof of concept".

  • What NoFap long streak benefits did you have?
  • Or, what NoFap short streak benefits?

Your brain is not back to zero...

Your brain did some serious healing during those streaks and even if you reset your counter, don’t forget about those streaks because your relapse probably didn’t undo all the good those streaks for again…

…. "Honor your old streaks” and be proud of them.

I hope this message finds you well, and since it depends a bit on your personality whether or not you should even be counting days in the first place, I recommend you watch the video / blog post you can see right here >> Counting days on NoFap

Because in that video you will discover in what category you belong. 

Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, thank you for reading the article, NoFap long streak benefits.

Consider subscribing for more helpful videos and as always I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself...

...and remember, as Winston Churchill use to say:

...  - If you’re going through hell, keep going-

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