The BEST Benefit You Get From Quitting Porn (Seriously)

porn-addiction quitting porn

If interested, you can learn more about the system I talk about in the end of the video if you go read my article A Good online course for quitting porn.

Would you like to know what the best benefit of quitting porn is?

No, I'm not talking about all those shallow, so-called NoFap benefits here. We are actually going to dive a little deeper that that.

Yes, you will discover some real benefits of quitting porn

The Best benefit you get from quitting porn 

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

 As you guys know we are all different and since there are many benefits from quitting porn, we all tend to have our own favorite benefit.

And after having been almost 10 years in the community now, my personal favorite has changed a bit from one to the other.

But I have to tell you, as the years go by and as I’m becoming older and wiser there is one benefit that continues to grow on me. 

Now you all recognize these benefits right..

  • Increased confidence
  • More energy
  • More attraction to real life people
  • More motivation and drive

...and so on, but no, I’m not talking about any of those now.

Don’t get me wrong, those are all great and I love those too, but as I’m growing older there is another benefit that I'm falling more and more in love with.

The best benefit I personally got from stopping porn...

In my last video I talked about cold showers and I’m not going to get into much details about them today, but this ties into my favorite benefit of quitting porn, so stay with me here as I’m building up to it.

You know that feeling when the alarm clock goes off in the morning. The room and the floor is cold and you’re so warm and cozy right there in your bed, but somehow you still manage to get up. 

Well, every morning I face that, and I take my sleepy ass to the bathroom.

You know, it’s winter and I’m shivering a bit because...I left my warm bed and...I see the shower...I’m about to jump in and take a 3 minute ice cold shower. 

The voice of weakness starts whispering in my mind...

And almost every morning I start to hear that voice of weakness telling me...

“Hey come on, this isn’t even necessary. After thousands of years, mankind invented central heating, and finally we have the luxury of central heating and you’re forcing yourself to go against that just so you can suffer. And let’s be honest, you don’t even know for sure if there are any real benefits from doing it!!”

And I have to tell you guys, I do listen to that voice.

I don’t resist it.

In fact, the voice actually has a point, because I can’t know for sure exactly what it’s doing to my body.

Heck I might even have some kind of physical weakness making them bad for me.

Now, I don't think they're bad, and I do believe there are physical benefits, but the point I’m going for here is that, just like with NoFap, after all these years, all those benefits are NOT what I’m going for.

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The deeper benefit of quitting porn...

Don’t get me wrong, they’re cool and all, but the most powerful thing here is when I listen to the voice of weakness for a few seconds, I actually give it a chance, but then I say no and I do the harder thing in the face of that voice.

And here’s the deal....

The voice of weakness is everywhere...

You can hear the voice of weakness everywhere.

When you’re tired and you don’t want to go to the gym.

When you need to study, that voice starts telling you “hey, your favorite comedy show is on TV right now!.

When seeing a cute girl that you would like to talk to, but then the voice starts telling you that, "if she rejects you it will be uncomfortable”

“When wanting to start a YouTube channel, but then the voice tells you, "it will be painful if you fail, especially when it’s public and all your friends can see it - it will be uncomfortable”

Or, when having NoFap urges and the voice tells you “hey, it’s normal, everyone is doing it, besides the urges are way too strong right now, we need to get rid of them - this is uncomfortable”

The voice of weakness is everywhere!

The biggest hurdle to success...

If I asked 1000 successful people what the biggest hurdle to success is, they would all try to explain it a bit differently, but if we started zooming in on what they told us, we would see what it is..yes we would see it clearly…the voice of weakness.

And in my opinion, the number 1 benefit of quitting porn is that it makes you a master at ignoring the voice of weakness and I think it does so, even more effectively than cold showers. 

This is why I often see successful nofappers becoming successful in other domains as well.

Because they have mastered the art of ignoring the voice of weakness. 

Now, check this out, that voice of weakness will never completely go away.

Mastering the art of going against your voice of weakness is the best benefit of quitting porn

For example, I feel it almost every single morning before I jump into that cold shower.

It does get a bit smaller, but what really happens is that the part of you who chooses to do the right thing grows stronger.

And let me ask you this, say that we have 30-40 of those instances every single day where your voice of weakness wants you to choose the easier way out. But you have been strengthening the part of you that ignores that voice to the point of almost never giving in.

This benefit gives you an edge over others...

Well, do you then think that skill is something that could make you rise above a person who always gives in to the voice of weakness, yes or no?

Well, I think anyone with any sense of logic can figure out the answer to that.

Now, addiction to adult sites is very nasty though, as those addiction related brain changes make that voice of weakness so strong.  And makes it much harder for you to control that voice.

But do not give up!

You can still do it, and you will find a way out of it, and it’s important that you get it handled so you can fix your life and start building up your character.

So that you too can start enjoying the number one best benefit of quitting porn I talked about in today’s video.

In the end of the video I talk about a system that has now helped thousands of men quit using porn for good.

If this is something that is of interest to you, you can discover more about it in an article I wrote another site called Dopamine Discipline Review - Does it really help guys quit porn?

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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