Can NoFap Help Social Anxiety? (You Might Want To See This)


NoFap and social anxiety.

Can NoFap help social anxiety?

Well, this is what I’m going to talk about today. Does it work and if so, HOW does it work?  This is going to be interesting so make sure to stay with me to the end...

Ok so thousands and thousands of guys are reporting how their social anxiety decreased because of NoFap. So what’s going on here?

Well, in my opinion there are probably several reasons for this, but let’s take a look at what I believe to be the biggest reason. 

To make more sense of this, we first have to talk a bit about dopamine. 

Dopamine is behind NoFap and social anxiety...

Check this out...

When you are making love with a real partner, your dopamine is elevated for some time, but after a while it starts to come back down again.

This is normal and this is the way it’s supposed to be.

Now, on the other hand, when you are using online adult entertainment your dopamine also rises and here too it starts to come back down pretty quickly, but what do you do when it starts to come back down? 

You click to a new clip with a new scene and because of this the dopamine shoots up again.

When the clip you are watching is getting boring your dopamine levels drop and then almost every guy quickly clicks to a new video...again...again...and again.

You override your brain's "I've had enough mechanism"...

This way it is possible to keep the dopamine elevated almost as long as you want. Far longer than in real life, and when you keep going like that, you are overriding your natural satiation mechanism.

Look, over here, in real life, you can't use a mouse click to change partners every minute so the dopamine drops back down after a while. This is normal and healthy for the brain... 

...but the way you do it online is bad for your brain

Your brain starts knocking of a few dopamine receptors...

Listen, when you are overriding your natural satiation mechanism and you are keeping your dopamine levels sky-high for a long period of time your brain starts saying,

” there is too much dopamine here...I need to protect myself!”

And how does the brain protect itself? 

Well, it does it by killing off a few dopamine receptors. 

So now you say, oh that sounds bad and all, but what is a receptor?

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Using a lot of online porn on a regular basis can give you a disrupted dopamine system...

Well good question, I’m glad you are engaged. 

Hormones and neurotransmitters do their job by attaching to small receptors. So in this picture here (see video) the green dots are molecules - and they can only do their magic by binding to these receptors. 

But when dopamine stays sky high for too long, the brain knocks out a few of those receptors. And now you are left with a disrupted dopamine system in your brain. 

This is what happens if you are fapping a lot to online adult entertainment. 

And listen to this, because now it gets interesting. 

And this is what a disrupted dopamine system can do to you...

A disrupted dopamine system in your brain has been linked to the following symptoms…

  • Lack of motivation
  • Depression
  • Por memory and focus
  • Low sex-drive (säg drive)
  • Fear
  • Feelings of shame
  • ...aaaand, anxiety

Now, look at the last three there.

If you wrap those in and put them into a nice package, that package is... anxiety!

Wouldn't you say?

Getting away from the porn will reverse the anxiety...

So, when guys tear themselves away from the online adult entertainment and they go an NoFap journey, the dopamine system in their brain starts to repair itself.

And in my opinion, this is the #1 reason why people who are doing NoFap start to overcome their social anxiety.

Now, the million dollar question, how long does it take before the anxiety starts to get better?

How long does it take for NoFap to help with social anxiety?

Well, it depends on exactly how messed up your dopamine system was when you started. 

And everyone’s different, but most guys will start to see improvements in their anxiety somewhere between the days 45-90. Some guys will need a lot more time than that, though. 

So, again, this is the biggest reason why NoFap can help social anxiety.

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