How Watching Porn Makes You More Shy And Less Alpha (Scientific Link)

dopamine desensitization nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn the negative effects of porn

Have you ever wondered why so many guys who are doing NoFap seem to become way more confident?

Or if porn makes you more shy, more socially anxious and less "alpha"?

Notice that I put "alpha" in quotation marks because the term in and of itself is a bit strange. 

However, you are right, there's really something going on here. 

Check it out...

How Watching Porn Makes You More Shy And Less Alpha

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Why do so many guys start to feel more socially confident when they quit porn and go on a NoFap journey?

Well, let’s talk a bit on what could be going on, but before we do take a look at this poll I made on my YT channel a few days ago *see video*.

The question was Do you feel that NoFap makes you less timid and less shy?

And out of 2100 votes here are the results.

69% of guys say that quitting porn makes them less timid and shy...

As you can see, only 8% answered no, for me it does not. And 69% answered yes, for me it does and 23% said I’m not sure yet.

So, a clear majority of guys say that NoFap and quitting porn makes them less timid and shy.

And this is nothing new. I’ve seen guys mention this over and over again since I started my own reboot back in 2012.

But what could be going on here?

Here's one reason for it...


Well, there are probably several reasons for this, but here is the biggest one.

Do you recognize yourself in this...

You’re sitting there with a porn site open and doing your thing and you click on a video you think looks hot.

You watch it for a while, but already after 30 seconds, you become a bit bored and so you click to another suggested video and start watching that one. 

But now you only watch for maybe 20 seconds and again you click to another suggested video.

Or maybe you search for a different category, but the point is you’re jumping from one video to the other like there’s no tomorrow.

Novelty spikes dopamine...

Because here’s the thing, novelty, spikes dopamine.

You see, when you start your porn session, your dopamine levels shoot up in anticipation.

You start watching your first porn clip and what’s happening here is that your dopamine levels actually start to drop down a bit pretty quickly. 

This is when you start feeling a bit bored and switch to a new video and boom, your dopamine levels shoot back up again.

You're clicking form video to video and you override your natural satiation mechanism...

And so you watch that one until the levels start to drop a bit, and then you instantly search for another video, again... and...again...and again.

So, with the help of the endless amounts of videos and novelty online you can override your natural satiation mechanism and keep your dopamine buzzing far longer than what’s good for you.

And listen carefully now because here’s the deal, when you override your natural satiation mechanism and you keep your dopamine super high for a very long time your brain will start to go, "Aargghh, now there’s too much dopamine here…I need to protect myself"

And it does so by reducing the number of dopamine D2 receptors. 

When you override your dopamine satiation your brain starts reducing the number of your dopamine receptors...

Now, dopamine can only do its job by binding to those receptors, and if you have less of them you are now less sensitive to dopamine. 

Well, guys this is called desensitization.

This is called "desensitization"...

It is what’s causing tolerance and causes guys to need more and more stimulation to get the same effects. And thus it’s very common for guys to start escalating into all kinds of weirder and more shocking stuff. 

Now, desensitization is not the shocking part here, in fact it’s common knowledge in the addiction literature, but check this out…

Studies show how monkeys that are more 'alfa' have more dopamine receptors...

Studies show that for example dominant monkeys have more of those small dopamine d2 receptors than the more submissive monkeys.

And so now you say, "Yeah so what?"

Well, here’s the deal...

In animal studies they have tested giving a drug to the animals that blocks their d2 receptors and then they found that by doing so it whipped out the social hierarchy within the group.

With less dopamine d2 receptors the alpha males became normal beta males.

And so now you say, "Ok that’s interesting, but that was animals, surely humans must be more complicated."

Well, no, our dopamine system works the same way AND here’s the final nail in the coffin because they have done research on humans as well. 

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More social avoidance has been observed in humans with less dopamine receptors...

A study conducted in 2009 found that “lower levels of social avoidance are associated with higher dopamine D2/receptor binding.”

In other words, lower levels of d2 receptors correlates with more social fear.

And more d2 receptors in humans correlates with less social fear. 

Dominance and social status in humans also correlates to dopamine receptors density...

So, it  has now  been proven, both in animals and humans, that those with higher social status have more d2 receptors in the brain and that  those who are leaders and so-called more alpha have more of those dopamine d2 receptors. 

This is extremely interesting and perhaps something for you to consider the next time you start thinking of going on a porn binge.

You are porn surfing your way into becoming more of a beta male...

By clicking from video to video for hours at end and frying your dopamine receptors you are literally fapping yourself into more of a beta male, with a pretty good scientific explanation behind it.

Yes, so I personally think this is one of the biggest biological reasons for why guys who do NoFap and quit porn start feeling more alpha again.

It’s because they stop clicking on those nasty videos, stop jumping from video to video to video, and because of that the desensitized reward system will reverse and as the brain grows new d2 receptors. 

By quitting porn the dopamine system will return to normal...

And by having more receptors again the guys start feeling much less socially timid and shy compared to how they did a few months earlier.

Now, of course there can be psychological reasons at pay as well, and it’s probably a big difference from individual to individual when it comes to that.  And semen retention itself may play a part, but more on those in another video so consider subscribing for that.

And oh hey guys, if you keep struggling with porn relapses, then take a look at this video right here where I talk about something interesting that could be of great help for you >> Dopamine Discipline Review

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