Is No Nut November Actually A Good idea? (Check This Out)

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Wondering if no nut November is a good idea or not?

Is there something to this challenge or is this whole no nut November just a stupid joke?

Well, stay with mer here while we take a closer look...

Is No Nut November Actually A Good idea? 

So, why would anyone want to go a full month without busting nuts?

Well, let me tell you, guys, it can be a good test to see if you are on top of your game. 

If you remember only one thing from this video, make sure it's the following words: in life, in general, there's a big, big difference between choosing to do something by your own accord or doing something because you're incapable of saying no.

Are you capable of saying no to your urges?

So, I'm asking you, are you capable of saying no to your urges?

And so, now, some of you may say, "Yeah, okay, but why is being able to say no such a big deal, then?"

Well, here's the thing. If you can't say no to your cravings for junk food, how good are you going to be at getting the body you always wanted? 

If you can't say no to your procrastination, how good are you going to be at achieving goals in life?

If you can't say no to distractions, how messed up is your attention span going to become?

All successful men have self control...

Yeah, it should come as no surprise to you that all successful men are capable of saying no to their urges in whatever form they come.

And now, I'm asking you, just how good are you at this question?

So please comment in the comment section below...

First; if you're doing No Nut November this year...

Second; how far you think you can make it?

I have not created a No Nut November challenge this year, but I have already seen comments in the comment section from guys who were very motivated for this, but they already failed on their first or second day. 

Are you going to fail on your very first day?

Now, I'm not judging them, but when it comes to being in control of your urges, for them, there is definitely room for improvement, wouldn't you agree?

No Nut November can also be a good test to see if you can stay away from online adult sites for a whole month because, as you may or may not know, all those super stimulating adult sites can cause a numb dopamine system in your brain. 

**See article: Dopamine receptor desensitization from looking at porn

Yes, that's true. To discover the exact biological steps on how this happens, take a look at a video I made nine months ago called "Does Watching porn make you more shy and less Alpha?"

And yes, I'm including some very interesting research there. Take a look right here, and you'll see exactly what I mean.

Thanks for reading!

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