Dopamine Receptor Desensitization From Watching Porn (Looks Like This)

dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors

What does desensitization from watching too much porn look like?

Well, today's blog post is going to be about dopamine receptor desensitization from watching too much porn, or just from indulging in too much instant supernormal stimuli i n general.

Alright so we are back on the animation board and now we are going to take a look at the desensitization process. In other words, what can happen if you keep over using, intent gratification -  super stimulating things.

A sending neuron and a receiving neuron...

What you are looking at here is a part of the dopamine system in action (see video). To the left we have the sending neuron and to the right the receiving neuron.

See those little small dots?

Well that is our friend dopamine right there. And dopamine does its magic by attaching to the small dopamine receptors. The receptors kind of look like slots that the dopamine molecules fit perfectly into. And when dopamine has parked into those, it is then we feel the effects of dopamine.

How dopamine receptor desensitization happens from watching too much porn...

Now, what happens if we expose our brain to very stimulating things is that the brain starts to go, “Eehh…now there’s too much dopamine here, I need to protect myself from it!"

And it does so by reducing the number of dopamine receptors, as you can see on the animation eraser right now.

Here's the deal...

With less dopamine receptors, those small dopamine molecules now have less slots to park into - which means we will feel less effects of whatever dopamine a certain activity is giving us.

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With desensitized dopamine receptors, we feel less effects of dopamine...

Just a short example here, let’s say that a certain activity gives you a certain amount of fun and pleasure. And let's just for the sake of this example come up with a unit for that fun and pleasure…let’s call the unit FN, as short for fun.

Ok, then let’s say that every Wednesday night you have band practice, where you play your musical instrument and that activity is giving you, let’s say 56 FN.

Well, if you desensitize your reward system, by for example watching way too much porn, now when you go to you band practice that Wednesday evening, even though the sending neuron is sending you 56FN it will only feel like maybe 39 FN.

This because you now have less dopamine receptors that the dopamine molecules can park into.

Dopamine receptors desensitization affects every activity...not just porn

And the scary part here is; a receptor is a receptor. Meaning this 'feeling less effects of dopamine' is now gonna be true for every single activity you do…

...every single activity, not just music!

This is the neurobiological process behind desensitization.

Also known as: 'getting a numb pleasure response' or having a 'disrupted dopamine system'.

Thanks for reading this article about how watching porn or indulging way too much in other super stimulating things can cause dopamine receptor desensitization.

-Scandinavian Bob-

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