NoFap And Cold Showers (And Dopamine Receptors)

hormesis and dopamine nofap

Today we are going to take a look at 3 ways cold showers and NoFap go so well together.

And if you’re not doing them yourself, after watching this video, or after reading this blog post, you might just change your mind

So, let's get to it...

Cold showers can help you avoid relapses

Yes, they do this in several ways, but let's take a closer look at a biological reason.

First, you should know that if you are frequently fapping to online adult entertainment, your dopamine system is probably disrupted a bit. This is especially true if you have developed addiction related brain changes. 

In other words, your dopamine levels are lower than normal.

Now, one of the things that happens when dopamine drops too low is that your brain will make you crave a dopamine fix.

It can actually make you almost desperate for a quick fix like for example...

  • Junk food
  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Weed...

And, yeah you guessed it...

...fapping to adult entertainment. 

Well, here’s where our beloved cold showers enter the picture. You see, cold showers instantly raise your dopamine levels a bit and thus eliminates your cravings.

They also jolt your whole system, pretty much guaranteeing a state change.

And I think we all know that a state change is exactly what you need when you are just about to relapse. 

Cold showers increase dopamine receptors, speeding up your recovery

As I mentioned in the previous point, using online adult entertainment messes with your dopamine system.

Another way it does this is by reducing the number of dopamine D2 receptors you have. This is bad because dopamin itself does its magic by binding to those receptors. And if you have less of them, everything in your life will be less interesting and less pleasurable...

...literally everything!

Well, cold showers are a powerful stressor and they create a “Hormetic response”, meaning they make you more resilient to stress.

And they help with upregulation of those small dopamine D2 receptors, that you have been knocking out with all the online porn.

Now, this takes a bit of time, but you might actually start feeling much better within a week or so.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

Cold showers teach you how to be comfortable being uncomfortable

I love all the science and how we can explain things using biology, but to be honest, this psychological effect is perhaps the best of all.

Let’s face it, what got you into trouble with fapping in the first place, was your need for instant gratification.

Well, the older we get, the more we start to realize that instant gratification is often a road that leads to hell.

Instant gratification is most often a lie. It makes you feel pleasure for a short moment, but then you feel bad after it's done. Alcohol, bingeing on donuts, using drugs, fapping to porn, and so on.

 Well, if drugs are a gateway to hell, cold showers are almost like a gateway to long term happiness, because they are the exact opposite of instant gratification. 

"if drugs are a gateway to hell, cold showers are almost like a gateway to long term happiness"

They feel extremely painful in the moment, but then you get this amazing feeling for several hours after you take them.

Not just the same day, but as they also slowly but surely upregulate your dopamine receptors, will become more sensitive to dopamine in the long run. Which will give you more pleasure from everyday activities like, eating food, listening to music, socializing and, well...everything.  

Now you see why I call them the opposite of an addiction.

And lastly, in the moment of taking them they teach you how to be uncomfortable being uncomfortable, and this is a skill that has a carryover effect to other areas of your life.

Carryover into things like, dealing with stress, anxiety, cravings, sadness, pain, jealousy and you name it. 

These were just a few reasons why cold showers and NoFap go so well together and I will definitely make more content on this in the near future.

And, oh hey...go take a cold shower!

If you are really afraid of them, start with only 5 seconds your first day.

Tomorrow you do 10 seconds.

The day after that you do 15 seconds. 

Build it up. Small steps, baby!

-Scandinavian Bob-

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