Cold Showers When Trying To Quit Porn (A Cool Tool)

porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering how cold showers relate to quitting porn?

Or if cold showers can help you quit porn?

Or perhaps if cold showers can amplify the NoFap benefits and perhaps speed up the recovery?

Well, if so, this is the article for you.

Let's begin...

Cold Showers When Trying To Quit Porn

NoFap and cold showers.

Let’s talk a bit why they go so well together, but first I’d like to answer a question I got yesterday from someone asking...

"Hi Bob, I feel so amazing after doing cold showers, but why are there so few real studies made on it?"

Well, great questions.

There are a few studies out there and I’m sure there will be more with time, but here’s the deal...

The best studies are the ones that can eliminate the placebo effect.

Hard to eliminate the placebo effect...

Let’s say one study has 5000 depressed people and they give half of them a sugar pill and the other half some new kind of compound they want to study, all while monitoring how they feel.

And to help reduce the placebo factor they do not tell the participant in which group they belong. 

And so now you say, ok great, but what has that to do with cold showers, then?  

Well, because you can’t take 5000 people, divide them into two groups, have one group take a hot shower and the other a cold without them knowing in what group they belong. 

When I took a freezing cold shower this morning, well, let’s just say there was no doubt in my mind whether the water was cold or not.

Cold showers when quitting porn & what they do to your personality...

Now, there are other ways of making interesting studies, but no matter what biological benefits we might be getting from them, which I’m sure there are plenty by the way, what I personally like the most is what they are doing to your personality. 

When I sat down and had my morning coffee today, I had just been taking a 3 minute cold shower, and let me tell you, here in Finland they are just a couple of degrees above freezing right now.

Ok, so then when I sat there having my morning coffee, I could be 99% certain that nothing life throws at me for the rest of the day will be as painful as those 3 minutes.

Increased discipline and mental toughness...

Well, that thought right there is power, guys.

If you already survived the most painful thing right from the start of the day, you can tackle everything that faces you during the day with more confidence. 

But not only that, by often taking cold showers you are feeding an identity of that of a person that is disciplined, and who does not back down from uncomfortable situations.

And as you know from my videos, your identity is the core driver behind everything you do.

So, you need to feed it with in a way that are in line with what you want to achieve in life.

Because once you formed your identity in a certain way, that core identity will then drive you almost automatically. 

Cold showers reduce sickness...

But all that aside, let’s take a look at what the little research that really has been made points to, as far as benefits goes.... 

A study on 3018 healthy participants, without any experience of cold showers, were randomized to a cold shower for 30, 60, 90 seconds or warm showers for 30 days.

The people in the cold shower group reduced sickness absence from work by 29% in comparison to participants taking normal hot showers.

Other research also point to cold shower maybe helping with...

  • Reduced symptoms of depression
  • increased Fat burning
  • better Blood circulation
  • Improves metabolism
  • Better skin 
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Upregulates dopamine receptors

Now, the evidence is stronger and weaker for some of these, and more studies need to be done, but one thing is for sure, I sure as heck will continue to do them.

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A significant boost in energy and mood....

The feeling you get after a 2-3 minute cold shower is so amazing that that is in and of itself enough for me to keep doing them.

Cold showers help to upregulate your dopamine receptors...

But then when I know that they can help with my testosterone production as well, as help my reward system upregulate dopamine receptors, well there I’m really sold. 

Because we all know how today's super technology hammer those poor receptors.

Since cold showers help you master the art of being comfortable being uncomfortable they can also help you quit using porn...

And, of course, the best of all, by taking cold showers you will master the art of being comfortable in uncomfortable situations - and that is mental strength right there if there ever was any. 

Now, I don’t know about you guys, but tell me one person who goes “Well that mental strength thing is overrated. It’ not something I really need. Nah, life is so easy so there’s no need for that"

Well, if there is such a person out there, he’s up for a rude awakening by the first harsh blow reality deals him.

Nah man, life is hard, and if it happen to be easy right now, then hey that’s great, enjoy it while it lasts. It’s better to have something and don’t need it, than to need something and don’t have it.

But just know that some day there will be some tougher times and then what are you going to do?

It's good to have mental resources....

It’s like that old Chinese saying: “It's better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war”.

Besides that guys, if you would like to help this channel grow and support me in my work, you can always buy me some coffee.

I really appreciate every donation as it seems like the YT algorithm is making it harder and harder for if NoFap guys out here. So if you want to be a part of helping this channel grow, you can do so by using the link right here.

And of course, if you don’t like my content, then you shouldn’t help me out. It’s a free world world we’re living and we should do as we like... isn’t that great  :)

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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