How To Recover Brain After Porn Addiction (7 Tips To Speed Things Up)

dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting no pmo pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can fins links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post!

Wondering if your brain can recover after a porn addiction?

Or just exactly how to recover your brain after porn addiction?

Or maybe you are wondering how to speed up brain recover after porn addiction...

Well, if so, you just found the exact right post.

Make sure to bookmark it and pay careful attention because there's a lot of gold here. 

Let's begin...

How To Recover Your Brain After Porn Addiction

How long does the brain take to recover after a porn addiction, and are there things can we do to help speed up the recovery? 

Well, these are two questions I get pretty often, and about two and a half years ago, I actually made a video on things you can do to potentially help speed things up.

And today, we are going to revisit that video because there are some new things I've learned since then. 

But before we start, here's the always important disclaimer...

My videos are informational, and they are not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please see a doctor. I am not a doctor; I'm just a guy who likes to read and learn a lot. In my videos, I simply share my experiences and what I have learned with my audience. I assume no liability for the application of the information discussed in my videos!

Physical Exercise

Alright, so  tip number one in the old video was physical exercise, and I have to say I still agree with that today.

If you could only do one single thing in order to help your recovery, I would say; do physical exercise. 

Now, there might be one other tool that could help speed things up even more than exercise, and I'll get to that one in a moment.

But you can't do that one as often, and physical exercise is certainly right at the top in terms of speeding thing up brain recovery after porn addiction.

And in addition to this, it does so many other good things for you as well.

Physical exercise will help you with recovery in many different ways.

Physical exercise will help you with brain recovery after porn addiction in many ways...

It increases blood flow to your brain, opens things up, and brings more oxygen to it.

The very key to life. It increases both your serotonin and dopamine in a healthy way.

And what's even more important in terms of recovery, exercise may also help to upregulate your dopamine D2 receptors. 

Exercise may help to upregulate your dopamine receptors after porn addiction...

And this is exactly what we want since addictions tend to destroy those small D2 receptors.

Yes, especially high-intensity exercise. High-intensity exercise has been shown to help grow new D2 receptors.

Anaerobic exercise seems to be the most effective for this. 

So, not so much mild jogging, although that's good too, but things where you're really taxing your body's ability to consume oxygen.

You know, things like high-intensity interval training, high-rep squats, sprinting, or doing burpees and so on. 

It increases brain-derived neurotropic factor

Physical exercise increases something called brain-derived neurotropic factor, which is a protein that promotes the growth of new neurons and synapses.

So yeah, physical exercise just has to be the most important thing you can do for speeding up recovery.

But a word of warning here, do not take it to the extreme either because I know some of you are desperate and want to do everything in your power to speed things up.

If you overtrain - it will backfire on you...

But if you start overtraining, you are not doing yourself any favors either, and that may actually be bad for your neurotransmitters and, well, your whole system as well. 

And also, be a bit careful with the high-intensity exercise there, especially if you're not used to exercising you do not want to all of a sudden go pedal to the metal.


Build it up, and when in doubt, see a doctor and let him clear you for takeoff.

CDP Choline

Yeah, number two is something called CDP choline, a supplement that I did not yet know about in the older video. CDP choline may enhance dopaminergic therapy in Parkinson's Disease by for example, decreased re-uptake of dopamine leading to increased levels at the synapses.

Additionally, CDP choline activates something called tyrosine hydroxylase and, in so doing, induces an increase in dopamine production.

And so now, some of you may be wondering, "But does that mean it can downregulate your receptors?"

Choline may also help with recovery of your dopamine receptors...

Because if we want to speed up recovery, that's pretty much the last thing we would want. And the answer here is no, it doesn't. In fact, it may actually help with upregulation and growth of new dopamine D2 receptors. 

A study on mice found that choline upregulated their dopamine receptors by up to 18% within just a few weeks' time. And in terms of upregulation, that's a big increase. 

Now, of course, that was an animal study, so we cannot necessarily assume the exact same thing happening to us.

But from everything I've seen, this is an over-the-counter supplement that looks very promising. 

Not sponsored...

And here, I could include an affiliate link to some choline products to try to earn some extra bucks, but I decided against doing so because I really want you to understand that I'm sharing all these tips because they are things I actually do myself, and I truly believe they will help fine-tune your brain. 

So, if you want to try a choline supplement, just look for a high-quality brand.

They are not difficult to find. And again, I am not sponsored by any of them.

Cold Showers

Yes, this one was included in the old video, so do I still have the same opinion of these 30 months later?

Well, yes, I do!

Cold showers increase both dopamine and norepinephrine significantly, so they instantly make you feel good right after you're done.

But here too, they may actually help upregulation of dopamine receptors in the long run.

Cold showers are a phenomenal 'porn addiction recovery tool'

Now, just exactly how much will they help? 

Well, unfortunately, this is impossible to say. But from all the reading and experimentation I have done over the years, I would say that they are perhaps not as powerful as physical exercise or what I'm about to share with you next, but man, oh man, they are still a very powerful tool.

And I definitely think you should take them to help speed things up and to feel good in general as well.

Okay, moving on…

Intermittent fasting

Yeah, now, I believe this one has the potential to be even more effective than physical exercise when it comes to the recovery of your dopamine system after a porn addiction.

But before I explain why, then please be careful with this one. 

Know that you should not start overdoing it.

Okay, so intermittent fasting simply means that you have a window of time where you are not eating any calories.

This could be, for example, within a given day, you have an eating window of 8 hours and a fasting window of 16 hours where you consume no calories whatsoever.

And then you do this a few times a week or so, or then you can have one to two 24-hour fasts a week.

Now, here I need to share my personal experience....

My personal experience with fasting for brain recovery after porn addiction...

I have seen some pretty remarkable results in terms of fine-tuning my dopamine system with having a few 24 to 48-hour fasts every now and then, so a bit longer than what you normally would consider intermittent fasting. 

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And I seriously believe that these one to two-day fasts can do wonders in terms of upregulation of your dopamine system.

But again, please, please understand that you cannot start overdoing this, and also check with your doctor first if you have any kind of medical issues. 

I know some of you want quick results, so I need to be stressing this again and again. 

Don't take fasting to the extremes...

You should not take any of the tips to the extremes.

Never ever start doing that.

And even shorter fasts like 16-hour fasts will help.

But since I want to make this video as informative as possible, I do want to share that I have personally had some amazing experiences at the end of 48-hour fasts where, for example, music has started sounding better, socializing was more fun. 

And this is most likely a sign that the dopamine system is functioning better - and that your dopamine sensitivity has improved.

Yeah, I seriously believe that this tool could even trump physical exercise.

But again, please be careful and check with your doctor first.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Yes, this one is new. It was not included in the old video.

Studies have shown that taking omega-3 fatty acids helps the brain recover from brain injury.

Omega 3 fatty acids seem to be able to help brain injury...

Animal studies have shown that when the subjects received DHA, one of the long-chain types of omega-3 fatty acids, up to two hours after brain injury, it improved neurological function and nerve cell survival. 

It also reduces inflammation and oxidative stress.

Now, here I need to point out that I don't think there are any specific studies made on the recovery after an addiction and omega-3s. 

But there are so many studies in general made on how much omega-3 helps your brain with all kinds of things that, man, oh, man, it would not be far-fetched at all to assume that it may potentially help with the recovery of your dopamine system after porn addiction, especially considering that omega-3s can help with the recovery of physical brain injuries. 

The human brain is 60% fat...

And I mean, the human brain is nearly 60% fat, after all.

But speaking of studies and addictions, there are actually studies showing that drug addicts who had higher levels of omega-3 had fewer relapses than drug addicts who had lower levels.

Yeah, pretty interesting, huh? 

And other studies have also shown that omega-3 helps with impulse control.

So, it does make sense.

And, hey, I wanted to include that one as you might find it helpful for your porn reboot as well because, well, let's face it, we need all the impulse control we can get if we are struggling with things like that, right?


Meditation was also included in the older video, so has my view on that changed over the years? 

Well, not exactly, or perhaps a bit since it's not obvious to me if it will actually help speed up brain recovery from your porn addiction, although it might very well do so.

It's just that we do not know.

What we do know, however, is that it does increase dopamine itself in a healthy way. We don't really know if it does the same for your dopamine receptors. 

But meditation also helps with impulse control.

In fact, it is a phenomenal tool for developing that, perhaps the best one there is. Now, again, we just don't know how effective it is for recovery.

But I would still keep doing it if I were you because just because there are no studies made on meditation and receptors, well, that's not the same as to say there's no effect. 

And given that it's so very healthy for your brain in general, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if meditation turned out to be actually one of the better tools on this list here.

Dopamine fasting...

This one was not included in the old video.

A dopamine fast simply means a period of time where you deprive your brain of things that are very stimulating in terms of dopamine.

For example, if you take a day off from work, you could also take a complete break from your phone, computer, video games, Netflix, and things like that. 

Completely cut it out!

Now, from experience, I have noticed how this can be tremendously effective if you combine it with the fasting and the meditation.

Dopamine fasting is the exact opposite of an addiction...

I mean, just think about it….

You are literally doing the exact opposite of what an addiction is.

With an addiction, you are escaping yourself by running into some low-value, but high-stimulating, dopamine stuff.

With this one, you are depriving yourself of all stimuli while you are also forced to just sit with yourself and your thoughts. 

You cannot find anything else that's more opposite than intermittently depriving yourself of all stimuli like this, and it will, for sure, make the dopamine receptors upregulate at a much, much faster pace.

The main thing is to stay away from your addiction...

However, I still need to point out that obviously, the main thing you should be doing is staying away from your addiction, and that just by doing that, you will recover just fine without going hard on any of these, just as long as you don't overuse other supernormal stimuli because, honestly, that may slow down your recovery rather than speed things up. 

I mean, let's say one person is only eating junk food, never exercising, and he plays 12 hours of video games per day. 

Well, in general, he will, for sure, take much longer to recover than a person who is implementing a healthy lifestyle...


Related:  You can check out my Dopamine Fasting Online course right here.

However,  don't develop a fear of dopamine...

Now don't twist my words here either and start thinking you can never do instant gratification stuff in moderation, like playing video games, for example, because you certainly can and still recover just fine.

Moderation is key. 

Alright guys, I hope you found this informative.

If you did, consider subscribing and give it a like.

If you keep struggling with porn relapses...

And if you are someone who's been trying to quit using porn for a long time but you keep struggling with relapses, then click on the video to the left, right here; Dopamine Discipline Review as over there, I talk about something that can be super helpful for you. 

If, on the other hand, you keep going strong but you notice little to no benefits, then take a look at the the post right here ==> 5 Reasons you are not getting the NoFap benefits

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Here is the older video I was talking about...

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