NoFap & Porn Addiction How To Speed Up Recovery

dopamine dopamine desensitization pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

 Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the video further down in the text below...

Wondering if there are any things yo can do to help speed up your NoFap recovery?

Or to help speed up the brain recovery after porn addiction? And what things to avoid in order to not prolong the recovery. 

Well, this article is all about speeding up NoFap recovery, so make sure to stick around...

NoFap & Porn Addiction How To Speed Up Recovery  

Scandinavian Bob here, Hi!

Let's take a look at two habits that will definitely hold you back on your NoFap journey.

#1 Lack of physical exercise.

Yes, if you are not exercising and if you, on top of that, have a sedentary lifestyle, you will most likely have a longer NoFap recovery journey.

Physical exercise is incredibly good for your brain in so many ways.

That's nothing new, but check this out: A study on meth addicts who exercised...

 A study took a look at meth addicts and how their dopamine system recovered after they quit using meth. They divided the addicts into two groups.

One group abstained from the drug and also did physical exercise. 

The other group abstained and did health education classes but no physical exercise.

After 8 weeks they say a significant up-regulation of dopamine receptors in the exercise group...

Then, after eight weeks of abstaining like this, they tested the two groups, and guess what?

The group that did the physical exercise saw a 13.89% increase in their dopamine receptor up-regulation.

While the group that didn't exercise saw only a 3.13% up-regulation.

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That's a very big exercise difference right there.

And so now, some of you say, "But hey, come on, they used meth. Meth is surely much more destructive than porn, right?" 

And yes, you're right, but that just goes to show how powerful physical exercise is for helping your brain.

That's just goes to show how powerful Physical exercise can be to speed up brain recovery after addiction...

If a meth addict can see that big of a recovery in eight weeks by exercising, then for sure you could see amazing results in your NoFap recvery as well.

As long as you get your ass moving!

What kid of physical exercise did they do?

Now, I know some of you are going to ask what kind of exercise they did, and here's the answer. They did 30 minutes of resistance training followed by 30 minutes of cardio three times a week.

In other words, three times 60 minutes of physical exercise per week.

Now, listen up here. It doesn't mean that that is the optimal way of doing it for your brain because there are not many studies made on the speed of addiction recovery like this study here. 

They just tried it this way and it showed to be effective.

So, maybe some other way of doing that exercise would be even more effective. 

We just don't know.

Commit to yourself to do some form of exercise most days of the week...

The key thing here is to give up that you commit to yourself to do some form of exercise most days of the week, and it will surely work for you.

On the other hand, don't take it to the extreme either. 

Just because something is good for you doesn't always mean more is better because if you start overtraining, you are not doing yourself any favors.

#2 Giving up after a slip...

Yes, most guys have a tendency to go, "Oh well, I might as well keep going a day or two and then start fresh next week."

This one has to be equally if not more destructive for your NoFap recovery as the lack of exercise. And I know this mindset is a tough one to get out of as well because I suffered from it myself during a big part of my own reboot.

But check this out...

Let's say you are walking on this left road here *see video* and you are heading towards your destination.

But then suddenly, you realize that, "Oh no, I took the wrong turn. I'm actually walking on the wrong path right now. This road will only bring me further away from my destination." 

Well, would you then go, "Ah well, I might as well keep going a day or two"? 

You would instantly turn around and look for the right path because otherwise, you're just getting further away from your goal.

Don't walk in the same direction if you want to speed up NoFap / brain recovery after porn addiction...

Well, it's the same with NoFap relapses.

If you suddenly find yourself on the relapsing path, then turn around right away.

Don't just keep on going. If you instantly turn around, you can actually keep making progress on your NoFap journey, even with some relapses here and there. 

But if you always fall into a cycle of just giving up, then, oh man, you'll just keep spinning your wheels.

Alright, I hope you found my video informative.

And if you feel that you really would like a step-by-step system on exactly how to stop watching porn, then take a look at this article right here => Dopamine Discipline Review, as over there, I'm reviewing an online course that actually produces very impressive results. 

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