What Would Happen If You Had No Dopamine (Or Very Low Dopamine Levels)

dopamine dopamine desensitization low dopamine

Note: you can find links further down in the post (to what I mention in the end of the video)

Wondering what would happen if we had no dopamine at all?

Or, if we and extremely low levels? 

Would we even be able to function at all?

Today's post is about just exactly what would happen if you had very very low dopamine.

So let's jump in right away...

What Would Happen If You Had No Dopamine? (Or Very Low Dopamine Levels)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Many people think dopamine is only about pleasure. Pleasure is certainly a part of it, but as my regular subscribers know, dopamine is about so much more.

Let’s take a look at an interesting study, where they gave a drug to a medical student that temporarily depleted his dopamine.

When they depleted dopamine from a medical student for 44 hours, this happened...

Here’s what happened…

They call him "Mr. A" here in the study…

"Mr A" is a 21 year old healthy male who is doing this experiment where his dopamine will be significantly depleted during the next 44 hours.

After 7 hours, "Mr. A"  *See video for his experience*

After 18 hours, he had difficulty waking up and increasing tiredness; environmental stimuli seemed dull. He had less fluency of speech.

After 20 hours, he felt confused. He felt tense before his appointment and had an urge to check his watch in an obsessive way.

After 24 hours, Mr. A had inner restlessness, flight of ideas; his ideas seemed inflicted, and he could not remember them. 

**see video for his experiences**

He was afraid that the situation would continue. Even tremors were noted.

 After 30 hours, he was tired and slept 11 hours.

After 42 hours, he had poor concentration and then as the drug started to wear off In the next hours, he returned to normal.

Wow, does any of this sound familiar to you? 

It certainly does to me because it actually sounds pretty similar to the way I experienced my day to day life back when I was addicted to porn.

I had so low dopamine back then. 

Let’s listen to a quote that sums up the experiment. In fact, here I’m actually quoting Gary Wilson from one of his radio shows where Gary is actually giving a quote from the study…

 Negative symptoms from dopamine depletion happened. These were symptoms like…

  • loss of motivation
  • dulled senses
  • decreased fluency
  • lower mood
  • fatigue, brain fog
  • restlessness
  • feelings of fear and shame
  • obsessive-compulsive symptoms
  • anxiety and depressive like symptoms'

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Drop in dopamine happens in all addictions...

Yes, so having a disrupted dopamine system is not something you should strive for as it can affect so many things, depending a bit on the person.

Lowering of dopamine and dopamine receptors occurs in all addictions and addiction to internet porn is no different.

Mix in online porn and things get really bad...

Now, if you mix in porn into your internet addiction it gets even worse, especially if you are doing really long sessions. You know those 4-8 hour fapping sessions that so many guys who are addicted are doing.

Now, here’s the deal...

You don’t even have to be addicted in order to knock out your dopamine receptors and temporarily cause a disrupted dopamine system.

You don't have to be an addict in order to mess up your dopamine receptors and dopamine system...

The decline in dopamine receptors can actually happen quite rapidly.

For example, in rats they have seen that overeating on junk food did lead to a reduction in their dopamine receptors within just a few days.  

One thing to keep in mind here is that the dopamine receptors constantly dial down and dial up depending on what you are doing, it’s like a thermostat.

Dopamine receptors constantly dial down and dial up...

And that’s good because that means that if you recognize yourself from what that medical student was experiencing then you you can actually help your dopamine system by staying away from adult sites, over eating junk food excessive social media and and things like that and by doing so you up-regulate those small dopamine receptors and thus your dopamine system starts working better again.

Especially if you add...

  • Physical exercise
  • Dopamine fasting
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Healthy eating 
  • Cold showers
  • Meditation
  • Being out in the sun
  • Socializing
  • …and things like that.

Now, I find it very interesting that the dopamine receptors can be downregulated without other addiction related brain changes. Because that might help explain why some guys who are doing NoFap see results much faster than others.

It’s probably because some start doing NoFap before the other addiction related brain changes have set in while others are already heavily addicted when they start.

And oh hey guys, if you're interested in an easy way to raise both your dopamine and testosterone without having to take cold showers, then take a look at this blog post here, AlphaViril Review as over there I talk about something I use myself from time to time.

Now, it is very powerful though, so if you do decide to try it, I recommend using it in cycles or then just on special occasions where you want  to perform better than usual.

So, this is what would happen if you had no dopamine at all. Or perhaps more correctly. this is what would happen if you hade very low dopamine levels. Because you you have absolutely zero, oh man, it would be game over. 

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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