Dating During PMO / Porn Reboot (Should You Date During NoFap?)

no pmo nofap pied recovery quitting porn

Dating and NoFap, is it a good idea to date during NoFap or not?

Well, this is what we are going to talk about today and in the second half of the video I’m also going to give my opinion on whether or not I think NoFap helps with attracting women.

So make sure to stay with me to the end because this is going to be interesting.

Should you date during a pmo reboot / doing NoFap?

Ok, so should you date while doing NoFap?

Well, as I told you many times before, you’re life, you’re rules. Don’t let anyone else make up rules on how to live your life.

However, I can give you my opinion on it and it is pretty simple.

Well, if you want a girlfriend or girls in your life, then yes, you should date, for the most part. 

So when is the best time to date during NoFap? 

NoFap And Dating

When not addicted   vs.   When addicted

If you are not that addicted to porn and you are just doing NoFap to get all the cool benefits, then you can start dating pretty much right away, there’s nothing that stands in your way. 

However, if you are severely addicted and you keep relapsing and right now you just happen to find yourself in a relapse cycle, then I think you should wait until you can go at least two weeks clean until you start dating.

Because, again, if you are severely addicted those images of adult sites are going to spin around in your head to such a degree that you will have a hard time seeing the real person behind the girl and the chances of you having a great date are pretty small.

And it wouldn’t be really fair for the girl either. 

Can I have sex during a pmo reboot?

Now, what about having sex during NoFap?

Well, if you just do NoFap without you being addicted then, again, there is nothing standing in your way here and you can start trying pretty much as soon as you both feel like it. 

If you are heavily addicted, on the other hand, I think it would be beneficial to wait for about a month or so.

If you are addicted to porn, you might want to wait a few weeks...

In the beginning those adult sites are spinning around in your head to such a degree that chances are you would just end up using the poor girls body in a way that you just swap fapping with your own hand to fapping with her body instead.

So, if it’s no longer pixels on a screen it would still not really 'be real', in a way.

So, when you start, really try to focus on human connection and try to get to know the person.

Focus on the human connection when you start dating during your reboot...

Focus on all the sensations and just be there, in that moment, and try not to worry so much about the future. 

Also, if you have a history of problems with performing due to years of using over-consuming porn, then yes, you can still start dating from about two weeks in - and you can still start trying to be intimate if you both feel like it, but here you might want to stay away from busting nuts for a couple of more months.

Be intimate, but hold on with busting for a bit longer.  No one really knows why, but that just seems to be the fastest way to full recovery.

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Do get out there - don't put your life on hold...

To sum it up I think it’s important that you get out there because we are meant to spend time around real life people instead of with pixels on a screen.

And it doesn’t matter if you have PIED or some other problems caused by porn addiction, you should still try to get out there.

In fact, for you it’s even more important, because you really want to rewire your brain to the real deal.

Ok so let’s look at the question, does NoFap help with dating?

Does NoFap help with dating and attraction then?

Well, yes, for many guys it does. 

There could be a lot of reasons behind this, but one of them is of course confidence.

You see, most girls really like confident men. They like a man that has a healthy self-esteem that is resting firmly on his core masculinity.

And those words are the exact same words I have used to describe what NoFap makes many men feel like...

"You feel like you have this core manliness inside you that you self esteem now stands steadily upon."

Now, if you contrast that with being an insecure guy, who as a result of just having been on a few adult sites feels like a creep when he is out trying to approach women, which one of these do you think the women will find more attractive?

Yes, that’s right, she will find this one (see video) more attractive.

Generally speaking of course. 

NoFap attraction and mirror neurons

Now, in the brain there are also these things called mirror neurons.

 A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when someone acts and when someone observes the same action performed by another. Thus, the neuron "mirrors" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting.

It reflects on you...

In other words, if you go on a NoFap journey and YOU start seeing women differently it would not be far-fetched at all to think that her mirror neurons could somehow pick up on that and thus also start seeing you differently.

You will of course also start acting differently around women and thus they also start acting differently around you.

Personally I think these are perhaps the biggest reasons why men who do NoFap suddenly get more success with girls, but there could even be more interesting things going on that are, how shall we say, a bit more mysterious, and a bit more difficult to explain.

There is more going on as well...

But I will do my best to do so and also give a few examples in a coming video that will be come out about two weeks from now, so make sure to stay tuned for that one. 

Ok, and so when you watched today’s video, if you sat there and you went, ok, do I know if I am truly addicted or if I just relapsed because of biological urges, then take a look at a video I made a while back where I explain the difference.

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