What Should I avoid During A Porn Reboot? (Problematic Stimuli)

no pmo nofap porn-addiction quitting porn

What is allowed during a porn reboot?

What should I avoid during a porn reboot?

Well, let's jump in and take a closer look at this...

What must I avoid during a porn reboot?

Scandinavian Bob here he,

What is allowed during your PMO reboot?

Well, let’s talk about it, but first I’d like to point out that it is your life - so ultimately you are the one who should make up your own rules for your life.

That said, for the best results you might want to check this video out...

We are going to look into this question from 2 different perspectives. 

Porn reboot vs Semen Retention... 

The first one: if you are doing a PMO reboot in order to fix your sexuality and rewire your brain back to real life people instead of pixels on a screen. You know, maybe you have problems in the bedroom because of all the years of using adult sites etc. 

The second one: if you are merely doing NoFap or semen retention like more of a challenge, but you still want to get the most out of your challenge and you are looking for all the cool benefits.

Semen retention...

Now, I know that retention and NoFap are not exactly the same, but in today's world, most guys put them in the same category so I will lump them together in this video and you’ll see why in a moment. 

You see, I am 100% sure that the positive effects guys are reporting when abstaining from busting nuts is NOT just because of the retention, but also because they simultaneously abstain from online porn.

Because you all know by now that today’s online porn is so stimulating that it messes with your dopamine system…


Ok, so obviously, porn is not allowed here. 


And obviously, no masturbation.


Now what about sex?

Well, here is where I personally would like to separate NoFap from retention, because if you do retention then obviously you don’t want to bust.

So, if that’s you then you are left with two choices...

  1. Either you have sex without ejaculating, which is also very enjoyable, by the way.
  2. Or you avoid sex altogether. 

Now, let me point out that there is nothing wrong with ejaculating during real sex, and you can still get massive benefits from NoFap even if you decide to do so (it's not bad for your dopamine system at all).

I’m going to put this one as “It’s up to you” because it’s really up to you to choose how to do this and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Stronger NoFap benefits with ejaculation free sex (karezza)

Now, many guys experience stronger NoFap benefits if they have sex without busting, particularly when it comes to energy and motivation so that’s one thing to consider as well.

Just know that, whatever way you choose to do this, your dopamine system will thank you tremendously when you stop busting to online porn.

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What about normal movies with sex scenes in it?

Ok, so what about how movies? 

Is this something you have to avoid during a porn addiction reboot?

Well, if you unintentionally happen to see a hot scene in a movie it won't desensitize your reward system and it is nothing to worry about.

As long as you are not intentionally seeking out movies with the purpose of arousing yourself.

Intention vs unintentionally matters...

I hope you understand the distinction there, because one of them is actually a full blown porn relapse.

If you deliberately seek out some artificial way of arousing yourself then you are relapsing, but if you are just watching a movie and happen to see a love scene, then that’s ok.

However, just know that love scenes can be triggering and can cause a real relapse later on, so just be cautious about that, especially in the beginning of your NoFap journey.

Are video games ok?

Ok, so what about video games then?

In moderation they are ok.

Some video games can really keep your dopamine levels elevated for a long time though, so I would still try to not play too many hours a day as that may potentially cause less noticeable NoFap benefits.

And if you are rebooting, excessive amounts of playing may perhaps slow down your progress a bit.

Tobacco or alcohol 

Ok, and so what about this one?

Well, they raise dopamine and I seriously believe that if you do too much of it, you will probably not reach the same level of NoFap benefits you otherwise would for best results. Same goes for your porn addiction recovery.

They really hammer your brain's reward system so cut them out or at least drastically limit your use. Especially in the beginning of your journey.

That said, it is possible to fix PIED and your sexuality even if you keep using them, but again for best results, don’t do too much of them.

Ok, let’s look at Rebooting.


Obviously you want to stay away from adult sites, or cam girls or anything like that. You want to review your sexuality AWAY from pixels on a screen to real life people instead.

So to make it easy to remember, just say 'no' to anything artificial that turns you on, that is not a real person.

Should I avoid erotic novels during porn reboot?

That goes for hot novels, as well.

Should I avoid Instagram models & similar when rebooting from porn?

Same with this one.

If you scroll Instagram models with the purpose of becoming turned on, then you are probably harming your reboot. 

What about movie love scenes when pmo rebooting?

The same goes with this one.

If you seek out R-rated movies with the purpose of getting turned on, then that is a no no.

However, if you just watch a movie and you happen to see a love scene, then that is not a problem. You have to be able to distinguish between those two. 

Must I avoid real sex during a porn reboot?

This one is 100% okay.

In fact it will probably speed up your reboot.

However, if you have PIED then it could be wise to stay away from busting for the first 2-3 months or so. The reason for this is unclear but most guys just seem to progress faster if they stay away from busting in the beginning of their reboot.

And then after a few months they can start to introduce ejacluations again as a part of their sex life. 

Should I avoid masturbation without porn during a porn reboot?

Some guys can fix their PIED (porn induced erectile dysfunction) if they keep doing this, however the progress could potentially be much faster if you stay away from it.

And many guys find that they can not fix their PIED if they keep doing it.

So, personally I would recommend not to do it until you have fixed your PIED.

Then, after that, you can decide if you want to introduce it into your life or not...

...just as long as you remember to NOT do it with online porn again. because that was the thing that caused your problem in the first place.

As for these ones here, the same answer applies for this column, consider moderation.

Faster help for weak boners...

If you are rebooting and having problems with weak erection and low libido, I want to remind you of my website pmoflatline.com,  as over there you can find a lot of helpful tips with things you can try that may potentially help you.

I can leave a link to a specific page where I talk about something that has helped many guys with their drive / erections myself included. Just click the link right you’ll find it there.

If you are just doing NoFap or rebooting for other reasons you will  still find a lot of helpful articles over there, so far I think I have written about 300 blog posts, so just go to PMO Flatline and check them out., 100% free of course.  

Alright this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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