Using Porn in Moderation After A PMO Reboot? (And Other Questions)

pied recovery pmo addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the video further down in the article...

Are you having questions about porn rebooting?

Like for example, is it possible to use porn in moderation after your reboot? Or, when can I start rewiring if I have PIED?

Well, if so, this is the article for you because here I'll answer those, and more...

Using Porn in Moderation After A PMO Reboot? (And Other Questions)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Today I’m going to answer some reboot questions I’ve got either in the comment section or through emails.

Ok. so let’s jump in right away…

Question number 1...

I sometimes edged to porn, but I’m careful not to relapse so I don’t bust. Do you think this will hold me back? 

Oh, man, I hate to break it to you, but that is the biggest relapse right there. At least if you’re trying to get away from the negative effects of porn or overcome a porn addiction.

Look, I don’t know if your main goal is just semen retention or something else, but if you are dealing with any of the negative effects of porn, like for example...

  • PIED
  • Poor concentration
  • Social anxiety
  • Depression 
  • Etc. etc. etc.

...then yes, you are definitely holding yourself back.

And edging is particularly bad for your dopamine system because it’s right there on the edge where dopamine is at its highest, and you’re keeping yourself there.

Question #2…

Does everyone go through a flatline if they start doing NoFap?


The flatline is 100% real, but not everyone will face one.

Out of those who have been watching a lot porn about 60% will have a flatline when they quit. This is according to a poll I did where more than 1000 people voted.

Also, it is more common to experience the flatline for those who have developed at least some form of addiction related brain changes. 

Question #3...

Do you think it’s possible for some to go back to using porn in moderation after they have rebooted? using porn in moderation after a PMO reboot possible?

Well, I’d be lying if I told you that no one has ever been able to do so, because there are some who have managed it, however, that’s a very small percentage of people.

Most people who try to start using porn in moderation after a reboot will slowly but surely start escalating again, until they find themself in the grips of the addiction again.

I personally can not do moderation because if I start opening that door again I get sucked in, and then I have to fight like hell to get out of it again.

Most people can not go back to watching porn in moderation and this is because of the sensitized pathways we have formed.

Of course it’s your life and your rules, so you go ahead and try it if you like, but since I know for a fact that most people who fit the criteria of being addicted will not be able to go back trying to use porn in moderation, I simply can not recommend it.

Question #4...

If you could recommend only one thing for lasting longer in bed while doing NoFap, what would it be?

Slow and deep breathing.

Not just when having sex, but the hours leading up to it as well. 

That will slow down the signaling in the sympathetic part of your nervous system and increase parasympathetic activity which will help you be able to last longer.

And hey, the words slow and deep can be a useful guide for the act itself as well…if you know what I mean.

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Can supplements help with PIED?

For some people, yes.

It depends on the person.

But yeah, for some guys they can actually work surprisingly well and  then there are also those who get no help at all from them. 

My view on this is that they are okay to use during your reboot just as long as you realize that they are not what’s going to fix your pied. Rebooting is and will always be the real cure.

But yea, I did use supplements myself during my own reboot in fact I have written an article where I go through and talk about the ones I found to be most helpful for me so if you're interested in that I can put a link to that blog post  under this video for you. Just click the link where it says blog post and you’ll find it there.

Blog post: Supplements for PIED

Question #6...

What counts as porn? I mean, what should I stay away from?

Yeah, so the rule of thumb here is to just say 'no' to anything in digital form that turns you on sexually.

if it's not real leave it be.  

Another thing I want to point out here is intention as well. If you accidentally happen to see some explicit stuff for a few seconds then that’s no big deal.

However, if you intentionally start seeking out arousing stuff then you are definitely starting to activate the same addiction pathways in your brain.

Question #7...

How long does the pmo / porn flatline last?

It varies for everyone but between 10 and 70 days is the most common range.

Ii can be longer for some, but those guys are in the minority and remember then there are also guys who are lucky enough to not experience any faltine. 

Question #8...

When can I start rewiring if I have PIED?

You can start dating right away if you want.

Being close to real life people will only help you ED. Dating doesn’t have to mean sex as we all know.  

But even if you go for sex there’s nothing wrong with that. However, if you go for sex and nothing is happening between your legs, then don’t try to force an erection with hand stimulation just to be able to do it. 

If nothing is happening down there then that’s okay, don’t freak out about it, and just keep cuddling and being close.

Never try to force an erection during your reboot...

You don’t have to worry that kissing, cuddling and fooling around will hold you back.

However trying to force an erection with hand stimulation might potentially hold you back a bit.

If you manage to get hard enough for sex without using any hand stimulation then don’t be afraid that it’s too soon to have sex.

Staying away from ejaculations in the beginning of your reboot?

However, most people seem to recover faster from pied if they limit or stay away from ejaculations for a few months in the beginning of their reboot. 

This is something that is different for everyone, and so, when it comes to when and how often to start introducing orgasms again this is something everyone should be brave enough to experiment with.

Introduce ejaculations slowly after your reboot...

You see, a lot of guys find that if they start ejaculating like crazy as soon as their PIED is a bit better it tends to throw them back into a flatline.

So, I would recommend spacing out the orgasm in the beginning, but also don't be afraid to try some here and there to see how your libido reacts.

Alright that'll be it for today.

If you need help with this...

If you need help with either relapses or your rebooting you can contact me through my coaching page.

However, I’m not doing that much coaching these days, sometimes I only take on 2- 3 people a week so if I’m not available or, if 1 on 1 coaching on zoom isn’t really your thing, and you'd rather do an online course I recommend you check out Dopamine Discipline, an online course for people who want to stop watching porn.

You can read full reviews of that course in any of the following articles here...


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