PMO Reboot Help & Advice (FAQ's Answered By Scandinavian Bob)

no pmo pmo addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Today we are going to do something special. I’m just going to answer some common questions I get and I’m going to try to use short answers.

It will be a combination of rebooting questions and other questions as well. 

Ok, so let's get to it….

Is it bad to read erotic literature during a PMO reboot?

Hi Bob, do you think it’s bad to read stuff that arouses you during a pmo reboot. 

It can hold you back, yes. If you are unsure about how to act during your reboot, just think: say yes to real life people and no to artificial ways of arousing you.

Are you a vegan?

Hello Bob, are you a vegan?

No I’m not.

I eat a LOT of vegetables, but no. I’m not a vegan.

Learning to surf the urges vs being smart about triggers?

Hi Bob, what is more important, learning to surf the urges or being smart about your triggers? 

Becoming good at surfing the urges, 100%

However, in the beginning of your reboot it’s very wise to also be smart about your triggers. But at the end of the day, it is in the surfing that you choose to not follow your addiction voice, and that basically is how we finally stop relapsing.

I think everyone needs to learn it and in the end of this video I can tell you where to find a good urge surfing video.

Did your voice get deeper from doing NoFap?

Hi Bob, did your voice get deeper from doing NoFap or was it always deep like that?

I always had a deep voice.

Or shall we say my normal, “baseline” voice when I’m relaxed is deep.

When I’m stressed and have more tension in my body the pitch rises a bit. 

Is NoFap woman attraction real?

Bob, do you think that the increased attraction from women on NoFap is a real thing? Yes or no?


Let me just say, I have seen some weird things during my years. This is something that is not easy to explain, but I have been trying to do so in a blog post on my website, which you can find the link to under this video by the way. >NoFap and woman attraction<

Can you recover from a PMO addiction if using porn a couple of hours a week?

Hello Bob, do you think it is possible to recover from PMO addiction if I use adult sites for a few hours once a week. 

No. I do not.

That’s like an alcoholic asking, "Do you think it’s possible for me to overcome my alcohol addiction if I get wasted once a week?"

You need to stop feeding your addiction in order to overcome it.

How much do you bench?

Hi Bob, how much do you bench? Or are you more of a runner type?

Well, not as much as I used to.

I am turning 45 next year so I’m no longer a young buck. I don’t know, I haven’t tried a max lift for a looong time, but yesterday I did 7 reps with 120 kg’s so that would maybe put my max lift at around 148 or maybe even 150 kg’s if I’m lucky. 

I’m not a powerlifter. 

I don’t have a good technique, and I do not use any of those pathetic bench shirts and not once in my life have I touched any chemicals or illegal stuff like that to boost my strength, but I do have a gym in my house and I like to lift from time to time. 

And about the running question, I do like to run, but my genes have definitely made me more explosive so I’m better at being strong than running far distances, if I put it like that.

Journaling vs socializing on a PMO reboot?

Hi Bob, what’s more important for your pmo reboot, journaling or socializing?

Well, journaling is a good tool and I highly recommend it. But socializing is important. 

We need to do it.

Especially if you have porn induced ED (PIED) then you absolutely need to spend time around real life people to rewire your brain.

So here’s a revolutionary thought, why not do both of them?

Can we speed up PMO recovery?

Hello Bob, do you think there are ways we can speed up recovery?

Yes I do.

I think physical exercise, intermittent fasting, socializing, dancing, cold showers and perhaps even meditation may potentially help speed up the recovery a bit.

Now, don’t ask me how much because I don't know - and neither does anyone else because we are all different and there’s just too many factors involved.

Can NoFap help with concentration power?

Hi Bob, do you think NoFap can help with concentration power?

...yes I do.

Morning routine?

Hi Bob, what’s your morning routine? 

My next video is about my morning routine and it is scheduled to come out two days from now I think. Yeah, so I'll share it over there. 

Can you have several flatline during a pmo reboot?

Hello Bob, Is it possible to have several flatlines during a reboot?

Yes it is.

It is in fact pretty common.

But if so, the ones you get earlier in the reboot are often longer than the ones you get later on.

Can NoFap make your teeth whiter?

Hi Bob, Can nofap make your teeth whiter?

No, it can’t.

Can NoFap help with memory?

My friend says NoFap can help with memory.

I think that sounds like just a bunch of nonsense. What’s the truth?

It actually can. 

Porn sites can mess with your dopamine system and dopamine is a key player in short term memory function.

It is very common to see guys starting to report better concentration, focus as well as better short term memory when they start adapting a no PMO lifestyle. 

More vivid dreams on NoFap?

Hi Bob, I’m on day 67 and I have started to experience more vivid dreams at night. Is this just me or have you heard others experiencing the same?

It’s actually very common and many report the same.

I personally believe it’s a good sign of your brain and your reward / dopamine system healing. So be happy about it and keep going.

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Will no PMO make me live longer?

Hi Bob, Will no pmo make me live longer?

Well, no one knows, but if you overcome an addiction that is certainly good for you and more healthy for you mentally, physically and spiritually.

And since health is related to having a long life, then sure I guess it’s possible. 

In fact I’d say it’s very possible if you compare it to being constantly deeply depressed about being stuck in a hellhole with relapses and being stuck in a terrible addiction.

Alright that’s be it for today, but this was actually pretty fun to just answer some questions so I’ll think I’ll do this again maybe about once or twice a month or so and oh, hey guys, if you want my 90 Day No PMO Advice & Tool Guide you can download it for free using the link below...

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...


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