Is it Ok To Ejaculate During A Porn Reboot? (Porn Addiction FAQ's)

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Note: If interested, you can read more about the webinar / online course I mention in the video by visiting my article "A good online course for overcoming porn addiction"

Wondering if it's okay to ejaculate during a pmo reboot / porn reboot?

Do you have other questions about pmo rebooting as well?

Well, is so, this is the blog for you because today we are doing PMO reboot FAQ's.

Let's get started...

Is it Ok To Ejaculate During A Porn Reboot? 

Today I’m going to answer some common questions I get about PMO addiction and rebooting. So make sure to stay with it to the end in order to hear them all.

First question...

Is it possible to recover from porn induced erectile dysfunction while ejaculating?

I’m trying to fix my (porn induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) while ejaculating, and I have a girlfriend. Is it possible to recover if I keep busting with her during my reboot. What’s your take on this?


So, I assume you have “Mild PIED” since you can make love with your girlfriend.

Yeah, so the general advice for PIED is to try to stay away from ejaculating in the beginning of your reboot. Most guys seem to need a complete break from it in the beginning.

Now, there are indeed also many guys who have recovered from PIED, but even they seem to recover from their PIED a bit faster if they take the first 1-3 months off from ejaculating.

How long should I abstain from orgasm when trying to fix PIED?

Now, how long should you avoid it?


Well, since it’s different for everyone, you have to be willing to experiment a bit with your reboot.

As long as you apply zero tolerance to pron, you can later on try ejaculating a few times, here and there, and then see how your body reacts. 

Monitor your morning wood and libido to see if ejaculating slows you down...

A good way is to monitor your morning wood and your sexdrive in general.

But be aware of the fact that the day after ejaculation you often get 'false morning wood' and drive.

Let’s say you were to monitor for 14 days after you ejaculate.

I often noticed myself that the first day was great with strong and solid morning wood, but then my libido and morning wood the following days became even worse than before I ejaculated.

If that happens to you, then you know that it’s a bit too soon for you to start ejaculating again. In which case you should reboot some more before trying again.

If ejaculating increases your libido and morning wood and it sticks around...

If you, on the other hand notice the same quality or even higher quality of morning wood and drive for a period of 2-3 weeks after you ejaculated, then you can probably start doing it more frequently.

This is what I mean when I say that you have to be willing to experiment.

And remember, it possible to make love without ejaculating, if you take it real slow.

That’s actually a great way to rewire.

Also, If you know it’s too soon for you to ejaculate, but you just happen to do so during love making, don’t worry about it.

It’s not like you undo any healing that has taken place in terms of your PIED, it’s just that it might stall your progress for a few days or so.

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Question #2...

Can I overcome my porn addiction if I keep drinking alcohol?


Well, yes it is possible, just as long as you’re not drinking too much of it.

However, you need to know that you are most certainly making it harder for you.

Now, you didn’t tell me if you’re addicted to alcohol or not, but even if you’re not, you should know that alcohol weakens your prefrontal cortex (PFC), which is the very control center of your brain.

Of course it’s up to you, but if you do decide to drink alcohol during your porn reboot, at least try to limit your use to max 1-2 drinks per sitting.

And even then, know that there is a slight increase of relapse risk. 

In addition to that, here’s something to consider for you...

It was the mindset of wanting instant gratification that drove you to adult sites in the first place.

Well, alcohol is also instantly gratifying.

This means that with alcohol you keep feeding that  just use another way of doing so. 

I’m not saying we can never go for instant rewards, we most certainly can, and sometimes it can even be good for us.

But I am saying that the guys who have the most success during a reboot are those who start practicing habits that strengthen delayed gratification.

Do I have to do nofap in order to be confident?


Of course not.

There are guys who keep masturbating and are still very confident.

That said, if you are addicted to online porn, you will have a dysregulated dopamine system - and that could indeed hold you back emotionally, and in several other ways. 

If so, it becomes difficult to have high self-esteem, confidence and a well functioning brain.

Why is edging to porn so bad?


It’s bad because you can keep yourself right on the edge of busting, and it’s right there where your dopamine levels are at their highest point.

And, you should know that dopamine is also a learning chemical, meaning that whenever dopamine is that high, your brain is a learning machine.

And if you’re then feeding your brain with porn sites you are literally teaching your brain to become more aroused by pixels on a screen than by real life people.

You're teaching your brain to become more aroused by pixels on a screen than by real life people...

And yes, this can quickly create porn induced erectile dysfunction (PIED).

And of course, since you can keep edging going for hours at a time, it really fries your dopamine receptors desensitizing your reward system. 

If you could recommend only one thing for lasting longer in bed while doing NoFap, what would it be?


Slow and deep breathing.

Not just when being intimate, but all day long, all the time.

This is because slow breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system and decreases the activity in the sympathetic part.

And it’s the second one here that is responsible for you busting too quickly.

I will be back answering more questions in part 2 in just a couple of days.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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