Videos Of Girlfriend During NoFap/No PMO? (Reboot FAQ'S)

no pmo pied recovery porn-addiction quitting porn

Today we are going to take a look at some frequently asked questions about PMO rebooting.

For example...

  • Is it okay to look at pictures / videos of girlfriend masturbating during a reboot?
  • One single tip for overcoming a pmo addiction?
  • If I can get hard to my hand, without using porn, does that mean I no longer have PIED?

...and more...

So, let's get to it...

Pictures Of Girlfriend During NoFap/No PMO? (Reboot FAQ'S)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

It’s time for another video where I answer some of the questions you guys have been emailing me. Questions about PMO rebooting and Nofap in general.

So let’s jump in right away shall we.

Just one tip for overcoming a pmo addiction...

Hi Bob, if you could give me one tip on how to overcome my pmo addiction, what would it be?

Oh, well you probably know that there are several things you need to consider in order to quit using porn, and that there is no single magic bullet.

But ok ok, I’ll play your game...

If I could only give one advice it would be, “you have to cut down on the time you spend online during your first 2-4 weeks” 

Listen, if you’re trying to overcome a real PMO addiction you can’t just be aimlessly browsing for hours at end.

It simply won’t work.

Now, after about a month or so, it becomes much easier, but until then you absolutely need to have systems in place to make the barriers to relapse bigger.

By the way, putting systems in place is what I do during 1 on 1 coaching so feel free to reach out to me if you need help with that. There’s a link under the video.

If I can get hard to my hands alone, does that mean I cured my PIED?

Hi Bob, if I can get it up to my hands touch alone without adult sites, does that mean I no longer have PIED?

For the most part, yes. 

You are no longer dependent on porn in order to achieve a boner. 

However, there are exceptions.

I hate to be a party pooper here, but there are guys who are still not 100% even though they can do this. 

You see, PIED is mostly caused by a combination of desensitization and conditioning, and if we simplify this greatly you can say that in the PIED equation these are the pieces.

Sexual conditioning and the PIED equation...

Online porn + your hand = boner and ejaculation.

Well, since you've been using this equation for so long, Hand - adult sites - hand adult site hand - adult sites, then simply using your hand without adult sites can in some cases remind the brain about the full equation. 

And in some cases it can do that enough so that it fires up the same pathways you used when doing it to the dirty videos, and thus it could also fire up your boners.

Kind of like how Pavlo’s dog salivated to the bell even though there wasn’t any food there.

It’s conditioning.

However, if this happens and you find yourself still struggling a bit with PIED, rest assured that you are at least very close to being fixed and all you need is just a bit more rewiring to real life people.

But again, in most cases if you can achieve a solid boner with no adult sites and just using physical sensation, in most cases, yes you’re good to go. 

Performance anxiety is also very common here, but this time we are talking strictly about PIED here.

How long does it take to get out of the NoFap flatline...

Hello Scandinavian Bob, I’m in my second week and just entered the flaltline. How long does it take until I get out of it?

Well, every reboot is different so unfortunately that’s impossible to say. However, I can tell you that most flatlines range somewhere between 10 to 70 days.

Now, some will have longer flatlines than that, but that’s the most common length. 

And guys watching this should also know that not everyone will face a flatline after they quit. Even if they had a real

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Is it okay to look at sexy pictures of girlfriend during your reboot?

My ex-girlfriend keeps sending me short videos of her masturbating. Since I know her in real life is this ok for my reboot?

Hey man, PMO addiction is formed by the delivery system we have nowadays.

In other words, pixels on a screen - and it has nothing to do with whether you know the person who sent it or not. 

Look, if you go out eating junk food, would the junk food be less unhealthy if someone you knew was serving it to you?


it’s the same with this, It’s still pixels on a screen that’s turning you on.

And you and if you want to overcome PIED, or a PMO addiction, you need to stop feeding the addiction like that.

Say no to pixels on a screen and yes to meeting people in the real world, outside the screen. 

Ok, since I want to avoid my videos getting too long, I’ll be back answering more questions shortly so if you found this informative, make sure to subscribe for more. 

And if you keep relapsing and need help with your PMO addiction. You can take a look at this video right here >>Dopamine Discipline Review because in that video I talk about an online course that has now helped hundreds of men quit for good. It really is quite impressive as far as I’m concerned.

And remember, like WC used to say, if you're going through hell. Keep going.

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