Can I Look At Pictures During A Porn Reboot/NoFap (If Addicted vs Not)

no pmo nofap pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you doing a porn reboot and now you are wondering...

  • What about looking at pictures when quitting porn / being on NoFap?
  • Will looking at pictures slow down my reboot?
  • Is looking ar pictures okay if you have a porn addiction?

...well, here are your answers...

Can I Look At Pictures During A Porn Reboot/NoFap

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Every single day I get emails from guys asking me questions: is this a relapse? is that a relapse? and what about this? and and what about that?

It’s understandable because, well, we want to do a good job.

So, today we are going to talk about looking at pictures when rebooting / on NoFap.

Is it okay or not?

Well, let’s look at this from a PMO rebooting standpoint now, because if you’re purely into retention then obviously looking at some pictures here and there is no big deal.

But NoFap in general is more about guys wanting to unhook from a problematic PMO habit, where some of them are even addicted to it.

And so for those guys, intentionally looking at adult content pictures is bad...

...really bad!

Why looking at pictures can be bad when doing a pmo reboot....

It's bad because it is the behavior of intentionally seeking out artificial arousing stuff that IS the addiction.

Listen, it's not so much exactly what you watch that's the key, because when it comes to your PMO addiction, your brain only cares about what you find arousing.

And the key word here is: intentionally!

Intention vs not makes all the difference...

Please understand this:

If you just happen to see a very hot picture, when otherwise doing some other stuff on the net, well then that's no problem. 

It's not even a big problem if you happen to, by mistake, run into a hardcore porn,  just as long as you close right away and move on.

Or if your friend stupidly happened to show you something on his phone, like "Whoho! Look at this hot clip I downloaded"

Or if you do some online work and you just accidentally happen to run into something that you find arousing it’s also no big deal just as long as you move on and don’t engage in it.

You didn't intentionally look for it.

And it's no big deal.  

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But don't fool yourself here...

Don't use the above as an excuse and start twisting my words.

For example, if you start thinking,..

... "Ok, so Bob says that if I see something by accident, it's no big deal, so I'll go to this particular Reddit page where there often is some hot stuff, just so I'll get to see some “eye candy”  by accident"


Can you see the problem with tha?

If you're thinking like that, then you are intentionally going there just because you might get a glimpse of something. 

Guys, remember the following words...

If you intentionally seek out artificial stuff that turns you on, then that is bad. No matter if it's pictures, adult related stories, ASMR, booty shaking videos, music videos with hot chicks, Instagram models or whatever.

What does artificial arousing stuff mean?

And by artificial I mean, if it is not a real flesh and blood human it is artificial.

It’s the seeking, clicking  and following you do online, in order to feed and feel your arousal, that is the addiction.

  • Intention seeking = bad!
  • Seeing something by accident = no big deal!

It is very important that you can distinguish between the two, because one is your core addictive behavior, and the other is not. 

And lastly, if you're ever questioning if something is good or bad, just think...

If it is fake or artificial, just say no. And if it’s a real life situation, just say yes...if you and your partner both want to.

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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