Using Dating Apps When Quitting Porn (Good Or Bad?)

porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the video down in the article below...

So, you have decided to stop visiting 'nasty' websites, huh?

And now you're wondering if using dating apps when quitting porn is a bad idea or not?

Well, that's is the very subject of today's video / blog post. 

Stay with me here...

Using Dating Apps When Quitting Porn 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

I often get emails from guys asking what my opinion is on dating during NoFap and whether or not I think using dating apps when quitting porn / during NoFap could be bad for their reboot.

Well, let’s take a look at it…

It depends on the person...

For some guys dating apps significantly increase the risk of a relapse, but then there are also guys who can use dating apps without running into any higher risk.

And it’s up to you to figure out in which category you belong.

That’s always the case anyway because, well, your life, your rules!

So, you go ahead and do what you think is best for you.

Using dating apps during a porn reboot increases the risk of a relapse...

But here's the deal...

There are actually several reasons why dating apps can increase your relapse risks. 

First risk...

The first one is pretty obvious...

You are swiping from girl to girl, and many of those girls want to make sure they highlight their, how shall we say, physical female attributes.

And if you’re a pmo addict then, well, naturally it becomes hard not to be reminded of the wonderful world of adult sites. Which is actually not so wonderful when we look at all the problems it’s causing, but when the addiction voice starts whispering in your head, it tends to leave out all the bad stuff. 


At this part in the video comes a recommendation for The Dopamine Discipline online course. If you want to find out more about it you can read my article, Best Online Course For Quitting Porn / Dopamine Discipline Review



By using dating apps during a pmo reboot you can fall into that risky "following mode"....

Second risk...

Alright, back to the video and the dating apps.

Another thing to consider, and this is even nastier I believe, is that by swiping from girl to girl you fall into that automatic following mode.

You know where you are aimlessly drifting.

And all of you know that this is the exact state you happen to be in when you click from video to video on an adult site as well.

So, even if it’s not adult content you are looking at when using your dating app, just by putting yourself in that automatic mode, it is like you already have one foot in the relapse door.

That’s right!

One foot in the relapsing door...

For many guys it just becomes too easy to put the other foot in as well and there you go, full busting mode activated!!!

Now again, it’s totally up to you to decide whether or not you should be using dating apps during your NoFap journey, a nd if you use them then you should know that, well, let me ask you this...

That automatic mode I was talking about...

What would you say the opposite of that mode is?

And this is important if you want to be successful on your NoFap journey

What is the opposite of the automatic 'following mode'?...

Well, it’s consciousness and mindfulness.

So, if you do decide to use dating apps, start practicing using them in a mindful and conscious way.

By the way, that is something you should do when you are surfing on social media and on the internet in general as well.

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The importance of staying mindful when using the internet...

Stay conscious and be aware of what you are doing because then you are in the driving seat, but as soon as you start drifting you tend to leave the driving seat.

And when this happens you are always a little closer to a porn relapse.

In fact, you could even put a note on your refrigerator where it says consciousness is the antidote to drifting.

I hope this made sense.

And a great way to practice being more conscious is of course to meditate. Many of you knew that already, but if you didn’ you know.

What about meeting people in real life?

And as far as meeting people in real life and going on dates during your NoFap journey, hey, if that’s what you want, I see absolutely no problem with it.

Now, if you happen to be deep down in a porn relapse cycle, and you keep binging right now, then you would perhaps be better off by waiting until you can go at least 2-3 weeks clean first.

Otherwise there’s a risk that you have so much adult content flashbacks spinning around in your head during your dates that you would have a hard time seeing the real person behind your date.

And then it won’t be that fulfilling to you, and it wouldn't really be fair to her either.

Alright, I hope you found this informative.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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