7 Things You Can Do To Speed Up NoFap / Porn Addiction Recovery

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Is it possible to speed up NoFap / porn recovery?

Indeed it is. 

At least if you compare a pmo rebooter that does nothing else than play video games, watch Netflic and eat junk food, with a rebooter that does everything mentioned in this video.

I can guarantee that the second rebooter will have a much faster pmo recovery.

Would you like to know how to speed up nofap recovery?

Well, If you implement all of these 7 tips, or even just a few of them, I can guarantee that you will get the NoFap benefits much faster, so make sure to stay with me to the end to learn them all.

Hey It’s Scandinavian Bob here. This channel is about building a stronger self by kicking the bad habits and amplifying the good ones. Do that by subscribing, klick on the bell notification and and you’ll be on your way.

How to speed up porn recovery TIP#1 : Physical exercise...

Physical exercise could help your pmo recovery in many different ways.

First, because it increases the blood flow to your brain.

It also increases both your dopamine AND your dopamine receptors.

This is more helpful than you think, because fapping to online stimuli will burn out your dopamine D2 receptors in the reward center of your brain.

You don't have to be a porn addict for your dopamine system to suffer...

This is especially true if you are addicted, but even if you’re not you can still knock out your receptors by fapping to powerful online supernormal stimuli.

Physical exercise also increases something called BDNF, which is a protein that supports the survival of existing neurons. But now only that, because it actually encourages the growth of NEW neurons and synapses. 

But there’s more, because exercise also strengthens your prefrontal cortex (PFC).

Now, the PFC is the part of your brain that is responsible for self control. And if you are doing NoFap then you will for sure know that self control is something we simply can not have too much.

In fact, the more self control the better - as it helps us avoid relapses.

And of course, physical exercise will also improve your mood, motivation and self-esteem. All those are also very helpful for staying strong, not relapsing. 

What kind of physical exercise is best?

So what kind of exercise is best?

Well, my answer to that is “the exercise that you will actually keep on doing”

However, when it comes to upregulating the dopamine receptors, studies suggest high intense interval training to be the most effective form of exercise.

So personally, I like to incorporate a few sprints whenever I’m out jogging in the woods.

How to speed up porn addiction recovery Tip #2: Intermittent fasting...

Not eating for a period of time also increases BDNF and upregulates dopamine receptors.

In addition to this, it will make you more metabolically flexible - making you better able to handle and utilizing carbs and fats as fuels.

This is good because that means blood sugar spikes and crashes won’t affect your body and brain as much.

Blood sugar crashes make you relapse to porn...

And you know when most relapses happen? , and this is true for every single addiction you can think of by the way,...

...well, most of them happen when your blood sugars come crashing down after having been sky high. 

You can find lots of info on how to do intermittent fasting online if you google it, but I can tell you that personally I like to do one to two 20-24 hour fasts a week.

Now, don’t do it if you are underweight. At least not without speaking to your doctor first.

How to speed up the effects of NoFap #3: Cold showers...

Cold showers are probably the MOST effective way to start getting NoFap benefits faster.

On a biological leve,l they increase testosterone levels (**the testosterone hing is still a bit unclear), dopamine levels, and again...

...they upregulate dopamine receptors!

However, the most powerful benefits of taking cold showers, in my opinion, is that it will strengthen your willpower and self discipline.

And they to this like nothing else!

Master the art of being comfortable being uncomfortable...

If you start doing cold showers on a regular basis, you will develop an iron will - because you will in essence master the very difficult skill of “being comfortable being uncomfortable”

And iron will, with lots of self control and discipline, what do you think that will do to your NoFap reboot?

Yup, that’s right. It will take it to the next level, for sure!

Fapping to porn for 5 hours straight is instant gratification that makes you feel good in the moment, but miserable when you are done.

Cold showers make you feel miserable when you are doing them, but fantastic AFTER you are done.

It is literally the opposite of an addiction.

There could not be a better tool than something “opposite of an addiction” to help overcome an addiction!

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

How to speed porn recovery #4: Socializing...

When you do a lot of fapping to online porn, you are building neural pathways in your brain that respond to pixels on a screen.

We have to stop that, tear ourselves AWAY from the screen and let those neural pathways start to weaken.

But this is not enough.

Rewire your brain away from porn and pixels on a screen...

While those pathways are weakening we have to build new neural pathways to real life people and situations. 

This is very important because this is how the brain is designed to work. 

This is called "rewiring" in the porn addiction comunity, and it is equally important as NoFap. Or, shall we say, it is a PART of NoFap.

And when you start socializing and spending more time with real people, instead of pixels on a screen, you will for sure speed up your pmo recovery.

Even if it feels very uncomfortable at first.

But hey, if you can be uncomfortable in the cold showers, you can do this as well.

How to get the NoFap benefits faster Tip #5: Try a ketogenic diet...

This is perhaps one of the biggest secrets to how I finally stopped relapsing myself.

So why is this?

Well, when you are on a keto diet your body and brain uses ketones as fuel, instead of glucose.

Now, the brain absolutely loves ketones because it’s a fuel source.

The brain thrives on ketones and that in turn will significantly help with self-control, as well as concentration and focus.

Don’t believe me?

Well, why do you think so many world class poker players, chess players and memory masters are on a keto diet? A

And again, going on a keto diet was one of the biggest things that helped me stop relapsing.

I’m 100% clean today and I ain’t never going back to porn.

How to speed up no porn recovery Tip #6: Meditation...

Meditation is one of the best ways to learn how to ignore cravings and other mental “noises”.

And just like with some of the other tips, meditation also might be able to help repair the dopamine system.

As if this wasn’t enough, meditation also strengthens your prefrontal cortex.

Remember, the brains self control center. Or the brains “police”, if you will.

So start meditating!

It’s one of the easiest things on the list. Certainly easier than intense exercise or cold showers but it might be just as effective.

And lastly, tip #7: Playing memory games to help speed up NoFap recovery...

You can find many free games online and this will help train and build your brain in a good way.

If you really want to take it to the next level, find some good memory game that you can play, without a computer or smartphone, with a real life person.

You know, the good old good old fashioned games you played on your kitchen table.

You get the benefits of socializing and brain training at the same time. 

Ok those were 7 tips for you to speed up NoFap recovery,and in order to not make this video too long, I will be back with more tips on how to speed up pmo recovery in another video / blog post in the near future...

...so if this is something that interest you, consider subscribing for that!

Also, If you found this video informative I really would appreciate you commenting something down below,  >>Link to my YouTube channel<< and also perhaps share the video with one of your friends. You see, the YouTube algorithm works in a way that every comment helps the channel grow a bit more.

Thank you for your support and for watching and always remember that  you are a warrior in your own life and if you keep walking the warriors journey good things WILL come to you. 

-Scandinavian Bob-

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