NoFap - Are Wet Dreams Relapse? Will They Slow Down My PMO Recovery?

nofap nofap relapse pied recovery pmo addiction

Are you wondering if wet dreams are considered a relapse on NoFap?

Or are you wondering if wet dreams hold you back, or slow down your PMO reboot?

What about PIED recovery, are wet dreams going to interfear with that?

Well, let's take a closer look...

NoFap - Are Wet Dreams Relapse? Will They Slow Down My PMO Recovery?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

A lot of guys want to stop having wet dreams because they think it's a relapse.

Well, let's get one thing abundantly clear here; wet dreams are NOT a relapse.

A relapse is when you resort back to your old behavior and break your intentions. In this case searching or following artificial arousing content online. 

A wet dream is NOT a relapse...

A natural bodily function, such as a wet dream that happens automatically can not be a relapse. 

Ok, so now you know that a wet dream on NoFap is not a relapse.But what about retention or PMO recovery itself, are wet dreams going to hold you back?

But will wet dreams slow down your recovery?

Some guys will tell you "no" other's will tell you "yes", but the truth is, no one knows exactly how wet dreams affect a PMO recovery.

Not even Gary Wilson knew.

But he did indeed have the same opinion as me on wet dreams as this sentence is from his website, someone asked him if a wet dream is a relapse and he answered: "Of course not! Normal bodily functions cannot be viewed as a relapse” 

And then he answered the question, but will a wet dream set me back in my recovery?

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Will wet dreams set me back in my recovery? - In my experience, no...maybe a temporary halt...

And he answered “I have no idea. Don’t worry about it, as you will never know if it did or it didn’t” 

However, I can tell you that from everything I have personally seen and experienced myself, I don't think they will set you back at all.

At the very most they might stall your progress a day or two before healing continues, but not even that is entirely sure. 

In fact, when it comes to PMO recovery, you know, as far as fixing your brain from all the abuse from adult sites, I think wet dreams might actually be a sign of recovery.

Could wet dreams during a pmo reboot even be a sign of recovery?

You see, wet dreams happen more often if we are dreaming, and one thing that happens when the brain's dopamine system starts to function better is that guys start experiencing more vivid dreams.

You see, dopamine is highly involved in dreaming.

And dreaming is not bad for's good.

What about retention itself?

Now, as far as the energy increase that retention itself can give you, yes sure, there are some guys who experience a slight drop in energy a day or two after a wet dream, but that’s not so bad, you’ll be up and running again in no time.

Most guys don’t notice any drop in energy and neither do I.

And again about the PMO recovery, who cares if wet dreams might potentially halt your recovery with a day or two, since why worry about something that is out of your control anyway?

And again, I personally don’t think they hold you back at all.

Wet dreams can increase urges for a day or two...

Now, here’s what you can worry a bit about though, well not worry, but you should be aware of the fact that the day after you’ve had a wet dream the urges can be a bit stronger.

And that’s good to know so you can be prepared for it if that turns out to be the case for you.

Another question I often get is, what about hot pictures and things like that?

Can I look at those during my NoFap journey?

And if you are curious about my opinion on this, I have already made a video / blog post on that ==> Can I look at pictures during NoFap / a porn reboot?

Alright, consider subscribing for more helpful NoFap videos because I will be posting answers to more NoFap questions for, well, for a very long time.

-Scandinavian Bob

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