NoFap - Is Peeking A Relapse? (If You Have A Porn Addiction vs Not)

nofap nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction

Wondering if peeking on NoFap is a relapse?

What about if you have a porn addiction, is peeking a relapse then?

Let's take a closer look.

Here we go...

NoFap - Is Peeking A Relapse? (If You Have A Porn Addiction vs Not)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

So is peeking a relapse on NoFap?

Well, I get this question all the time, so let’s take a look at it.

What is peeking?

Peeking simply means that you allow yourself to take a look at some erotic content for a few seconds to get that slight “buzz”, justifying it to yourself with the words “hey, it’s just a matter of seconds, so no big deal, right?”

So, what's the deal here then, is it a big deal or not?

If you are trying to overcome a porn addiction, peeking is bad...

Well, yes, if you have a porn addiction and you are trying to overcome that addiction, it is not good.

You see, every time you do things like that, you are feeding your addiction and you are making it harder for you to stop.

Every single time you give in to a craving you are making your prefrontal cortex a bit weaker and your addiction a bit stronger.

Really, I mean it.

That is literally what’s happening inside your brain.

And your PFC is the part of your brain that is responsible for your self control.

Having strict rules does not make it harder - it's the other way around...

Some guys may be under the impression that having strict rules is harder, but it’s actually not. It is actually harder to get out of an  addiction if you do not have a zero tolerance mentality. 

Ok, and so now some of you are going to ask, "Ok, we get it, but is it a relapse?"

Well, you know what?

I actually don’t like those questions because what difference does it make what you call it. What happens inside the brain happens, no matter what you choose to call it. 

But is peeking on NoFap considered a relapse, then?

Ok ok, I know you’re not going to be happy with that answer so, let’s put it like this, back when I was rebooting, if I went against my intentions and I happened to peek for 20 or 30 seconds, yes, I did consider it a relapse.

Which by the way is the very definition of a relapse, when you break your own rules and backslide.

Now, your life, your rules!

Is peeking on semen retention a relapse?

So, let’s say your  rule is to only do retention and you don’t care about anything else than that, well then for you then obviously a peek would not mean a relapse.  

But again, if you are trying to unhook from porn, it’s not good.

Now, it’s not like a 20 second peek will desensitize your reward system and knock out your dopamine, our reward system is not that vulnerable.

So, in terms of desensitization it is not that big of a deal. However, in terms of sensitization it’s much worse.  

Sensitization vs desensitization...

You see, sensitization and desensitization are not the same thing.

Sensitization basically means that your brain has created a super memory of pleasure. And every time you feed your addiction you are also feeding that super memory. 

Look at it like this…

Desensitization means that you become less sensitive to dopamine, and thus you become more numb to every single pleasurable activity in life, not just to porn.

Sensitization means you become more sensitive to triggers. Yes, you get stronger cravings when you see something that reminds you of your porn sessions.

Now, stay with me here because I have two more things I want to share with you, 

First, I have created a 90 day pmo reboot guide that you can download for free using the link under this video and I have really done my best to make it as helpful as possible and it is also very easy to read. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Second, I really wish you would educate yourself a bit more on the brain changes that happen inside your brain when you become addicted to porn.

Take a look at the article, This happens to the brain if you watch too much porn.

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