How To Heal Your Brain From Porn Use (How Long Does it Take?)

porn withdrawals porn-addiction quitting porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Wondering how to heal your brain after your porn addiction?

How long it will take?

Or if there's a way you can speed up the healing of your brain after porn use?

Well, if so, tis is definitely going to be for you. Let's jump in...

How To Heal Your Brain From Porn Use (How Long Does it Take?)

Check this timeline out...

This point here is you quitting porn, and what can be a bit nasty here is that many people expect to start feeling better right away, like this. 

Now, sure some people do actually start feeling good very quickly, but if you are addicted to porn, what’s more common is to first start feeling bad for a while, and have a drop like this…before you slowly start climbing up and start feeling more and more awesome over time like this. 

The drop: porn addiction withdrawals makes you feel bad...

And obviously, this drop happens due to withdrawals. Yes, if you didn’t know, one can really have withdrawals after quitting porn. And for some people, these withdrawal symptoms can actually be really, really nasty.

And the most common things guys are feeling here is low mood, irritability, insomnia,  lack of energy, lack of motivation and drive and it is also very common to have an increase in anxiety.  

Here’s a quote from one guy talking about this…

**watch video for quote*

And here’s another guy…

*Watch video for quote*

How long does porn withdrawals last?

Yeah, and so the time it takes for the withdrawals to go away is going to depend on the person, but in general one can say that most people are starting to feel a whole lot better after about 3-4 weeks or so.

But you guys have to remember that things will get better, and not just a little but a whole lot better so you just have to pursue patience and keep on pushing.

You can do this, guys. I promise you you can, but be prepared for some stormy waters especially during the first 3 weeks. 

Two weeks after quitting a porn addiction your dopamine levels are still below average (in general)...

Just yesterday watched a video with the addiction expert Anna Lemke, who showed some pictures of the dopamine system 2 weeks after quitting an addiction.

 And in those pictures you could clearly see how the dopamine transmission and the dopamine receptors were still painfully below average.

All addiction share the same fundamental brain changes...

Now, those pictures were of drug addicts, but you should know that all addictions  share the same fundamental brain changes, even behavior addictions, like internet addiction, gambling, and porn addiction.

It was not the first time I heard experts share this finding either and it also fits well in line with what I’ve seen over the 12 years I’ve been involved in the porn addiction community and from examining different timelines from guys quitting porn.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Can we speed up healing of the brain after porn use?

Here’s something really interesting...

At one point Anna got the questions about speeding up recovery and things like internet, and phone addiction, and what would be a good thing to do for things like that and she just immediately answered “Dopamine Fasting”.

Dopamine fasting could potentially help speed up dopamine recovery after a porn addiction...

For example doing a dopamine fast for 24 hours, or even shorter or longer dopamine fasting protocols at times. 

She also talked about how pushing on the pain side can help to reset the dopamine system.

You see it is by exposing ourselves to too much pleasure that we have changed our dopamine setpoint in a negative way.

And by doing the exact opposite, in other words doing healthy painful stuff, we can help tilt the balance the other way and potentially help speed up the recovery.

Using pain to reverse a porn addiction...

Some good examples of healthy painful stuff is for example running, or physical exercise in general or my personal favorite taking cold showers.

Cold showers are very painful, but according to some smart people out there they can really help to upregulate your dopamine receptors and reset your dopamine system. 

And the reason I love cold showers is because they are quick and you can do them often.

Unlike exercise, it's hard to burn yourself out taking cold showers...

If you go too hard with running you will quickly just burn yourself out, but it is difficult to burn out your nervous system by taking cold showers too often, that doesn’t really happen.

Obviously, if you’re not used to them,  you have to use your head and build it up and don’t go totally crazy from the start, but in general they do not burn you out like going for a run 2 times per day would do if you're not a high level athlete. 

In fact, just yesterday I started a challenge for myself to take 500 cold showers in one year.

500 cold showers in one year, my personal challenge...

And I’m really excited for what this is going to do to my dopamine system.  I just printed out a paper with 500 squares, put it on my bathroom wall and after every cold shower I take I will put an ex in one of those squares. 

And I have to say, I like these kinds of challenges better than building streaks, because if you miss a day with a streak system, you run the risk of just quitting, since you broke the chain. But 500 cold showers in one year mean I will have to take 1.37 showers per day on average.

Unlike building a streak, with this kind of challenge, if I miss a day every now and then, I can just make up for it later on by taking 2 or 3 showers one day later on. 

Interested in learning more about dopamine fasting for helping porn recovery?

And speaking of dopamine fasting and speeding up the recovery time, if you’re interested in diving deeper into this, then I can leave a link to my Dopamine Fasting online course below.

Here’s what Victor Martin has to say about the course:

I have bought your course Bob and I am super happy! I truly believe that anyone who is detoxing from porn can greatly speed up their recovery with this. Perhaps instead of 90 days, it is possible in 40 days.” --Victor Martin

Here’s just what one guy said in a comment under my very last video:

"Thanks Scandinavian Bob. I can’t believe how consistently you hit the nail on the head and this video is no exception. I highly recommend anyone struggling to subscribe to your dopamine fasting course. It has made a huge difference for me”  -Robert Bennie

So, if you’re interested in discovering more about this then you can read about this very course using the link right here ==> Dopamine Focused Fasting

Thanks for reading,

-Scandinavian Bob

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