Can Quitting Porn Can Help Social Anxiety? (Did You Know This?)

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Can quitting porn help with anxiety?

Well, if you have social anxiety and you're a frequent porn user, you might want to take a loot at today's content. 

We are going to take a deeper dive into whether or not stopping porn can help reduce social anxiety. 

Or perhaps completely eliminate it.

Can quitting porn help social anxiety?

NoFap and social anxiety.

Yes, today we are going to talk a bit about the fact that quitting porn seems to be helping so many guys with their social anxiety.

And in the later part I have some cool examples for you so you might want to stay with me for the whole video here.

How can quitting porn help to reduce social anxiety?

Yes, so there are actually several reasons for why NoFap can reduce social anxiety, and today we will focus a bit more on the psychological reasons.

Now, there are indeed biological reasons as well, which I have talked about before, but if you’re new to this let’s go over it really quickly.

Porn can cause a disrupted dopamine system with downregulated receptors...

You see, today’s super stimulating adult sites are so potent that if we use too much of them they can cause downregulation of your dopamine receptors and if this happens we get a disrupted dopamine system, with low dopamine signaling in the brain.

Now, social anxiety has for a while now been strongly associated with low dopamine signaling.

A disrupted dopamine system can give you issues, like...

For example, here are the most common symptoms of a poor functioning dopamine system..

  • Low motivation and drive
  • Duller senses
  • Depression
  • Feelings of shame
  • Fear 
  • Anxiety

Well, if you zoom in on the lowest ones there and make a nice little package of it, wouldn’t you say that package looks very much like...yup, social anxiety.

So, when guys go on a NoFap journey, and stop using porn, the dopamine system will start working better again - and thus they often start noticing a reduction in their social anxiety.

So that’s what’s going on on a biological level.

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The psychological aspect is also a factor...

But listen to this, because it gets even more powerful.

Let me paint a picture for you.

Let’s say it’s your birthday and a few of your relatives are visiting you. Your grandfather is there. Your mother, your aunt, and a few of your cousins and you are all right there, talking in your living room.

On a table in your living room you have your computer and for some reason the screen does not go dark, and let’s say that for some strange reason screenshots of your search history start showing up on the screen.

Oh man, so let me ask you...

Could you stand there and own everything about it or would start sweating?

Anything there in your search history you would like to hide?

Well, here’s the deal...

If you feel like there's something you need to hide, it can take a toll on your self-esteem and anxiety...

Anytime we feel we need to hide something about ourselves, that can really feed the part of the brain that is responsible for fear and shame.

And for some people, the act of hiding things about us is actually a very powerful driver behind social anxiety.

As a former porn addict myself, I can tell you that 10 years ago, when I had some of my friends over, and if some of them asked if they could use the computer, I got this instant inner fear of "Uh-oh! What did I search for the last couple of days that might come up in google auto suggest right now?"

Well, it’s that right there is what I’m talking about.

Even if you never have anyone over, that act of having to hide, or having to clean up your history in secrecy, can really program your subconscious brain in a way that’s giving you more social anxiety.

Today, if someone wants to use my compute,r I just say, "Go right ahead!", and there is no fearful voice inside me going, "uh-oh!", and I can totally own everything about my recent actions.

And that feels good.

It’s...well, it’s a liberating feeling.

And that very feeling, in combination with the better functioning dopamine system, can even make quitting porn completely eliminate social anxiety for some guys.

What guys are saying about quitting porn and anxiety...

Are just a couple of quotes from guys experiencing this…

Guy number 1...

I had pretty bad social anxiety before starting Nofap, and I have made SOOOOOO much progress since starting nofap last year. My social anxiety is almost non-existent at this point.”

Guy number 2...

“I seriously can’t believe what’s happening to me. I’m on day 61 of nofap and the social anxiety I’ve been fighting with for more than 10 years is gone. I almost wish I could say it’s reduced, since that would make me sound more trustworthy, but no, it is gone and I mean completely gone”

Now, that’s pretty cool!

Quitting porn does not reduce social anxiety for everyone...

But, I always have to point out that we are all different, and that your results may vary because the truth is that not everyone who stop using porn experience a reduction in social anxiety.

For example, I had anxiety long before there even was such a thing as internet, and I’m predisposed to having anxiety. So, unfortunately NoFap does not really help me there.

It does make it a bit better though.

But again, for a lot of guys giving up porn really helps with anxiety, and the only way to know in what group you belong, is to try it out for yourself.

Some people need more time away from porn than others before they start seeing a reduction in their social anxiety...

And also, know that some guys need a lot of time before they start seeing results.

Especially if they had deep addiction related brain changes.

So, if you’re impatient, or you belong to the unlucky group that doesn't get social anxiety reduction after quitting porn, then take a look at a another video blog I made a while back, where I talk about something that has been absolutely amazing for my own anxiety over the years.

I mean, so effective that, well I’m talking an almost 80% reduction in just an hour or two for me personally you can see that blog post here => How quitting porn helps social anxiety

Alright this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

-Scandinavian Bob

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