How To Channel Your NoFap / Retention Energy into Achieving Goals

nofap nofap benefits retention energy

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Today we are going to talk about how to channel your NoFap energy and if you are one of the guys who are into NoFap then this is something you need to know.

It is absolutely crucial that you’ll learn this because channeling your energy on NoFap can really skyrocket your results in life.

So make sure to stay with me all the way to the end here.

I was skeptical about the whole NoFap / Semen retention energy...

Ok, so first I have to admit that, many years ago, back when I first started doing NoFap, I was skeptical to this whole transmute your retention / NoFap energy stuff.

I thought the whole energy thing sounded so, well, woo-woo, but I have to tell you, I have since then changed my mind and now I fully believe this can be done.

After all, we are talking about a force that is biologically programmed into you in order to drive you to carry your DNA to the next generation. And it really is the most powerful force in human nature.

Think about how something can drive you forward during your relapses...

And also, think about how you sometimes act when you are relapsing.

You are sitting there, in front of your computer, and you search like crazy for the perfect video on a nasty website.

You click from video to video, with a super-like focus, almost like you were obsessed.

You don’t know what’s going on around you and time goes by very quickly.

Before you know it 3 hours have passed.

How much effort did your relapse take - in the moment?

Now, imagine if someone had stopped you in the middle of your relapse and asked, how much effort does this relapse take?

And if you somehow could suddenly bring back all the blood from your little head down there up to your bigger head and think about it logically you would answer: "Oh it takes no effort at all, it is like something is driving me forward and it all happens automatically." 

I’m sure many of you recognize yourself in this, and this is it...

...this is the energy we are talking about. 

When I realized this I also understood that yes, the energy thing is indeed real.

The NoFap / semen retention energy is definitely real...

And if we somehow could channel that same drive you have when you are clicking and searching like crazy into other stuff, it would be like rocket fuel for getting stuff done.

And this is how you do it. in three steps.

How to transmute your NoFap energy...

The next time you get really strong urges then don’t try to push them away.

Instead shift your focus away from potential adult sites, and instead focus on where that feeling sits in your body.

Step #1 shift focus to where the feeling sits

Start breathing slowly and deeply while you focus on that feeling for about a minute or so.

Feel that tingly sensation and now here comes the key...

You have now captured the energy there and it is either ready to be used or wasted, so don’t be a fool and waste it on adult sites.

Now you again shift your focus to something you want to achieve all while you keep breathing deeply.

Visualize you desired outcome for a moment.

Step #2 shift focus to a goal 

Don’t stay too long here because we need to go to the last step pretty quickly.

And step number 3...

Step #3 chunk goal into very small steps

Chunk that goal into the smallest possible steps and then start attacking those steps immediately. 

And listen up, this is important...

It is important that you do not get stuck on step number two as that can get you overwhelmed and then you lose that powerful energy.

Quickly move on to step #3 and just start attacking...

So, you really have to make sure to shift your focus to step number three pretty quickly and then become like a robot, just attacking one small step after the other - driven by that energy you have inside you.

With a bit of practice you can use this to get pretty much anything done. 

Let’s take an example here to drive home the point.

Specific example of how to transmute your energy into achieving goals on NoFap / semen retention...

Let’s say I want to publish a new YouTube video tomorrow and it just so happens that I get really strong urges that day. 

Well, then I use those steps, but I make sure to not stay on step number two too long because there is so much involved in making a YouTube video. From making a good thumbnail, to writing a good script to recording the audio, to setting up the animations.

So if I start thinking about all of that I get overwhelmed and lose that energy. 

I quickly land on step #3 and just go at it like a robot and I start attacking just one step at a time. 

Attack micro steps...

First step, find a subject. Ok, that means check my list of ideas, open the list on my phone.


Then, just decide one subject...ok


Next step, come up with a good headline..ok


Next step, just write the introduction and no more...ok 


Next step...just structure up some good subheadings...ok


And so on, you get the picture.

Make it a fun game...

And you can use this for everything. It almost comes like a fun game.

What if you could use that energy for getting a girlfriend instead of having a girlfriend on your screen?

Now, you don’t have to use it for girls, but if you want a girlfriend, guess what?

You can!

This doesn’t mean that you will get one that very same day, but man the results can come extremely fast if you start converting the energy like I just described. 

Channel your NoFap energy into getting a girlfriend...

Feeling urges, capture it, I want a girlfriend ok, ROGER THAT...but  that’s overwhelming.

What steps could I take?

Go to the store…


Buy some nice shoes…


Smile at 3 different women you meet in the store…


Make15 seconds of small talk to the cashier just to practice…


When outside of the store, ask a girl for directions just to practice…


Just say “Hey!” to the next girl you pass on the street, just to practice…


And so on.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...

Now again, this does not mean you’ll get home with your future wife today, but what if you always started using this instead of going to adult sites, do you think it would make a difference? 

Damn right it would!

And man, let me tell you; that drive can make you achieve things much faster than you ever thought possible - because it really is a drive fueled by that energy we talked about in the beginning. 

And if you combine that drive with super small steps, it becomes really fun and with a little practice you can really feel how that drive pulls you forward. 

Just remember to really chunk those goals into micro steps otherwise you will lose that energy and drive because, even though we are talking about a strong energy here, getting overwhelmed really kills the drive.

Besides that guys, If you want to help me be able to make these kinds of videos, you can always support my channel by buying me a coffee, you can find a link to that donation site right here, and if you choose to buy me some coffee, thank you so much. 

Alright, This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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