Why I Quit Watching Porn And Why I'm Never Going Back (The Benefits)

porn-addiction quitting porn

Any benefits of giving up porn? Are you kidding?!?

In this video / blog post I'm going to share my experience with quitting porn.

It has been a long, but rewarding, journey.

Believe me :)

Let's jump in...

Why I Quit Watching Porn And Why I'm Never Going Back (The Benefits)...

Scandinavian Bob here hi.

I often get questions about how I found Nofap and why I decided to start doing it.

So, I thought I’d talk a little bit about that today. 

It’s going to be pretty short though since I have already made a video where I share my full story and I will link to that video at the end of this one so, if you're interested in that, stay with me until the end here.

I'm a bit older than my average viewers, so I grew up in a world without the internet...

Ok, so, as most of you already know, I’m probably a lot older than my average viewers.

Yes, since I’m born in 1976 that means I actually grew up without the internet.

I had a pretty good childhood, with a bit of anxiety and depression here and there. I started dating when I was about 19 and dated some more in my twenties...and thighs were pretty ok.

Adult magazines and VHS tapes were not potent enough to cause any problems...


At this point in time I was using the old VHS tapes, or even magazines, to consume my adult content.

And those were not potent enough to give me any real problems, so to speak.

Well, I was suffering a bit from anxiety, but again, I have been doing so my whole life. Even long before I discovered online porn, so it’s a genetic predisposition. 

However, like everyone else I too got dragged into the crazy world of the internet when it started to roll out and fast forward a few years.

High speed internet at the age of 28...

When I was about 28 years old I then got an internet connection that was fast enough for good quality videos. And I think about two years later around 2006 the tube sites entered the market.

Now that is a key moment right there...

This is really what gives us unending novelty, with lightning speed, and just a click of a button.

And sure enough, right around here my consumption of adult sites also skyrocketed.

And back here I still had no idea about what it was doing to my brain.

My anxiety and depression started to get worse...

I had no idea my anxiety and depression started to get worse, and little did I know that it was actually the online porn that was causing it.

I had quite a lot of dates between my 20 and 30 and they were pretty ok, but something was soon going to happen here.

And  in order to not make this too long I’ll fast forward to the year 2012 when I was 36 years old.

Here I had now been using adult content, well, since I was a teen, but I had been using high speed internet for about 8 years or so, or maybe a little bit longer, but I still didn’t know it was bad for me. 

You see, due to increased depression and more social anxiety there was now was a pretty long period of time where I didn’t date anyone, but in the summer of 2012 I decided to take up my dating game again. 

I decided to take up my dating game again - without knowing there was something wrong with me...

Well, to make a long story short, I ended up in bed with a gorgeous brunette and I guess almost everyone of you can figure out what happened next. 

Well, I was able to perform, but my drive was almost nonexistent, and my wood was extremely weak and sluggish and it all felt so strange.

I was barely able to perform, and I instantly felt that something was wrong.

A turning point in my life...

Well, as soon as I got home I started searching online and I found Gary Wilsons site your brain on porn, and there I learned that using too much online porn can actually make it difficult, or even impossible, to perform with real life women.

After a while I also found rebooting forums, and after some time, the whole NoFap community.

I obviously read everything on Gary Wilson's sites and I decided to start rebooting.

And the reason for me wanting to reboot was of course to rewire my sexual responses, away from pixels on a screen, to real life women instead, so I could fix my sluggish boners and my drive.

And since I read everything on Garys site I also saw that many who were rebooting were starting to get rid of social anxiety, depression, and get more confidence and motivation...

...so obviously I was excited to see if rebooting would help me with those as well.

 So, yeah that pretty much answers the questions about how and why I started NoFap.

My benefits of quitting porn...

Well, I’ll tell you more details in the other video I talked about, but let me just say, as I now sit here, almost 9 years after I found Gary Wilsons site, I no longer have any problems with weak bones.

Imagine that.

I’m almost 10 years older, but I sure as hell function like a man is supposed to, and there are no longer any problems in that department.

And my drive and motivation are only about 5x stronger, and the same with my energy levels.

My confidence and self-esteem is so much better without that crap in my life.

Giving up porn did not fix my anxiety to 100% 

Now, it didn’t fix  my anxiety and depression completely.

It did improve significantly, but as I said in the beginning, I’m predisposed to those two conditions and I was having them long before I found the world of online porn.

So, in my case, it’s a matter of learning how to cope with them. 

But those of you who have been following me for a while know that I wasn’t just able to quit as soon as I found Gary Wilson’s site.

It took me a long time before I was able to stop relapsing...

I started rebooting right away when I found it, but I relapsed for many years before I figured out how to stop relapsing.

Yes, I had to read a lot about the brain and about human behaviors.

But I’m not bitter about that today, because I can now use the things I’ve learned when I’m helping others to overcome their porn addiction.

In fact, even though I have been free for a couple of years now, I still continue to read and learn even more because I developed a passion to learn and help others.

Some more benefits I experienced when I stopped watching porn...

And some more about the benefits of me giving up porn...

Well, today I like being able to look at women and see the real person there and not just body parts, that so many men pathetically lust over so much, so that they can’t even see that there is a person there.

This is another awesome thing NoFap will give you. The ability to connect on a level so deep that no man who is addicted to PMO will ever understand, unless he overcomes his addiction.

Imagine that, guys, women are so much more than just body parts.

And so, I guess that also answers the final question, why I’m never ever going back, because if all those reasons weren't enough for me, oh man then I’d seriously had to start questioning my priorities. 

Oh and hey guys, if you want my 90 Day No PMO and Advice Tole Guide you can still get it for FREE when you sign up to my email list.

You can download it below...

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >>Downloading<< my FREE guide below...


Alright this is Scandinavian Bob Signing out for today, consider subscribing for more.

Thanks for reading.

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