What You Need To Know Before You Quit Watching Porn (My Experience)

pmo addiction pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post...

Wondering if there's anything you need to know before you stop watching porn?

Something important so that you don't make your journey harder than it have to be?

Well, in this video I'll share a few things I would do differently If I started my journey of quitting porn all over today. 

Let's get to it...

What You Need To Know Before You Quit Watching Porn

It was at the end of 2012 that I first found Gary Wilsons site, Your Brain on Porn and decided to start rebooting, which means I have been involved in the rebooting community for just about 10 years now (at the time of making this video).

So, if I could go back in time and start again, with the knowledge I have gained over the years what would I  do differently?

Well, first I would have to say that I would definitely seek some form of help.


I would seek some for of help for quitting porn...

Well, because as my long term subscribers know, it took me 7 years to overcome my addiction.

Yes, it was 7 years of relapsing with shorter streaks and longer streaks, so looking back at it, getting some help could have saved me many years of pain.

But here’s the deal…

When I started I had no idea it was going to take me that long.

That’s the thing with our lives. We do not know what lies ahead, but IF I would have known it was going to take me that long, I would have searched for help from my very first day.

Now, even if people get help or do an online course, sure they get guidance making everything so much easier, but they still need to put in the work.

I know that because today I’m on the other side, since now I’m the one helping clients.

And when it comes to putting in the work, here’s what I would do differently if I started again today.

I wish I would have been more humble in my thinking...

When I started rebooting I didn’t know just how powerful that addiction voice can be.

I remember when I first started I read some comments on Your Brain on Porn from guys who had just relapsed maybe already in their second or third week and I remember thinking, "What’s wrong with you guys. Don’t you have any self control at all?"

Oh, man, well little did I know that I was soon about to relapse probably more than 100 times myself and that it would take me 7 years to get the hang of it.

Today I know how difficult it can be and, well, I wish I wouldn’t have been so arrogant in my thinking there.

I would be more flexible in my approach to quitting porn...

If I were to go back in time I would now know that you can’t just rely on willpower.

You have to have strategies in place for when that addiction voice starts whispering in your ear. And since your circumstances may change during your rebooting years you need to be flexible and able to modify your strategies.

And not only that - you also need to rehearse those strategies.

You know, think them through, write them down and perhaps even practice them like a fire drill, even when you're not having urges, just to help hammer them into your brain.

Because here the thing…

That addiction voice I talked about, well, in the heat of the moment it tends to make your mind go blank, making you very vulnerable to relapsing.

You need to prepare and practice...

So, your replacement strategy needs to be prepared in advance, it needs to be active, ready to execute.

And if you also practice the routine on a regular basis, you are much more likely to not get hijacked and lose control when the voice of temptation starts messing with you.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

I would reduce my sugar intake...

Another thing I would do if I started today is to reduce my sugar intake from my very first day, because it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that sugar made my dopamine system start looking for more dopamine.

And obviously that made me relapse so many times during the years.

I would reduce the amount of coffee I drink...

I would also drastically cut down my caffeine intake, because it wasn’t until the last couple of years of my reboot that it finally clicked for me that I was very caffeine sensitive.

And that having just 1 or 2 strong cups of coffee made my stress levels higher and my sleep quality worse. 

But no, in my stubbornness I just kept drinking coffee, and oftentimes much more than 2 cups a day.

Now, poor sleep will make you much more reactive to...well to everything. It reduces your self control so obviously it made me relapse so many times as well, just like the sugar. 

We are all different...

This one is different for everyone though because some people can tolerate caffeine just fine. It’s just that I’m very sensitive to caffeine so I need to be careful with it.

I still drink it though, but either very small amounts or then I go for decaf.

So, those are some things I wish I would have known when I started and since there are more of them, I will actually make a part two, sharing more of those things with you all.

You can read a full review of the course I mention in the end of the video by clicking on any of the following links...


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