What If Quitting Porn Won't Be Worth it For Me? (Well, Pity)

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Wondering if quitting porn will be worth it for you?

What if NoFap / quitting porn won't work?

Well, here's what to do...

  1. Watch the video...
  2. Sign up to Audible here
  3. Look for "Can't Hurt Me", by David Goggins
  4. Start kicking ass in life ;)

What If Quitting Porn Won't Be Worth it For Me? 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

I sometimes get emails where guys write something like...

"I watch porn almost on a daily basis. Sometimes several times a day. I’m overweight, I’m single, I have social anxiety and no real interests in my life. I have been thinking about quitting porn / trying NoFap, but what if it doesn’t work for me?"

Well, now, I have to be a bit blunt here and start by saying, for guys writing stuff like that, you have the complete wrong mindset. 

If you're wondering if NoFap / quitting porn is going to be worth it, you have the wrong mindset...

You can’t be thinking like that

Instead you have to think, “What if NoFap works?"

And then you just commit to yourself to give it a decent chance. 

Now, that mindset of 'not trying things because it might not work out' is so incredibly destructive - and it’s probably a big reason behind why your life isn’t really going the way you would like.

Because it affects you in every area of your life.

Not just NoFap and quitting porn.

Chances are NoFap / quitting porn won't make you amazing...

And I’ll be honest with you, even if you do try NoFap then, yes, chances are it won’t make your life a whole lot better if you keep having that mindset with everything else.

Listen, don’t worry about failing because you will!

And that’s nothing personal against you, I’m saying that because every single one of us fails with things we set out to do.

Don’t look at failure as an indicator that there’s something wrong with you. Instead look at failure as a feedback mechanism telling you to modify things a bit and then try again.

And again... and again... and again! 

Double your failure rate!

In fact, when they interview some of the most successful people on the planet, asking them how to move forward faster in life, they often say: "Double your failure rate"

That’s right!

Because they know that failure is a stepping stone to success.

The most successful people on the planet know that the more you fail the better you can calibrate your approach - and the better you become. 

Yes, it is scary...

Now, that doesn’t mean it won’t be scary and even painful at times.

It will.

So, start by changing your mindset from "what if it doesn’t work?"


"I will go hard at it and I will commit to myself to get back up after every time I fall. I will then modify my approach and keep going no matter what. I will find glory in the struggle and then somewhere further down the line, what if it actually would work?"

With the right mindset NoFap and quitting porn will be worth it

Yes, with that kind of mindset, chances are you’ll succeed with pretty much anything you go for in life.

At the very least you’ll turn your life around completely, because going from never even trying to never ever giving up is a night and day difference.

So, start by trying to get good at NoFap.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Start by trying to become good at NoFap

And you know, for so many guys NoFap then becomes a keystone habit that, more often than not, also leads to other good habits.

You start becoming mentally tougher, you start collecting small wins here and there and that increases your drive even more.

And so, you start going at it even harder.

And then just imagine how much you could change your life in just 3 years from now.

God only knows how much.

For a lot of guys, quitting porn will completely change their lives in 3 years or less

Some guys who really manage to adapt a warrior mindset go from being overweight, living in their mothers basement, to having their own apartment, their own business, new exciting friends and a body like a Greek God in just 3 years.

Instead of using your imagination on what could go wrong, instead start imagining all the great things you could achieve, and even more importantly, start imagining what kind of man you could become. 

So, start getting excited by that idea and then start leveling up in the game of life.

Get excited about quitting porn and how worth it it's going to be...

One small step at a time, and listen...

Even if you don’t achieve all of your goals, which mindset do you think will get you further?

The one where you’re not even trying or the one where you will go hard, calibrate and go hard again nonstop on repeat?

Which of those do you think will get you furthest?

Well, I think we all know the answer to that.

One more piece of advice on your pmo rebooting journey...

Ok, so for those of you who needed to hear this I’m going to give you one more piece of advice.

And if you follow it, you will remember it for the rest of your life.

Sign up to Audible, using the link under the video (top of this page), and search for "Can't Hurt Me", by David Goggins. 

David Goggins and NoFap...

If you don’t know who David Goggins is, oh man, oh man oh man, you’re in for a treat.

If you think your life is a mess, and if you think you can’t change it, you have to listen to that book.

In fact, every man should listen to it because they will discover just how powerful the right mindset can be.

I’m listening to that book myself right now, for the fourth time because, I’m telling you, you can not listen to that book without it leaving a big  impact on you.

When you think you’re all done and there’s nothing more in you to give, Goggins will show you that you are just getting started.

Oh man, oh man David Goggins, what a freaking legend!

So sign up to audible by using the link under the video and get that book right now and then, start leveling up in life!

When you listen to it  you’ll see exactly what I mean!

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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