Is Quitting Porn And NoFap Worth it For Me? (Feel Like Giving Up?)

no pmo nofap benefits pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering if quitting porn or NoFap is going to be worth it?

Since the road to getting there seems to be rocky, to say the least?

Well, if this is you, you need to watch today's video...

Is Quitting Porn And NoFap Worth it For Me? 

So, you’re struggling a bit with NoFap, huh?

Perhaps you have been falling off the horse a few more times than you would like recently and sometimes you even question whether this whole NoFap thing is worth it or not.

Well, the first thing I would like to say is that…you know how guys have different goals out there, some focus more on retention others more on quitting porn. 

Now here’s the thing. No matter what your goal is, if you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels,  there are three words I want you to imprint into your mind.

Progress, not perfection...

You have to realize that this is a journey and you have to be able to look at the big picture. 

I think most of you already know that I come from a background of being addicted to porn. So this is why I fully believe that getting rid of those nasty porn binges where you edge to porn for hours on end is the most important thing to get out of your life. 

That's where at least 95% of the benefits lie because by fapping to porn for many hours a week you run the risk of desensitizing the reward system in your brain.

You all know that by now, right? 

Having a desensitized dopamine system makes your life less fun...

Now, I’m not here to moralize and tell you how to live. In fact, if you choose to watch porn then go ahead. It's your life and your rules.

However, as a former porn addict myself I feel the need to make inform you of the fact that having a desensitized reward system makes life much more boring.


Well, the clue is in the name, desensitization.

That means a numb pleasure response. And if your pleasure response is numb you get less pleasure out of everything in life Not just porn.

That’s right.

Not just porn, but everything will be less enjoyable...

Going out and meeting people will just feel like a lot of work.

Listening to music is no longer as fun and you have a hard time getting turned on by normal looking women in real life because you and your hand have been numbing yourself so much in front of your laptop.

Now, of course you can do semen retention too if you like to, as some guys find that gives them a bit of extra energy.

But here’s my point...

No matter what goal you have with NoFap you should not be too hard on yourself if you happen to slip.

This is true for both a porn relapse or a relapse in regards to just releasing your seed.

Especially the semen retention, if you're just doing that then, oh man I Would say to just treat it as an interesting challenge. A fun game that can bring you a bit more energy if you play it correctly and don’t freak out if you have a wet dream, release during sex or even through masturbation.

If you slip you slip, no big deal. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Getting rid of a porn addiction is important, but still don't beat yourself up if you relapse...

What I’m trying to say is that getting rid of porn is more important, but even here, even if you have a nasty porn relapse you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it.

It happens all the time to most people out there - and what you want to do is to simply look at the situation, try to figure out what you could have done differently and then you take it as a learning experience.

Put it in your backpack as you trudge forward on your journey.

Strict rules does not equal shaming yourself...

Yes, I have often said that you need to have strict rules if you want to quit porn, and I still say that, because you should, but that’s not the same as to say that you have to beat yourself up if you happen to relapse. 

You have to be kind to yourself.

If you're addicted to porn then keep in mind that we are talking about real addiction related brain changes and getting out if it is can take some time and some effort. But you can do it. 

And if you’re wondering if quitting porn or NoFap will be worth it, I can only say, oh man, by giving up porn your reward system will become healthy again.

And with a healthy dopamine system everything in life will be much more interesting again.

Remember that child-like excitement you used to have?

Well, that is what many who overcome an addiction start experiencing again.

Small, day to day activities become more enjoyable again...

All those small day to day activities will bring you much more joy, and not only that, dopamine is actually even more about motivation than pleasure, so the increase in motivation and drive you’ll get after quitting porn is absolutely amazing.

So, if you’re feeling really down right now and you are wondering where to find the strength to keep going with this NoFap journey...

...I would like to end by saying....

It’s not about finding the strength to move on. It’s about moving on when you don’t have the strength. 

Think about those words for a while.

If you can learn how to do that, and this is true within any area of your life, by the way, not just NoFap, but if you can learn how to do that oh man you’ll become almost invisible. 

And oh hey guys, do you feel like you are already doing almost everything right, yet you still keep relapsing. Well if so, take a look at this blog post / video right here >> I can't stop relapsing to porn,  as over there I talk about something that could be the reason behind that.

Something that surprisingly few people actually think about. Just watch it right now and you’ll see what I mean.

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