Dopamine Pathways in The Brain And Pornography (Plus Other Bad Stuff)

dopamine dopamine healthy habits

Wondering  about dopamine pathways in the brain and how Pornography affects them.

And what other things are bad for your dopamine system?

Well, in this video we are going to talk about 4 things that will tank your dopamine levels... a rock.

Check it out...

 What Things Are Bad For My Dopamine System? 

Today we are going to take a look at 4 things that are bad for your dopamine system, so if you’re someone who is interested in having healthy dopamine levels, stay with me to the end.

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

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#1 supplementing with melatonin

Yes, this is quite surprising, but it’s true. 

If you're having a bit of trouble sleeping and you’re regularly using melatonin, which by the way is an over the counter product in most countries around the world, you should know that melatonin can actually reduce your dopamine production.

Now, sporadic use here and there is probably nothing to worry about, but I would definitely stay away from regular long term use as there are some good evidence showing how 

And speaking of night time...

#2 Viewing bright lights between 10PM and 4AM

Yes, this is another surprising one.

If you expose yourself to bright lights of any wavelength during these hours, your dopamine production may suffer for several days after.

Now, going to the bathroom and turning on the light in the middle of the night is not going to be a problem since that’s just a matter of one or two minutes, but let’s say you lie in bed and watch a 45 minute series on your tablet, well that’s not good.

In general you should just try to do your best with dimming the lights between those hours.

Now, if your one of those people who have a bit of anxiety during the day and you have problems with sleep, then listen up here, instead of using melatonin I personally use an over the counter product called Provanax from time to time.  

It’s very effective for anxiety and it works much better for sleep than melatonin so I’d just thought I’d make you aware of that.

If interested you can find a link under the video where you can learn more about that.

#3 consuming too much porn

Ok, so now some of you may say, "But hey, those nasty websites are actually spiking your dopamine, not lowering them."

And yes, you’re correct, but here’s the thing...

They significantly increase your dopamine while you're doing your thing, but after you’re done there’s a crash below your baseline, depending a bit on how long and how intense your session was.

And not only that, you regularly keep crashing your dopamine like that, you actually run the risk of disrupting your whole dopamine system, driving your whole baseline lower, permanently.

Well, permanently, at least until you reduce or stop your use.

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A quick rant here, it actually bothers me when you use google and look for things like how to increase your dopamine levels and then there’s always going to be a few blogs with one advice being, "Watch porn because that spikes your dopamine."

Well, now you know how stupid that advice is.

That's like me wanting to buy a car, but my salary is so low so I go to google and ask: how to earn more money get the advice go to your bank and get a loan.

Well, yeah, then I’ll instantly get some money, sure, but it isn’t my money, I will have to pay it back, with interest as well, putting me even further down my money baseline level. 

#4 Is disappointment...

Did you know that whenever you do or get something that doesn't meet your expectations, your dopamine levels drop?

Yes, Now, this is good to know if you're trying to quit a bad habit, such as eating junk food, drinking alcohol or quitting adult sites, because when your dopamine levels drop down like this, your brain is instantly going to try to find something to drive it back up again.

And so, if you're addicted to porn then obviously your brain is going to try to make you go for a juicy session right then and there. 

So, make sure to take this into account so that you can take precautions whenever you know you might get into a tricky situation.

And oh hey guys, if you're interested in an easy way to increase both your testosterone levels and dopamine levels at the same time, then take a look at this video right here=> AlphaViril Review, as over there I talk about something that will help you with exactly that.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, thanks for watching.

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