NoFap - Feeling Stuck in Life When Trying To Quit Porn (Do This)

general self-improvement nofap pmo addiction

 Are you feeling stuck on your NoFap joureny?

Or are you feeling stuck when it comes to quitting porn? Or...are you just feeling stuck in life in general?

Well, if so, know that this post will help you. Because I am going to talk about how to get unstuck and start dominating in life...

In one year, or less!

Let's start...

NoFap - Feeling Stuck in Life When Trying To Quit Porn 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Do you feel stuck in life? 

Well a lot of people do, and the problem with today’s world is that there is so much self help information out there so when you finally try to do something about your situation you just end up getting completely overwhelmed.

This is why I decided to make a no BS version on how to get unstuck in life. A blueprint with just the bare necessities that if you just take these steps, you will see a vast improvement in your life. 

A bare necessities blueprint on how to get unstuck on your NoFap road...

So, if you feel stuck, make sure to bookmark this video, add it to a playlist, watch it several times a week and make sure to stay with me to the end here because this video will give you both hope and helpful information.

And by the way, the steps I’m about to share are not in order of importance, you can work on them all at once, in fact, you should work on them all at once.

Look at them as a complete package of skills that you constantly keep working on.

#1 Reduce your need for instant gratification

Are you drinking too much, are you addicted to adult sites, do you spend most of your days playing video games?

Well, if so, you know what to do. Now, I’m not saying you can never play video games and have a good life, because you most certainly can, but if you’re honest with yourself here, you know if you have crossed the line on where the amount becomes unhealthy for you.

If you’re feeling stuck in life then take this seriously now, I know I said that the steps are not in order of importance, but if they were, this one would be at the very top of the list.

#2 Work on your mindset

Now I’m going to put 3 subcategories under this one…

A) Realize that no one is coming.

That’s right, you have to start taking ownership of your life and realize that no one is coming to your rescue.

I know it’s harsh, but no matter if you’re in an unfair situation or if you've been dealt a poor hand in some or several ways it still doesn’t change the fact that you are the only one who is responsible for making it better.

I’m not saying it’s not unfair. Of course it’s unfair, and you probably have many reasons for being bitter and feeling sorry for yourself.

But you have to realize that that does not help!

B) Work on your courage…

That’s right.

A lot of people ask me, how can I become more confident so that I can do “x”?

Fuck that mindset guys, you don’t need confidence.

You need courage!

With courage you can get started even without having confidence.

And then here’s the paradox; after you have started, then confidence sometimes also follows as a result.

And if it does, enjoy it, you’ve earned it. 

C) Work on your discipline

Again, a lot of people ask me, how can I become more motivated.

And here too I go, "That’s a bad goal to have!"

You don’t need motivation, you need discipline.

If you have courage and discipline, then confidence and motivation will follow later on.

That’s right, oftentimes motivation comes after you have started doing something. Just like confidence, and if it does, again, be sure to enjoy it, but know that you do not need it.

You start with discipline!

Ok, now, realize that these: A, B, and C here are skills that you develop.

Most likely you won’t be able to just snap your fingers, although it can happen, and from that day on everything has clicked.

No, it will most likely take some time and effort, that’s why I said, work on your mindset.

# 3 Start doing some for of physical exercise TODAY

I do not care where you’re at in life, but this one is a must. Especially if you feel stuck in life. 

There is not one single thing that has more science backed evidence behind it, that you can do to help you get out of a rut more than physical exercise.

And not only to help you get out get unstuck, but also help you further propel you forward towards success. 

It's a keystone habit...(and those are golden tools)

Physical exercise is what we call a keystone habit.

Meaning, that it is one of those habits that more often than not, lead to other good habits in life. And after having done if for a few months or so, before you know it, you suddenly find that your life is looking a whole lot better in several areas.

Yes, it’s a keystone habit, just like NoFap can be.

#4 Get good at something

Commit to yourself to keep working on something.

Pick something that you’re interested in and keep learning more in that area.

And so now you say, "But that’s the problem. Life sucks! I’m stuck!  And I’m not interested in anything!".

Well, it doesn’t matter, then pick something that you hate the least and start improving on it. 

Did you know that if you just read a little about one specific subject for one single year, you would know more about that subject than 99,9% of people out there. 

In fact, Brian Tracy said...

**See video for quote**

Now, I’m not just talking about reading here, I said, get good at something.

That might also mean practicing it, watching YouTube videos about it, perhaps joining a club and so on. 

Just decide on something, and commit to yourself to become a learning machine in whatever you decide. 

#5 Learn to express yourself...


 Keep working on becoming better at expressing yourself both in your day to day life, when you’re talking to others, and with writing as well.

Watch YouTube videos about it, journal and practice your writing skills, maybe start a blog or a YouTube channel. 

Listen, if you do the 4 steps I shared so far, and if you on top of that learn how to express your opinion and your concern in an effective manner. Then there’s literally no limit to how far you can get. 

Combine #5 with step #4 and you'll start dominating...

By learning to express yourself, and being able to back it up with, step number #4 and the previous steps, you’ll become absolutely deadly. 

It will help you with leveling up in job, getting a girlfriend, starting a business, influencing people etc. 

You could get a job and quickly,  start leveling up in it, by being able to give ideas and express yourself.

Or you could start your own business or become an influencer or whatever, the sky’s the limit here. 

Now, of course there is so much more we could be talking about, but since I Wanted to give you a no BS, bare necessities video without complicating things this is it for now. 

So, again, add this video to a playlist and come back to it a couple of times every week to refresh your memory and oh hey guys, comment in the comment section on YouTube  if you are feeling stuck with NoFap right now (or stuck in life in general).

And then also comment what step from this video are you going to start working hardest on right now? 

And one more thing, if you want to give up porn, but you’re struggling a bit with that, then make sure to get my free 90 day reboot guide by using the link under this video.

It’s currently 100% free but I do not know how long I will be giving it away for free so if you haven’t already, make sure to download it right now right below....

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...



Life ...

In ...

Order ...








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