Is Giving Up Porn Really Going To Be Worth it? (I Feel Like Giving Up)

pmo addiction quitting porn

Are you wondering if giving up porn is really worth it?

I mean, since it is such a struggle and all, will all the effort even pay off?

Well, if you're about to give up, then you need to watch today's video.

Let's get going...

Is Giving Up Porn Really Going To Be Worth it?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

So, you're trying to quit porn, but you're having a bit of a rough time right now, relapsing a bit more often than you would like, right?

Well, if so, make sure to watch this video to the end because I think what I'm about to share is important.

You know how guys interpret NoFap differently; some are focusing more on retaining their seed, while others focus more on overcoming a problematic porn habit and rebooting their brain.

Now, here's the deal...

Progress not perfection...

If you feel down right now and you feel like you're not getting anywhere, remember those three important words I have shared with you before.


Well, then I need to remind you. Here they are: progress not perfection.

You have to be able to zoom out and look at the big picture.

Look, this is today, right here where you are standing. Well, what you could do is ask Google what date it was 100 days ago. And then what you do is count the number of relapses you had during those days, assuming you have written it down somewhere, of course.

If you're about to give up on quitting porn you have to look at the big picture...

Okay, so let's say you had 29 relapses in 100 days.

Well, this would mean that you have been clean 71% of those days. In other words, you have a 71% success rate, and your job now is to try to increase that number.

Now, I like this because now you are actually looking at the big picture.

Here's what's so cool...

No matter on what level you are, even if you suck at rebooting -according to your own judgment here, not mine- but no matter where you are, you can always improve your success rate percentage.

And a bit more here on feeling bad after those relapses, I want you to understand something here...

I personally had to overcome a porn addiction...

I myself come from a background of being addicted to porn. So this is why I so often make videos where I'm talking about the importance of getting rid of those nasty porn binges.

When it comes to NoFap, that's where at least 95% of the benefits lie. Because by frequently fapping to today's super-stimulating porn, you are at risk of desensitizing your reward system in your brain.

Now, I'm not here to tell you how to live. In fact, if you choose to watch porn, then go right ahead. Actually, I think many of my friends still watch porn, and I'm not judging them.

However, as a former porn addict myself, I feel the need to let you know that having a desensitized reward system makes life much less interesting.

So why is this?

Having a desensitized reward system makes life much less interesting...

Well, it's called desensitization for a reason. It means a numb pleasure response.

And if the pleasure response in your brain is numb, it also means that you get less enjoyment out of day-to-day activities.

Everything in life will be less pleasurable because you are no longer sensitive to dopamine.

That's right.

Socializing will be more boring, playing games is no longer as fun, and even listening to music feels grey.

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Real life people will seem less interesting as well...

And of course, real-life women seem less interesting because you have been numbing your pleasure response with who knows, maybe 100 videos per session.

Think about that for a while...

That's more hot babes in one single session than your ancestors could see in several lifetimes. So no wonder our reward system can't handle it.

Yeah, so the most important thing is to get rid of those porn binges. And of course, you can do semen retention too if you like to.

But here's my point...

No matter what your goal is with quitting porn and NoFap, don't beat yourself up if you slip...

No matter what goal you have with NoFap, you should not be too hard on yourself if you happen to slip. And this is true for both porn relapse or relapse in regards to just releasing your seed. If that's you goal to keep that in.

But especially the semen retention, if you're just doing that, then oh man, I would say to just treat that as an interesting challenge. A fun game that can bring you a bit more energy if you play it correctly.

And don't freak out if you, for some reason, happen to release. That's just a normal bodily function.

Getting rid of the porn is more important than semen retention...

What I'm trying to say here is that getting rid of porn is more important.

But even here, even if you have a nasty porn relapse, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. Instead, adapt an understanding mindset and try to figure out what you could have done differently.

And then you take it as a learning experience as you trudge forward on your journey.

Now, yes, you do need to have strict rules if you want to quit porn. But that's not the same as to say that you have to beat yourself up if you happen to relapse.

Strict rules does not have to mean that you're being too hard on yourself...

Be kind to yourself. Keep in mind that we are talking about real addiction-related brain changes here and that getting the hang of this is something that takes time and patience. So do not beat yourself up after a relapse.

Be kind to yourself.

And if you're wondering if giving up porn is really going to be worth it, I can only say, oh man, by giving up porn, your reward system will become healthy again.

And with a healthy dopamine system, everything in life will be much more interesting again.

Quitting porn will be worth it because by doing so normal day-to-day activities will give you more pleasure again...

Remember that child-like excitement you used to have?

Well, that is what so many guys who overcome their porn addiction report that they start experiencing again.

All those small day-to-day activities will bring you much, much more joy again. And not only that, the neurotransmitter dopamine is even more about motivation and drive than pleasure.

So, the increase in energy and motivation to work on your goals you'll get after quitting porn is nothing short of amazing.

So giving porn porn is definitely going to be worth it.

I'm telling you, guys, it really is.

So, if you feel like giving up right now, and you're wondering where to find the strength to keep going with this whole NoFap thing, remember these words...

It's not about finding the strength to move on, it's about moving on when you don't have strength. If you can learn how to do that, you will become almost invincible.

And that's true in any area of your life, not just with NoFap and quitting porn.

If you need help with this, I recommend you check out "Dopamine Discipline," an online course for people who want to stop using adult sites.

You can read full reviews of that course in any of the following articles here...


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