Porn addiction Reboot - Slip or Relapse (Handle it The Correct Way)

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A slip is not that bad when you're rebooting. 

It is what happens after the slip that dictates your future success. 

Let's take a close look what I mean by that...

Porn addiction Reboot - Slip or Relapse

We often get the impression that the most successful people never slip with heir habits, do stupid things, or have a bad day.

But this is wrong.

High achievers do, in fact, slip as well, but the difference is that they reclaim their habits faster than the average people do. I mean that they get back on track faster, and they do not allow a slip to spiral out of control.

It's almost never your first porn relapse slip that breaks you...

Think about this, it's almost never your first slip that breaks you, it's the spiraled repeated mistakes that follow that mess you up.

It is if you let slipping become a habit in and of itself.

Now, I hope you get that because that's what's really putting you back or making you stay stuck in life, and I think most of you recognize yourself in what I just said, especially if you are trying to quit using porn.

And this is true with everything in life.

It's true with everything in life...

Successful people do slip with their habits, but they then recognize that they've been putting so much work and effort into their journey that letting themselves go after that initial slip would actually be insanity. 

So, if you missed a workout, or if you're on a diet and you ate like a pig on Friday, or if you messed up a presentation, if you get right back on track, then your progress is generally maintained.

But if you ate like a pig on Friday and you then allow that day to become junk food the following three days, three weeks, or three months, well then you're done.

Never miss twice...

I like the way James Clear puts it, he says, 'Everyone slips, but a good rule to have is to never miss twice.'

Habit number two: the people who do best in life have figured out that it's not about what they get, it's about who they become. 

It's not about what you get - It's about who you become...

For example, a few days ago, I went back to the quitting porn forum where I had an online journal back when I started that rebooting 10 years ago, and I looked up some of my old journal buddies over there.

And one of them was stuck in that exact same negative mindset I remember him having, constantly complaining about everything.

For example, how his social anxiety has not improved even though he has not had a relapse for maybe two, three years now. 

And he further said that if he only had known this from the start, he wouldn't even have bothered trying to quit since he saw no improvements.

And one sentence I read there stuck out to me, he said, 'What's the use of fighting if we can never win?'

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Blinded by success..

Now, the thing is, I have been gone from that forum for many years, so when I went back in, I could see with fresh eyes how much progress he had actually made.

You see, when he started, he was in such bad shape that he literally had a hard time leaving his house just to go for a two-minute walk, that kind of social anxiety.

And today, he has a high-paying job as a programmer at Google, and he has a girlfriend. Yeah, so he's blinded by negativity.

But it's actually not about winning...

But my point here is that these words are the problem,  'What's the use of fighting if we can never win?

And so now some of you say, 'Why is that, then? They seem logical to me.'

Well, it's because it's not about what you get or whether you "win."


Guys, listen to this now, because here comes the secret from a middle-aged man...

The real value lies in you being a warrior and putting in a good fight.


Because that's your identity. It's a way of life. 

That's just who you are.

 And here comes the real mind-blowing part... 

The irony is that once you learn how to find glory in having that identity, then you'll actually start winning more in life as well.

Act out your desired identity every good damn day...

This is what the most successful people on the planet have all figured out. It's about visualizing who you want to be and then acting out that identity every goddamn day. 

Because you find pride in that, that's where you'll find your joy, pride, and self-esteem.

And as if that wasn't enough, that's when the results actually start coming faster and more frequently as well, then if you only were to focus on how you're quote-unquote not winning. 

Thanks for reading!

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