Is Edging A Relapse During NoFap / PMO Reboot? (You Need To Know This)

nofap relapse porn relapse quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

NoFap edging.

Is it a relapse or is edging a good or a bad idea when doing pmo reboot?

Well, by definition, a relapse is when you break a rule you have set for yourself and you fall back into your former self, and as I always told you guys, you are the one who should make rules for your life. 

But let’s take a closer look at whether I think edging on NoFap is a good idea or not. 

Edging while watching online porn...

Let me start by saying, if you are edging while watching online porn, and you think you are giving yourself some kind of benefits by pulling that off without busting, oh man you are fooling yourself.

First, it is today’s super stimulating adult sites that completely mess up your dopamine system and not busting in and of itself. 

And what’s even worse is, well check this out...

Your dopamine levels are at their highest right on the edge...

As everyone of you know by now, when you do your session with adult sites your dopamine levels shoot up to very high levels, but did you know that they are at their absolute highest point right before you bust?

That’s right, right before you are about to bust.

And by edging, you are 'by definition' keeping yourself at the edge of busting - backing of a bit and going to the edge again. And it is literally those high dopamine levels that rewires your brain to pixels on a screen.

Edging to porn knocks out your dopamine receptors...

Not only that, those high dopamine levels also burns your dopamine receptors. 

So, yeah, if you are edging to adult sites and think you are doing good then, oh man you are fooling yourself.

I often get questions in the comment section, saying something like “I watched adult sites for about 4 hours but I did not relapse, is this ok?” 

And honestly, I have to tell you that I cringe a bit when reading that because in my rebooting world, that is the BIGGEST relapse you can do. 

Edging to internet porn is bad - There's just no way getting around that...

Now, I’m still not saying that you relapsed because, again, your life, your rules, but you should know that you are not doing yourself any favors doing it like that because it’s the complete opposite. 

Ok, so what about edging without adult sites then. Is that also bad?

What about edging without using porn?

Well, it’s nowhere near as bad as edging to porn sites and you do preserve your energy from retaining your seed, however, if you are trying to master your sexuality, then why would you even want to edge like this in the first place?

All it does is leave you frustrated because you want to bust, and so you can’t really let the thought of that go for the rest of the day. 

This is especially true if you are addicted and you try to overcome your addiction.

Then it is exactly those compulsive behaviors we are trying to get rid of. And if you constantly keep edging, then how could you ever truly stop being obsessed?... all you do is keep feeding your compulsive behaviors.

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Edging without porn, if not addicted in any way, is generally not a problem...

If you are just doing NoFap for all the cool benefits and you are not addicted to adult sites - and you have no problems with your sexuality, then edging without adult sites is fine, at least it’s not that bad.

But don’t twist what I’m saying here...

I’m saying that doing it away from adult sites is not that bad, heck even masturbating away from adult sites is not that bad, however...

Who has got the power?

If you really, really want to become the strongest version of yourself, you should not let anything have its power over you.

And if you feel that you have to edge, well then sexuality has got its power over you. 

How about reclaiming that power and starting to level up in life?

Well there’s a cool way forward if you ask me.

Ok, and so, if you wonder what other things you should stay away from during NoFap or a pmo reboot then, take a look at a video / blog post I made a while back - where I share the details about that and I think a few of them might really surprise you.

You can find that video / blog post right here, just click on that and it'll take you there. 

Alright, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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