NoFap - How To Deal With Triggering Images (Solution Here)

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Wondering how to deal with triggering images while on NoFap?

Do you find that triggering pictures often make you relaps on your NoFap journey?

Well, fear not, because this is precisely what we are going to talk about today.

Let's jump in...

NoFap - How To Deal With Triggering Images 

NoFap - How To Deal With Triggering Images (So That You Don’t Relapse)

You know that moment when you’re talking to a friend and he gets a blank stare and it’s like he suddenly just zones out for a moment. 

And then you go, “Hey Johnny, can you hear me?”

And he goes, “Oh I’m sorry, what did you say?”

That happens quite a lot and it has started happening more and more since the invention of smartphones, because now of course, they get stuck with their nose in that device in the middle of you trying to hang out.  

It's like they leave you for a while and go to another place and  it's both annoying and disrespectful.

However, you can actually deliberately use that zoning out thing for another thing when you're by yourself, and not with your friends. 

You can deliberately zone out when faced with a triggering image on NoFap...

Let’s say you’re trying to quit using adult sites and triggering images on different social media platforms often make you relapse back to porn

Well one technique is to be like the annoying friend and actually zone out when you see something triggering.

So let’s say you're scrolling there online and as soon as you see some super hot babe there in the feed you just zone out and look right through it. 

In other words, you don’t let it grab you at all.

And you just keep scrolling.

And when you get that blank stare like Jonny had you too are temporarily leaving for a while and visiting another place.


Don't let the image grab you and just leave...

So where do you leave?

Well I’ll tell you where.

You just look right through the image and you see a vision of your “why” instead. In other words, you don’t even see the girl on the screen, but instead you see a clear vision of your very reason for wanting to do NoFap in the first place.

And then you just scroll on by like nothing happened.

And after that when you’ve moved on  you just smile and think, the hell do you think I am. You can’t get me.

With a laser focus on your “why” nothing can stop you. You just keep zooming in on your why and you don’t let any hurdles grab you and you…just…keep…going. 

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks or less by Downloading my FREE guide below...

You notice the image without letting it grab you - It's related to meditation...

Another way to visualize this is that it’s kind of like meditation in a way. When you meditate you just notice a thought or a feeling pop up, but you never let it grab you.

Triggering images online has a strong tendency to grab you emotionally, but if you start practicing what I just told you, you can change all that. 

You just get that blank stare in your eyes and all you see is a clear vision of your mission.

Then it doesn’t matter if some shallow, pointless, low value dopamine trap happens to be in between you because you don’t even see it. 

Of course you don’t.


Because you're better than that.

You’re a dopamine focused warrior...

And speaking of dopamine, if you want to take a free dopamine quiz to check if all the low value dopamine you've been exposing yourself to has made your dopamine system under perform, you can do so for free using the link right here.

So take the free dopamine quiz now and I’ll see you in the next video.

By the way, if you like hearing about these kinds of NoFap mindsets, then make sure to also watch the video you can find right here >> Use the right reward to overcome porn addiction << as that one also has a real powerful mindset message.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, keep going and stay strong!

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