How To Stop Relapsing To Porn When Having Urges (Consider This)

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Wondering how to stop relapsing top porn when you're having urges?

Well, let me ask you a question...

Do you have a plan?

And more importantly, are you practicing your plan?

Check this out...

How To Stop Relapsing To Porn When Having Urges

If you have been trying to quit porn for a while now you have probably noticed that during some relapses you just give in right away. Kind of like you have absolutely no control of your own and you just give up.

Well, today we are going to talk about exactly that so sit with me here because this video is going to be a good one.

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

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When you just give in to porn urges...

Ok, so there are several kinds of relapses and today we are going to look more at the ones where you do not necessarily feel a lot of urges, but you just feel kind of empty and gray and then suddenly you just seemingly give up right away.

These kind relapses are so nasty because, well, they make you feel like you are your own worst enemy.

The first thing I would like you to do is to come up with a name for that state. It could be whatever, and I'm going to just call it  "the sucky void" in this video.

The sucky void....

So, what do you do when you face that sucky void?

How do you deal with it?

Well, what you need to understand here is that no matter what kind of relapse we are talking about, if you think you can just deal with it or figure something out in the heat of the moment, you are sorely mistaken.

You see, if you have an addiction then your prefrontal cortex is not functioning that well. Now, your PFC is the part of the brain that is responsible for self control and when you are about to relapse your PFC actually almost shuts off completely.

You can't just come up with a plan in the heat of the moment...

And then, since you are so used to going into the left relapse road here whenever you feel urges or whenever you feel uncomfortable and want to escape, well then without your PFC in gear you'll just automatically end up taking the left road here. 

So, what you need to be doing here is to come up with a plan in advance on what to do when the sucky void hits and not only that, but then also start rehearsing for it.

Kind of like a fire drill. 

Come up with a plan and then practice it...

Ok, so let's say you come up with a plan that the next time you feel that sucky void, you are going to turn off your phone and your computer and go for a 30 minute walk.

Alright, that's great, now you have a plan, but in order to combat the left road here that is so deeply ingrained, you need to start putting in reps on the right road here. 

And you can do this even when you're not feeling the sucky void.

Practice it even when not having urges...

Let's say you're sitting there at your computer, well then you literally pretend that it's happening and you go, "ahaa, there's that sucky void again" time to execute my plan immediately.

And you literally shut down your computer and you go for a walk, even though you didn't have any real urges. 

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You're crating a new 'anti-relapse' path in your brain...

Now, I realize this may sound a bit stupid, but it is NOT, because every time you practice like that, you are literally tramping down this anti relapse pathway to the right here. 

Just think about it, then when that sucky void happens for real, you have now already taken the right path quite a few times, and this makes it so much easier to find it in the heat of the moment.

Whereas if you don't plan and rehearse in advance, when the time comes you'll always end up to the left here.

This planning and rehearsing in advance is way more powerful than you think so really give it a try.

If you need help, here's some seriously powerful stuff

And if you're really sick and tired of relapsing and you feel that you definitely want some help now, then do check out the Dopamine Discipline course I've been mentioning from time to time.

It is the best online course for quitting porn you can find out there and the core strength of that program is actually that they find the very source of your sucky void, urges and the reason for why you relapse in the first place. 

And then they help you remove that source by replacing it with other healthy alternatives. This is just one reason for why the course is so effective because, well, with less urges and no more sucky void, then it's obviously FINALLY going to be pretty easy to quit. And not just for a month or two, but to actually leave it behind for good.

You can read full reviews of that course in any of the following articles here...

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, thanks for reading this article, How to stop relapsing to porn when having urges.

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