A Golden Tip How To Stop Watching Porn At Night (Try it Out)

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Wondering how to stop watching porn at night?

Or how to stop watching porn at any time of the day, really?

Well, if so, you gotta check today's blog post out.

Let's start...

How to stop watching porn at night...

Scandinavian Bob here with some more NoFap tips for you.

As you guys know I have for a long time now recommended that you have a NoFap journal.

Or call it what you want, but...

Journaling in general is such an amazing tool to help you progress in whatever you do in life.

Journaling is so very helpful when you want to stop watching porn

Now, first I’d like to tell you that, in whatever way you choose to journal, be it  on your computer or in a notebook, that’s great.

Give yourself a path on the back because the key thing is that you actually do it.

However, those of you who have read my blog or who have had a coaching session with me have heard me say that I do recommend using a real physical  pen and paper.

Using a real pen and paper over digital form...

And I have told you that, I don’t really know what it is, it’s just my intuition, but to me it seems like the hand brain connection becomes stronger that way - and that will actually help reinforce what you are writing.

Well, then last week I happened to stumble on a real study made on Japanese university students, showing exactly this.

The hand brain connection...

Writing things down on a paper affects your brain differently and helps imprint it in the brain. 

And this was a serious study using an MRI scanner which measures blood flow around the brain. 

The students who used pen and paper had more brain activity in areas associated with language, imaginary visualization, and in the hippocampus — an area known to be important for memory and navigation.

Researchers said that by using paper, richer details could be recalled and navigated in the mind’s eye.

Well, now, that’s pretty cool and it also helps confirm my intuition.

Digital journaling is still better than not journaling at all...

Now, if you do not want to use a real pen and notebook, and you like your digital journal then by all means continue with that. It is certainly much better than not journaling at all, and for those of you who are not and journaling yet, it’s about time you started.

And so now some of you say, "I don’t like journaling, I don’t even know what to write."

Who cares if you like it?

Look at it like a tool that will help you get to where you want. Just like high rep squats will help you get muscular legs...and few people like doing those, myself included. 

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Writing if like thinking on paper - in an organized way...

And as far as what to write, you should know that even if you just write anything it will be helpful, because it is like thinking on paper. It helps with organizing your thoughts. 

Now, sure, there are hundreds of ways you can use your journal in a more organized way to get even more out of it, and here are just a few examples.

This is something I personally do every evening. I write down 

Tomorrow's activities...

And under that I obviously write down what I want to get done the following day. Something that at the end of the day has brought me just a little bit closer to my bigger goals in life. 

Now you can’t make it too hard because then you just make it too intimidating, and so you just go play video games and watch adult sites instead :) It’s better that you approach it kind of like a negotiation with yourself.

Negative, You know, if I do this and this and this, then I get to have a beer and play my favorite game for 50 minutes, or whatever. 

Reward, But then under the activities I also write down possible hurdles. 

Possible hurdles, And under that subheading I list what obstacles I could potentially run into when executing those tasks AND now only that, I also write down what I can do to get around those hurdles if they crop up.

For example, I could run into the hurdle of total lack of motivation when I’m about to train my bench press and I get performance anxiety because I’m afraid that my results will be worse than last week. 

Solution, I then need to remind myself that I’m not training to get a new record every week because that’s impossible. No one can do that.

I’m doing it to be strong and healthy and, even if my training sessions were to suck, it’s still 500x better than to skip it altogether. And I shall then remind myself of that disappointment in myself and the complete lack of satisfaction I get when sitting down on my sofa at the end of the day if I skipped my gym training and I let myself down.

Versus how good I feel when I get to sit down having completed my training.

Activating your brains GPS system...

Now, this was just a short example.

I use many other tools in my journal as well, but the key thing is that when you think on paper,it is like you are activating a GPS system in your brain that will help you keep on track.

Using journaling to help you stop watching porn at night...

You could also start every day by writing down why NoFap is important to you and why relapsing would be a really really bad idea.

Yes, something as small as that would actually help you keep on track.

And to make it even more effective you could also tie it to your identity and write down what kind of person you want to be in life.

Tie it to your identity...

Do you want to be that kind of person who is wasting all his life force into a paper tissue in front of the laptop, and a person who always breaks his own promises and who can’t even keep his own words? 

Or do you want to be a grounded, secure man who does what he sets out to do? Who can trust himself and who is proud of himself?

That would make it even stronger because your identity is the core driver of your actions.

Remember, as I said so many times before, the strongest force in human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves. 

And don’t you think that if you were to start every day by writing things like that down in a notebook, it would drastically propel you forward in life?

Well, I’ll tell you one thing; I personally journal both in the morning and before I go to bed and it has been one of the absolute best tools I have implemented in my life.

Alright, I hope you found it informative and speaking informative and speaking of helpful stuff, take a look at this video right here >> Porn addiction and Richard Solomon's opponent process and you will discover a graph that once I understood actually changed my life completely. Oh, man, that idea right there.it could give you a real big “aha moment”.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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