How To Overcome Porn Addiction When Having No Discipline?

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Are you trying to overcome your porn addiction?

But you have little to no discipline?

And now you're searching the web for things like "How to overcome porn addiction when having no discipline?"

Well, if so, you need to consume today's content because you might discover something important here...

How To Overcome Porn Addiction When Having No Discipline

I recently saw a comment under one of my videos where a guy said that this journey never gets easier and that urges will always be there.

Well, yes, that's partly true, but here's the thing. We have addiction urges to the left, right here, *see video* and then we have our natural biological sex drive giving us urges to the right here *see video*.

Now, the addiction urges happen when your brain is screaming for its dopamine fix, and these urges can be very powerful during the first 20 to 40 days.

The porn urges will become weaker...

But the good news here is that these urges actually do become weaker, and in the end, they almost go away completely.

As far as the biological urges go, yes, these will always be there. These are normal, and they won't go away. And that's great because these are actually what we can use as fuel to give us more energy and drive.

The addiction urges are more difficult to master than your biological urges...

Now, the addiction urges are way more difficult to master because addictions weaken your prefrontal cortex (PFC).

And the nasty thing about this is that right in the moment of seeing a trigger, you actually get less blood flow to the part of your brain that is responsible for self-control, and thus staying strong becomes more difficult.

Yeah, that's one nasty thing about addictions.

Porn can hijack your sexuality...

In addition to this, porn addiction also hijacks your sexuality, which, by the way, is the reason behind porn-induced ED.

Well, this means that in the beginning of your journey, the circle to the right here is actually operating within the left circle here. Since the addiction has hijacked your sexuality, that becomes one of the mechanisms which obviously makes the left circle even stronger.

However, the good news is that the longer and more you reboot, the more you separate these two, and the less power the addiction circle will have over you as it keeps getting smaller and smaller.

Then, of course, the natural urges here to the right *see video* will always stay about the same size going forward if you're a healthy man with libido, of course.

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See if you can detach yourself from your porn addiction cravings...

Now, one trick for dealing with these kinds of urges here is to try to detach yourself from them, meaning to allow yourself to feel them without resisting them and without letting them grab you.

I know this sounds kind of hard to grasp, but just imagine a waterfall...

Your urges are the water.

Well, instead of being in the water, you step out of it, behind the waterfall, and just observe it.

Now, I'm going to talk more about this concept in future videos, so consider subscribing for that. But in the meantime, just try it. You might just get a really big "aha" moment there.

And as far as the addiction cycle goes, until you get so far that it starts to shrink, you absolutely need to practice in advance for what to do when those addiction urges start messing with you. These three words are the key here.

And this is where my four-step porn-crushing system really shines because that system is structured in a way that it gives you opportunities to do what I call fire drills.

In other words, we come up with a plan and then rehearse in advance, and then also keep doing those fire drills for a couple of weeks until the brain has new anti-relapse software that automatically starts running instead of the old relapsing software that you currently have.

So, if this is something that sounds interesting to you, I share my four-step porn-crushing system during my one-on-one coaching calls, and you can schedule a one-on-one coaching session with me using the link under the video. Anyway, guys remember, if you happen to go through hell right now, just keep going.

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