How To Stop Watching Porn When You Feel Horny (5 Traps To Avoid)

pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post

Wondering how you can stop watching porn when you feel horny?

And instead do something more productive?

Well, it all starts by you learning the 5 traps I'm talking about it today's video.

Let's begin...

How To Stop Watching Porn When You Feel Horny

Scandinavian Bob here, hi! 

Wondering how you can stop watching porn when horny?

Well, if so, you could start by taking a look at five common relapse dangers out there, so that you can figure out clever ways to get around them.

#1 Lack of sleep...

Did you know that you have significantly less willpower and self-control if you're sleep-deprived? 


Well, now you know. And when I'm reading my own rebooting journal, I can clearly see how often I relapsed after having a night or two of almost no sleep. 

Now, I know this one can be a tough one to navigate as insomnia is often a part of rebooting, but you still need to be aware of it so you can take precautions. 

One example could be, for example, limiting your internet use those days when you are running low on sleep.

Now, after a night of insomnia, we often times still do pretty well during the first half of the day, but towards the end, the lack of sleep usually catches up with us. So, it's good to be prepared for that so you can think ahead and perhaps shut down your phone and internet connection during that evening.

#2 Alcohol...

Yes, indeed, I have lost count of how many times I've seen people relapse because of alcohol, and yes, it happened several times to me as well back when I was rebooting.

We all know that alcohol lowers our inhibition and self-control, but did you know that even if you take precautions to avoid relapsing during the day you're drinking, perhaps you lock yourself out from the internet by using some kind of blocker, but you still have an increased risk of relapsing the following one to three days?

You see, your dopamine levels will be lower for a day or two after drinking, and your brain is then going to start to look for some kind of shortcut to spike it again, and what could be easier for it then than to fire up a good old porn site? 

Not only that, but your sleep quality is absolutely horrible during the night you have been drinking, and I just told you how important sleep is for self-control. And as if this wasn't enough, drinking also weakens your prefrontal cortex a bit, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for self-control.

Now, I'm not saying it's impossible to reboot while having a few drinks here and there, but at least you need to be aware of the increased risk if you choose to do so.

#3 Excess sugar intake...

Now, this one is different for everyone, but I have to tell you, I can't even count how many times I relapsed if I went crazy sometimes and had two donuts or something similar during my coffee breaks. 

And indeed, I see this with a lot of my coaching clients as well. You see, that massive load of sugar spikes both your dopamine and your blood sugar pretty high, but the problem is the crash that follows a couple of hours afterwards. 

They both rebound to below your baseline levels, and again, just like with the alcohol, your brain is going to try to find some quick way to raise your dopamine again.

Don't wake the sleeping dopamine bear...

I call this phenomenon "waking the sleeping dopamine bear." 

See, oftentimes we wake the sleeping dopamine bear by engaging in some low-value dopamine activities, and then the bear is going to start to look around for more dopamine after that.

And the dopamine bear can be particularly hard to control when it comes to sugar because during a blood sugar crash, we already have lower self-control. 

That's just the nature of low blood sugar.

So, a tip here could be if you notice that you have woken your dopamine bear by engaging in some instant gratification activities, then go do some physical exercise after that to raise your dopamine levels a bit.

Yeah, give it some more high-quality dopamine so that the bear calms down again.

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#4 Social media...

Yes, so many guys end up relapsing because of aimless browsing on social media, and I was no exception to this. Oh man, social media is full of visual triggers, and you don't have to spend a lot of time there before you see some super hot babe showing off her, well, let's just call it female attributes.

Man, you can even run into very explicit, almost hardcore porn gifs on there. And if you're tired after your work day, your willpower is already going to be on the lower side. Yes, so do be careful with social media, at least in the beginning of your reboot.

Why not do like I did and set some rules for yourself here? For example, no social media for the last three hours before going to bed or something similar.

#5 Stress... 

Stress is perhaps the biggest emotional trigger there is. So much so that I have even heard some addiction experts say, "stress plus dopamine equals addiction."

Wow, some pretty big words there!  But oh yes, I personally lost count of how many times I relapsed because of this back when I was rebooting. 

I will make a separate video where I talk more about how to cope with stress during rebooting, so consider subscribing for that.

But in the meantime, be mindful of it and take precautions on those days you know you have something stressful coming up.

Now, if you're really struggling with relapses, then please take a moment to listen to this. If you need help with this, I recommend you check out "Dopamine Discipline," an online course for people who want to stop using adult sites.

You can read full reviews of the Dopamine Discipline course in any of the following articles here...

 Thanks for reading the article, How to not watch porn when feeling horny.

-Scandinavian Bob-

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