Reprogram Your Mind To Stop Watching Dirty Videos Forever

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the article...

Wondering how you can stop watching dirty videos forever?

Well, you have to reprogram you mind, my friend. 

Let's talk about it...

Reprogram Your Mind To Stop Watching Dirty Videos Forever

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Have you ever heard the saying, you are your habit?

Well, let me tell you, when I was younger of course I too, like so many others, heard that according to research, your conscious mind makes up less than 10 percent of your total brain function.

And that your subconscious mind represents around 90 percent.

This would mean that you mostly run on programs, on habits that you have created for yourself.

And as a younger man I thought, "Yeah yeah, maybe so, but I don’t know man"

It all sounds so strange.

You run on programs...

I’d like to think that my conscious mind has a way bigger role than that. 

Oh the arrogance of youth, right there, because I have to tell you...

As a middle aged man now I realized it is so true.

Now, is it exactly 90 / 10? 

I don’t know. Who the heck freakin knows? But the point is we mostly run on programs.

We are our habits...

We are our habits and those habits activated by certain cues in our day to day lives. 

I woke up in the morning, and without having to plan or think about it I went and brushed my teeth.

Then when I put my shoes on, I didn’t have to think about how to tie my shoelaces, it was just a program that started running on automatic as soon as I put my shoes on.

Then I went outside and jumped in my car because I had to go to the store.

Well, I didn’t start thinking about how to drive.

Remember how much effort it took the first time when you had to learn how to drive?

Especially if you had a stick shift. You had to focus on the clutch, trying to release it while timing the gas pedal exactly right, all while looking at the other cars, and so on. Now you just get into the car and you don’t even have to think about how to do it, your driving  just runs automatically.

Yes indeed, you become your habits, and this is because habits help save energy for the brain, it frees up brain power for other things. 

You have to be very careful what you program into your mind...

But listen very carefully now because here’s the thing…

Since those habits get so deeply ingrained, you have to be very careful what programs you are programming into you.

And not only that, your habits form your identity and then your identity also starts driving your actions. Meaning, if you view yourself as a guy that takes good care of his body, the habit of going to the gym will be so much easier for you.

On the other hand, if you view yourself as a party animal, quitting drinking will be so much harder for you.

This is why I’m going to give you 9 powerful words to live by.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Do not practice what you don’t want to become!

This is why I’m not a fan of skipping my workouts because; let’s say I skip them two days in a row, well that’s not going to do my body any harm, but it is, however, the beginning of forming an identity of that of a lazy person.

You may think this sounds silly, but if I’m really run down one day, I’d much rather go to the gym and do just 3 minutes of exercising than skipping it.

Because by doing so I keep reinforcing my habit of showing up. I’m practicing the art of showing up and thus self control and discipline becomes part of my identity.

And since my identity helps drive my actions, the art of showing up becomes so much easier in the future.

Doing something does not just mean doing it once - it's the beginning of a program...

So, if you are trying to quit watching dirty videos, this is why you have to be careful with fooling yourself by saying, "Ah, what the hell I’ll just watch porn this one time."

Because listen to this...

What’s so bad about that is NOT  just that one time.

It’s that, by having that mindset you are literally forming a habit of: it’s okay to give in to your temptations whenever you feel like it.

So again, it’s not just that one time.

What you are doing is making it easier for you to relapse again in the future, and making it harder to stay on your path, because remember, you become your habits.

Do not practice what you don’t want to become!

So, the next time you come to that crossroad where you think, "Should I just do it this one time, or should I choose the path of strength?"

You first gotta ask yourself if you’re tired of starting over and then ask yourself exactly where those roads are leading.

And  then you realize that the left one here *see video* is just programming and reinforcing a destructive habit loop of you always starting over again and again and again.

Remember, most of our waking time we are running on programs.

Well, ask yourself, what kind of programs do you want to be operated by? 

You've gottat ask yourself, what programs do I want to be operated by?

And then start making sure to stop programming stupid programs into your brain.

If you need help with this, I recommend you check out Dopamine Discipline, an online course for people who want to stop using adult sites. 

You can read full reviews of that course in any of the following articles here...


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