How To Stop Watching Porn When Coming Home From Work (3 Mistakes)

pmo addiction quitting porn

The webinar I'm talking about in the end of this video can be found right here.

Wondering how to stop watching porn when coming home from work and how to overcome your porn addiction in general?

Well, you can start by checking out these 3 big mistakes, as doing them is almost a guarantee for you staying stuck.

Let's get to it...

How To Stop Watching Porn When Coming Home From Work...

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

If you are trying to overcome your porn addiction there are a few pitfalls you may be falling into.

Let’s jump in and take a look at what they are right away so you can stop doing it.

The first one is not replacing your porn addiction with something and you keep spending the same amount of time in front of your computer or with your smartphone.

Mistake #1: not replacing your porn sessions with something else...

Now, we are all different so I can’t say that this is your biggest mistake, but it certainly is a very big mistake a lot of guys are making when trying to quit.

Listen, you can’t just keep spending all your time on your digital devices if you want to succeed with this and there are many reasons for that.

First reason is because it is obviously in front of your computer that you will run into most of your triggers and then a relapse is just 3 seconds away.

Second:  You should know that your prefrontal cortex is still very weak in the beginning of your reboot. This is the part of your brain that is responsible for self control and you can’t be hanging on your computer every evening when you are tired, irritable and you have low blood sugar levels because your willpower will fail.

Third, the reason to get away from your computer is because you need to fill the void with something. 

Listen, when guys give up porn it is like it leaves a big hole in their life and let’s face it, for many guys porn has been there to use for a number of things…

Porn has filled a lot of “functions”...


Think about if, even if not consciously aware of it, the high dopamine spikes porn provides can be used as comforting behavior when feeling lonely.

Escapism - celebration - sexual outlet...

Or as escapism when life is rough...or as a celebration when life is good...or as a sexual outlet when having no partner.

Neurochemical status symbol...

And it could even fool our brain into thinking we have more status than we actually have because, hey, by using porn we suddenly have all kinds of hot babes.

And we all know that through history, high status men have always had an easier time getting all the hot women.

Connection and love...

So, in a sad way porn has also hijacked and filled your status need in an artificial way and what’s even more sad is that your brain also thinks it  fills your need for connection. Even though jacking off to adult sites really is pretty much the most lonely thing you can be doing.

The point is this, for many men porn has artificially filled a lot of functions and if you suddenly rip that away, it will indeed leave a big black hole in your chest.

Fill the void...

And you need to fill that void with something and this should preferably be something that involves real life people.

So, really do your best to come up with new activities to do away from the screen.

Even just taking a daily walk with a friend can do wonders for you.

Mistake #2: not learning from your porn relapses...

Another mistake people make when trying to quit is that they do not learn anything from their relapses.

Most guys count days when doing NoFap. 

You know, they put a big X for every day clean on the calendar and try to build up a good streak, and that’s fine of course...

...but then when they relapse they mark the end of the streak, and they go, "God damn it! Ok, back up on the horse. I’m going to try to break my record, let’s hope I can make it further this time"...

...and so the marking continues.

Well, it’s not the marking that is bad here, but it’s the attitude of “let’s hope I make it further”, because hoping is not enough. 

Hoping is not enough if you want to stop watching porn when coming home from work....

Now, I’m not saying that you should beat yourself up, but what needs to happen after a relapse, is you sitting down and writing down how the relapse happened.

This is absolutely crucial if you want to overcome your addiction. 

Write down what steps led up to the relapse, and what you could have done to prevent it.

This is absolutely crucial in order to avoid making the same mistakes again and again and again…

Then we have the mistake of not taking good care of yourself.

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Mistake #3: not taking good care of yourself...

Some guys try to overcome their addiction to porn, all while continuing to drink a lot of alcohol, smoking cigarettes, eating a lot of junk food, not exercising etc. 

There are many problems with this, but the biggest one I believe is your self image.

Think about it, what kind of a self image you are feeding if you keep doing this?

Well, that’s right, you are feeding a self image of that of a person who does not really take good care of himself.

 And here’s the thing...

The strongest force in human psychology is the need to stay consistent with how we define ourselves.

Yes, your self image is the core driver behind your actions in life.

And let me ask you this, what else would a person who does not really take good care of himself be capable of doing?

Well, he could for example suddenly just chose to relapse to porn, because, hey, it seems to be the case that he’s not really caring that much about what is best for him. 

Now, if you want to stop watching porn after coming home from work, then you have obviously made up your mind that porn is bad for you.

But if you then keep feeding a self image of that of a person who does not take good care of himself then don’t be surprised if you then just choose to relapse from time to time either, because you are just being consistent with your identity. 

I personally had to start taking much better care of myself in every area of my life before I finally was able to overcome my own addiction a few years back.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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