How To Stop Watching Porn When Feeling Sad (3 Resources)

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about further down in the article!

Wondering how you can stop watching porn when feeling sad?

Well, emotional triggers can be tough.

So today I'm going sharing 3 good resources with you that you may perhaps want to take a closer look at. 

Let's do it...

How To Stop Watching Porn When Feeling Sad (3 Resources)

How to stop watching porn?

Alright, guys, it's Scandinavian Bob here. And right now I’m starting a new series where I’m going to present different resources that could be of immense value for you if you are trying to stop watching porn.

So, if you are trying to quit, consider subscribing because I’m going to post a new video in this series about once a month or so.

Obviously I’m going to promote myself from time to time as well, but the point of this series is to also point your attention towards other helpful content out there, besides my own.

Alright so let’s get started…

I think it’s only fair that the first one up is going to be the website

Your Brain On Porn

Created by Gary Wilson in 2010 this is the biggest and one of the absolute best websites on how porn can impact the brain that you can find out there. 

In order to overcome a porn addiction it is so incredibly helpful to educate yourself about what’s going on in the brain when you get addicted to porn and when you try to quit.

You know, during the last few years I have been watching how some seriously smart people have started mentioning porn addiction more and more. And I’m talking about big names like for example Andrew Huberman, a professor of neurobiology and other neuroscientists as well.

The porn addiction subject and the science behind it can be heard more and more out there, which I’m obviously thrilled about.

Gary Wilson was before his time... 

But at the same time, always when I’m hearing things like that I have to smile a bit when I’m thinking that what they are saying now is the exact same thing Gary Wilson started talking about 12 to 13 years ago.

Yes indeed, Gary Wilson was very smart, and he was one of the absolute first people out there who sounded the alarm on how high speed internet porn can affect the brain in a negative way.

On his website your brain on porn you can now find summaries of 57 neurological studies, who all support the porn addiction model.

Yeah, so should you still have the slightest doubt about if porn addiction is a real thing, then, well, there you go.

Now most of you are probably familiar with your brain on porn already. But here’s perhaps something you did not know about the site…

Your brain in the cybersex jungle radio shows...

Are you aware of Gary Wilsons radio shows?


Well if not, you should know they are full of gold.

Up in the right corner of the website your brain on porn, you can find a search box. If you type in “your brain in the cybersex jungle” into that search box you can find 32 different sound clips, all about 24 minutes long, where Gary talks about the science behind porn addiction and what’s happening to the guys out there.

Sometimes he's not entirely sure on exactly what’s going on, for example when he talks about the flaltine, but then he is also honest about that to the listener. 

Now, unfortunately Gary Wilson is no longer with us and these radio shows were recorded several years ago, but I’m telling you guys, these 32 radio shows are full of gold.

I especially like the 10 first ones and I must have listened to them, I don’t know, maybe 20 times by now.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Porn addiction, dopamine and withdrawals...

Gary teaches you about addictions, dopamine, withdrawals and he every now and then he also has guests on for example interviewing guys who have overcome their porn addiction. 

So yeah, your brain in the cybersex jungle is a great resource that I just felt more people needed to be aware of.

Ok, but what if you want someone to help you directly and guide you on your way out of your porn habits?

1 on 1 coaching to help you stop watching porn when you're feeling down...

Well, here you should know that I’m personally offering 1 on 1 coaching where I spend about 90 minutes with you in a coaching call on zoom.

During these 90 minutes I will share a specific 4 step porn crushing system I have created from all my experience, after having been involved in the porn addiction community for 10 years by now. And I will then tailor this 4 step system specifically to you and your circumstances.

You can find a link to my coaching page right here. 

Now, I told you that I’m not only going to promote myself in these videos, so I also want to point your attention towards Noah B.E. Church.

Noah also offers coaching and you can look for him here on YouTube as he too has a lot of helpful content out here. Now  I have not personally participated in his coaching, but I can tell you guys from what I have seen in his videos that he really knows what he’s talking about.

He has also been involved in the community for a long long time, he knows the science behind porn addiction and he has a lot of experience in helping guys quit.

Yeah so, if you’re looking for some help in terms of coaching you should know that I’m not your only option, you can check out Noah Church as well.

Now, there are more coaches out there and I will be talking more about them in a coming video.

Online course for quitting porn when feeling sad...

Now, some of you are perhaps more interested in an online course that you can do at your own pace.If so I just have to mention Dopamine Discipline which is an online course for people who want to stop using adult sites.

You can read full reviews and detailed reviews of that very course in the articles here...

Alright, that'll be it for today.

We will continue to look at other resources shortly when part 2 is coming out, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, remember, as Winston Churchill used to say: "if you’re going through hell keep going."

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