NoFap - When To Reset (When Should You Reset?)

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Have you been doing some things you kind of regret?

And now you're wondering, when should I reset on NoFap?

So, what's the answer to this. When should you reset if your doing a pmo reboot? Or when should you reset on NoFap in general.

Well, let's take a look at today's video about this.

NoFap - When to reset?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

So, I got an email from a guy asking when to reset on NoFap. I’ll cover the email in today’s video.

"Hi Bob, I'm currently on day 20 of NoFap. The first 2 weeks I was very lazy and didn't really exercise and I ate more junk food than usual. After around day 14 I bought a gym card and decided to get things going. However I then got sick instead and couldn't go to the gym. I couldn’t  take cold showers and socialize for 4-5 days until now day 20 when I am not sick anymore."

And he is wondering whether these 20 days still did something good and whether or not he should perhaps reset and end with the sentence: "Because it feels stupid to restart my journey but at the same time I might have wasted meaningful days."

It depends on what you mean by a NoFap reset...

Yes, so here’s the answer for you.

If you by ‘resetting’ mean using porn sites one last time and then start from day one tomorrow then, no, do not reset.

Sure your first couple of weeks were not optimal in terms of upregulating your dopamine system, but they’re still not wasted.

Now, I often get emails that are very similar to this, from guys wondering if they could reset because they had some less than optimal streak. 

And yes, I do understand the guys in some ways because, well, we just like the idea of riding on a perfect streak.

However if you’re thinking like that you are not using clear thinking.

Resetting on NoFap is not going tro change the past...

Listen, let’s say you are on day 11 and you have had 10 days where your rebooting was less than optimal.

Well, those 10 days are already gone and no amount of resetting will ever change those days.

All it would do is add yet another bad day to your history.  

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The counter is there to serve you. That's all it is...

It’s not like a competition where you get disqualified if you do something stupid.

No, the counter is there to serve you. 

It’s not a competition or a game. It's about rebooting your brain, and your brain doesn't care at all about what number you can see on your counter.

Your brain doesn't care about the counter...

It just does its healing at its own pace and for EACH DAY YOU’RE CLEAN it heals a bit more. 

And again, all you accomplish by resetting is robbing your brain of yet one more clean day.

Now, sure you should really do your best to live a healthy lifestyle with physical exercise, and by limiting overconsumption of other supernormal stimuli in order to help upregulate your dopamine receptors. But don’t forget that overcoming a pmo addiction is not just about dopamine receptors. 

It’s also about training your brain to not act out. 

It's about training your brain to not act out...

Every single time you act out you are feeding your addiction. You are making it stronger.

And every single time you notice your urges, but you do not act out, you are strengthening your prefrontal cortex and making your addiction weaker.

Ok, so I hope this made sense to you all, and to really understand how important every single clean day is, then take a look at a video I made a while back called why your NoFap urges are actually good for you.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading!

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